Thursday, May 26, 2016

Saint So and So

God wills for YOU to be a saint. Therefore, that's your goal. You will be a saint someday. What kind of saint will you be? What will your holy card look like? What are you wearing? What are you holding in your hands? What's in the background? What's your title? What are you the patron or patroness of? Tell us!


  1. Becoming a saint would be such an honor, and it is said that when everyone dies they become a saint, but actually being canonized a saint by the church would be the greatest thing I could accomplish in my life, or after my life. I hope to be the saint that inspires people and makes them take a step back and really get to know their religion. I have recently rediscovered, or actually really discovered my religion and hope to be able to do the same for others. I will offer help to those in need and do my best to guide them in the right directions.
    I would be the patron saint of quite a few things, most prominently it would be discovery. The discovery of religion, knowledge, faith, anything to do with self realization or about finding anything in general. Also, I would be the patron saint of naps and of reading. These two things may seem silly, but anyone who would study my life would see how important both of these two things are. I would say a big portion of life has been taken up by taking naps and by reading books and I would actually like to be remembered by that.
    My holy card would be very simple and would have a prayer on the one side or a message of hope for those looking to me for guidance. The other would have a picture of me, probably a painting or photograph. If it were actually me, I would be wearing sweatpants and really comfortable clothing, but since this is like a formal thing I would most likely be wearing a nice dress. I would be holding a book, and maybe something else, but I'm not sure. The background would probably be a nice nature scene or a library, but I really don't know. Holy cards are made after the person has died so I probably wouldn't have a say in what my holy card is, but as long there is a good message I don't even really care what the card would look like. My title would probably be Saint Rachel of St Mary's, but I don't like the sound of that so hopefully after I'm dead someone would think of something better to call me.

    1. Rachel,
      I loved your blog! The patron saint of reading, naps, and discovery is quite clever! I love the simple prayer card idea as well, the simpler the better most say. Great job!

    2. Discovery is such an interesting concept that is a perfect for you as a saint. I also really liked your blog because it has DME written all over it! I enjoy how you managed to include the importance of naps into your sainthood. Helping other grow closer to God and discover our religion is really what we should all be striving for in our lives. Your holy card sounds perfect, but I'm sure somebody will think of a better name.

  2. Becoming a saint would be truly amazing. What an unbelievable accomplishment and achievement. The faith and actions it takes to get to this level in the church are tiresome and immeasurable, but the title of "Saint" is worth every second of it. Some day, I would like to reach this stage and help others achieve it too.
    I would want to be the kind of Saint that is peaceful and patient. This most definitely leads me to being the patron saint of fishermen. My holy card would really stand out. Take Michelangelo's "David", and imagine a fisherman figure replicating that pose. I will be wearing jean shorts, a fishing vest, and a visor. In the background will be a massive trout. In my left hand would be a fishing rod, and in the right, a tackle box. I would be known as St. Charles of Ridgway, the patron saint of fishermen.

    1. Charlie,
      Being the saint of fishermen is very interesting. I feel like most men who aren't that religious say that they find God out in the woods and in creation, like when they are fishing. Being the saint of fishermen, you could help guide these people more into the faith.

  3. Pope Francis said "To be a saint is not a privilege of a few... all of us in baptism have the inheritance of being able to become saints. Sanctity is a vocation for everyone. The saints are men and women who have joy in their hearts and spread it to others. Never hating, but serving the other, is the greatest need. To pray and to live in joy: this is the way of sanctity." We are all called to be saints, but sainthood is in no way guaranteed. It is up to us to decide how we want to live our lives. So, if I do everything right and follow God's will, then I will become a saint.

