Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Food Marvelous Food!

Cafeteria Woes

Read this article and choose one other on the topic. You will have to search for one. Include the link to the article that you choose, and construct a title and an  introductory paragraph for an essay whose topic is "Food in Schools".  It is purposely broad. Again, a title and introduction only. UNDERLINE THE AWESOME THESIS!


  1. High school lunches have been changed greatly in the last few years on the orders of the First Lady, Michelle Obama. These lunches are praised as the perfect answer to the growing problem of childhood obesity, but in reality they are causing students to go hungry every day. The new reforms are also very expensive and do not provide enough funding for the school to support the new changes. The new changes to school lunches are more harm than they are good: they are too expensive, they are not providing enough food, and they are not solving the issue of childhood obesity.

    1. Mitchell, I agree with your blog. I believe that the school lunches are making kids go hungry rather than getting healthier too. I also agree with the lunches not funding enough money to the school and not solving a world wide problem, obesity.
      Good blog.

    2. Mitch,
      Your title says it all. Even though the blog will not allow underlining you have a bold thesis statement. Obesity is a big issue, but she did not address the root of the problem.

    3. Mitch:
      I agree with your blog. This introduction makes for an interesting paper so nice work. I like the title you picked as it is bold and straightforward. Nice job.

    4. Mitchell;
      I really liked how your thesis set up a good template for the rest of the paper. If the whole essay were to be written, you would have a very easy time.

    5. Swoop Dave,
      I like how you are approaching this topic in terms of relating it to childhood obesity. The answer is not to give us less food to eat at lunch, rather a more nutritious meal so kids do not need to eat in between meals. When kids eat between meals the food they are in taking usually isn't very healthy which causes the obesity problem. If they would give us both more food as well as healthier food then this would tackle the obesity issue at the root of the problem. Good blog!

    6. Dave I agree with how you states this argument. She is really hurting us when she thinks she's helping students. Good blog

    7. Swoop,
      I really like in your blog how you point out how she is doing more harm than good. Especially how they are not providing enough food.

    8. Seriously, how many nicknames can one person have!

  2. "Healthy Meals" do not equal Happy Students
    That is the title

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Meditating Lunches

    *Foods in school are categorized and regulated by the government, but local food meals might be the right path to strive for.* According to information recently brought together, schools who served local food meals instead of using the food that is given, has brought down the amount of food wasted and food placed in the trash at schools. Studies show that the local food was more healthy too. This concept sets hope for schools, establishing eating habits that are better for children and giving them the opportunity to try new foods. Although these types of lunches may be the best for the students, the localized meals require managed delivery schedules and managed menus corresponding to growing seasons which takes a lot of planning. Schools around American are starting to strive for localized meals for lunch because there is an universal interest in these localized meals, which can change student daily lunches and lives each and every day.

    * is thesis statement.

    1. Allie, the blog you wrote this week came in at a different angle than I had thought of. The article you chose was interesting. I think it is sad how much food that our country takes for granted.

    2. Allie,
      I really like how you chose to focus on something different than most people. You start out getting straight to the point and I like that approach. I like the view you chose on this issue.

  5. School Lunches These Days
    Michelle Obama, being the First Lady, decided that she needed to make a difference in the United States. She proposed the idea of a new meal program that limited food and beverages to nutritious and proportional options. Many kids use to look forward to their lunch to break up there day, but it is no longer a "favorite class" for people. Michelle went overboard with the changes without thinking through how to implement them. While in theory her luncheon regulations would cut down on obesity and promote healthiness, the main obstacle is making the meals appealing to high school students.

    1. I like how you made a point that she though she was doing what was best, but has failed to cleanup the mess she has created. It was good that you mentioned that people don't look forward to lunch like they used to, because what is there to look forward too? However, it is not clear what your thesis is or main arguments are, but overall, you wrote a nice introductory paragraph.

    2. Wort,
      I really liked how you brought up how some peoples favorite class used to be lunch, but not now. I agree with everything that you started in your opening paragraph

  6. (Link to second website)

    The Problem with High School Lunches

    High school lunches are becoming a topic for debate ever since Michelle Obama has taken over as the First Lady of United States. The lunches that are prepared are supposed to be a healthier alternative to the previous lunches offered in past years. The idea at first was great, but the results are not. High school meals need to serve fresh, locally grown produce because today’s lunches include pre-packaged and frozen products, which are bad tasting, wasted, and do not give the students enough energy to endure their long school days and late practices.

