Thursday, May 26, 2016

Saint So and So

God wills for YOU to be a saint. Therefore, that's your goal. You will be a saint someday. What kind of saint will you be? What will your holy card look like? What are you wearing? What are you holding in your hands? What's in the background? What's your title? What are you the patron or patroness of? Tell us!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016

Homeboy Industries

Listen to this TedTalk by Father Greg Boyle. What is his argument? What rhetorical strategies does he use to make his argument. Are those strategies effective? Also, reflect on how this argument, and how the pieces we have read about gender shape the way you think about people who are different than you. Do not limit yourself in talking strictly about gender, but in any way that you are different from others.

List of things we read recently:
Women's Brains
Professions for Women
I Want a Wife
Walk on By
Barbie Doll
Those Winter Days
My Papa's Waltz

Friday, April 22, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis

Reagan's Address after Challenger Tragedy

Read this awesome speech. What rhetorical strategies does Reagan employ to convey his feeling about the tragedy that caught the country so off guard? Complete a rhetorical analysis of the speech.