    I believe that I would be the Patron Saint of mystery. Our faith and some things about it is a completely mystery. If we only believed things that could be proven or seen, then our faith would be very poor. Don't be like Thomas. People would venerate me when they struggled to believe and needed guidance. I would be knee of the saints that you would not think much about, then you would learn about me and be like wow what a cool Saint. I would also most likely be associated with awkwardness and sarcasm. Maybe some teenagers who are weird and struggling with their faith would chose me as their confirmation Saint. My holy card would have a colorful abstract background, almost like a stain glass window. There would be light shining through the background and surrounding me, to show the light of the trinity. The light would also trample over any darkness. The light would show both mystery and overcoming darkness. If I became. A saint, there's a good chance I became the Pope at some point in my life. So, I'd be wearing some sort of robe or garments. I'd be holding a staff in one hand and reaching out with the other hand, to lead others to Christ. I'd be Saint Pope Justin of mystery and enlightenment.

    1. Justin,
      I love that quote from Pope Francis! Also it is so interesting that you chose mystery. Mystery is a big part of our faith and I feel like it sort of goes hand in hand with what I chose, discovery. I like the description you put into your holy card, as well I didn't really focus as much on that, but I like the meaning behind it. Also, you skipped past the pope part, I feel like that is an important detail.

    2. Justin,
      Your blog is really good! I I enjoy the quote from Pope Francis you put in your blog. I like that if you became a saint, you would appeal to teenagers who need help. There are many saints today that appeal to us as teenagers but we don't really seem to know they all are. The idea of mystery and enlightenment is brilliant. Great blog!

    3. Justin,
      You would make a fantastic Saint. I feel as if many people would pray for your guidance and you would often be a confirmation patron. Many teens find it hard following God and all of his mysterious ways, but you could pick them up and help them on their journey. Your blog was Great.

  4. It would be an amazing experience becoming a saint, and if I were to become one, I would choose to be the patron saint of procrastination. Rather than be the patron saint of something random, I would want to be the patron saint of procrastinators because there are many people who put off work and they could pray to me to help them get through their work in a short time. I would be wearing comfortable clothes because a procrastinator does not need fancy clothes to blow off doing their work. In my hands, I would be holding distractions, like a laptop or tv remote. I would be surrounded by distractions and in the background would be looming due dates. My title could be St. John of Ridgway, but another usable title could be St. John the Procrastinator.

  5. There are many things we want to do and there are many things we consider awesome. Becoming a celebrity, skydiving, and possibly going up into space are many things people want to do. They consider these things awesome as well. One thing that I believe would be spectacular is to become a saint. Being canonized into the Catholic Church would be one of the greatest accomplishments any of us have achieved. If I was canonized as a saint, I would want to be a saint someone look to for guidance and admiration. I would want to be a saint that helps people every second of their lives through the ups and downs. I would want to help people through all problems possible. Not only would I like to help all people out, I would especially like to help dancers. If I became a saint l would want to be the patron saint of dance because it is something I have done my whole life. My goal would be to help dancers go through their ups and downs as well. My holy card would resemble my characteristics as a person. I would be wearing a dance costume on half of my body and on the other half be wearing just a simple, ordinary human being outfit that represents who I am. In the background there would be a stage on one half and yet again on the other half, a simple, ordinary background that any human can relate too. With all this said, it would one of the best things in the world to become a saint and if I did I would like to be known as just, St. Allie the patron saint of guidance, admiration, and dancers.

    1. Allie, this is so perfect for you!!!

    2. Allie,
      This fits you so well. You are always willing to help others with their problems, and I know how much you love dance. It's perfect!

  6. I would be the patron saint of hunters. I would wear camo and be holding a rifle. I would be Saint Douglas of st Marys. My holy card would be what I look like and woods in the background.

    1. You described yourself exactly how I imagined you would if you were a saint. You would make a great saint of hunters!

    2. Maybe you would be the Saint of brief blogs!

  7. We are sent out on this mission in life to become saints. This is what God called us to do. If I were ever to become a saint I would think I would be the patron saint of flowers and life. Throughout my life I felt as if it was always necessary to apperciate the natural beauty and wonders that God gave us. Whenever I get frustrated or feel lost I just look at the sky or just at the blooming trees and come to the realization that I do not need to worry about the little things because of all the good things God gave me. I would hope that my message would get across and inspire people to speak kindly, laugh loudly, and love strongly. I would want to be the type of Saint that would give everything and have nothing. I would want to fully give everything God gave me to people who need it. On my holy card I would want it to be simple. It would most likely have me standing there with a bunch of flowers and the sun shining. I would hopefully be wearing something simply showing that my clothing, look, or personal possessions wouldn't matter to me. Of course these are all things I'm working on and hoping that I can be. I hope one day that I can be recognized as a saint and I pray that I can be all of these things I would want to be. My title would probably be Saint Reilly the patron saint of light and peace.

    1. Reilly,
      This describes you perfectly. You are always so bubbly and cheerful. More people should be more like you! :')

    2. This truly is the perfect fit for you. Your descriptions are so simple, yet there is so much beauty and truth behind it. Being the saint of life and light, maybe you would be the Saint people venerate for the pro life movement. You had such an appropriate holy card and title!

    3. Reilly,
      Like mentioned previously, this is truly the perfect fit for you. We always need to appreciate what God has given us and the creations he has made. I like your title too!

  8. God wants us all to be saints, but in a different way from one another. Being canonized a saint by the church would be a complete life-fulfilling act. I would love to be looked up to by fellow Catholics, and would be my greatest accomplishment. I hope that someday I can live up to these aspirations.
    I would be the patron saint of the hardworking and the focused. My holy card would most likely have lots of bright colors and pictures on it. I would probably be wearing some sort of formal outfit and shoes, mostly because I love to dress up. I would be sitting at a table writing something down, showing my concentration. In the background would just be some quiet room. My title would be St. Kara of St. Marys, or St. Kara the patron saint of hard work. I hope to guide those who are dedicated to an activity in their life, and always strive to achieve their best by putting the work in. I am a strong believer in the phrase "you reap what you sow."

    1. Kara, this fits your personality so well. You are always striving for excellence and show your hard work especially in your sports and academics.

  9. Becoming a saint would be an amazing accomplishment, there would be no greater of a prize then this. I would be the patron saint of talking. I chose this because I talk so much and you need to spread the word of God by mouth to quickly reach and spread the good news. In my Saint card I would be holding a megaphone in my hand so that everyone could hear. I will be wearing hippie clothes to be open to a wide range of people. In the background there will be crowds holding my name on posters. Saint Makenzie of Weedville.

    1. I really like the Saint you decided to become. Spreading the word of God and his good news is what all Catholic's are sent to do once getting confirmed.

    2. I was confused why you at first picked talking, but then I saw why and fell in love with why you did. We are also called to spread the good news and that is exactly what you would be doing.

  10. God wants everyone to be a saint, and has given everyone the same equal chance to become a saint. Being canonized a saint is the highest honor a Catholic can bestow, and should be every Catholic's ultimate mission. I would like to be the patron saint of the "underdog" or the patron saint of David. Throughout my whole life, I've never been the biggest, strongest, or best, but that does not stop me from doing what I enjoy to do. Playing the role of the underdog isn't easy, but it's designed for those who never quit fighting and keep pushing forward. The underdog does not usually come out as the winner, but rather the person who just took everything in and enjoyed the journey. My holy card would be have me standing dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with Wrigley Field in the background. I would be surrounded by all the people and things I enjoyed doing while on earth. I would be Saint Frank the patron saint of the underdog. I would hope to serve as an inspiration for those who aren't the biggest in size, but rather the biggest in heart and determination.

  11. We all know becoming a saint is what God calls us to do, but actually becoming a saint would be the biggest accomplishment. If I was called to be a saint I would be Saint Morgan of St. Marys, Patron Saint of Cancer. Cancer has been a disease that has taken the lives of many of my family members whom I was very close to. Not only that, but I have family members who are survivors of cancer. My mom is also a nurse that gives patients chemotherapy to treat their cancer. My holy card would depict me with what would be my arms over my family members; the survivors, the victims, and the nurse. We would be in a field of flowers because I would want it to be happy and full of no sufferings, and would be wearing a white sundress with a sunflower crown.