    1. Gabe,
      I really liked your blog and agree with every aspect of it. I think everyone believes that a change is needed to keep both parents and students happy.

    2. Gaber,

      I certainly agree with your thesis because I can relate to it. Our lunches never give me enough energy to make it through the afternoon and into my after-school practices. In addition, I think you did a good job not only stating the problem in your statement, but offering a solution as well, by saying that we need fresh produce instead of pre-packaged products. Nice work, Mr. Kraus.

    3. Krause,
      I like how you make the statement of not having enough energy to endure the long days and late practices. After lunch is over I feel as though it was the same meals each and every day, and the fruits get old real quick. I think locally grown products would appeal better to students because they taste far better and are much more nutritious. Good blog!

    4. Gabe,
      I really like how you talked about the fresh, locally grown produce. I think that would be a better approach than the frozen foods, too. Good job!

    5. Gabé,
      I like how you pointed out how we should use natural products with our lunches, and not frozen products. Good job!


  7. The New Diet of the U.S.A

    Throughout the past couple of years, school lunches have been taken to a completely different level. Although they are being passed as "healthy meals", they are slowly being downgraded to almost nothing. The essential nutrients are what schools are being provided with, but they are not enough for students. Although the idea was great, the results certainly are a great contrast. The United States government should eliminate "Michelle Obama approved" school meals because the quantity, quality, and price of the lunch is intolerable, which could soon result in a full scale program revolt from students and parents.

    1. Charlie,

      I think you have a well-constructed closed thesis with the three components of quality, quantity, and price. Also, I like how you pointed out the contradiction that took place because the new program was a good idea, but its results have failed in every way. Nice blog!

    2. Charlie, you completely combine all your thoughts and ideas very strategically and understanding to understand!


    A Call To Action

    The "Let's Move!" campaign, initiated in 2010, was a program designed by Michelle Obama that sought to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within this generation. It encouraged kids to get active and eat healthy, which would then change their lives for the better. One of the components of this reform included revised school lunch principles, which consisted of more fruits and vegetables, fewer calories, etc. Well, nearly a year ago, when asked about some of the issues related to this change, the First Lady maneuvered her way around most of these topics. She refused to address the following complications: the massive food costs sustained by schools, the declines in student participation, plate waste, lack of flexibility, and food storage problems and the need for new kitchen equipment. What can we learn from this? (Because of Michelle Obama's abuse of power and lack of responsibility to invoke improvement, it is time for schools across the nation to take a stand against these ineffective standards that leave students yearning for more nutritional nourishment.)


    1. You did a good job of providing examples of the flaws in the First Lady's plan. I agree, she needs to fix the problem she started, even if it had good intentions at the start. The money that is being wasted could be put to a much better use. Your thesis does a nice job of embodying all your thoughts, opinions, and facts!

    2. Jared,
      You include a great amount of evidence in your first paragraph, and your thesis statement smoothly and effectively exhibited all of your views. I completely agree that something should be done about the school lunches. Your introduction was great!

    3. Jared,
      Your thesis statement was great. You also did a great job of grabbing the readers attention, and provided very good and strong examples. Great introduction paragraph.

  9. Hey Michelle, Lunch Needs A Punch

    Remember the days when lunches were satisfying and reasonable priced? Every year it seems that it gets more difficult to remember such times before the First Lady instituted her plan to lower childhood obesity and improve school lunches. For the most part, her plan had the opposite result. As there is less food on students trays, there is less money in their pockets as lunch prices continue to increase. This plan for a healthier future is expensive and has resulted in a countless amount of food being wasted, as much of the world starves. Many students will agree, there are better alternatives to this problem, such as encouraging healthy foods as opposed to forcing it on students. *The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act had good intentions, but has epically failed as the opposite intended outcome has been realized as lunches have become expensive, wasteful, unsatisfying, and poor in nutritional value, which has been proven through a variety of studies.*

    1. Justin,
      Great job with your blog this week. You took a very strong approach on your opinion. I really like that you didn't just beat around the bush. You said wait you needed to say from the very beginning.

    2. JJ:
      I think you wrote a very constructive introductory paragraph that will set up nicely with the rest of the paper. I like how you addressed the cost of the food, as I see this as a problem as well. Nice thesis as well. Overall, good work on this weeks blog.

    3. Justin, your blog was really good! I loved your title which brought me in right at the beginning. I also like your introductory sentence as a question. It made it unique.

    4. Justin,
      I really like your title, it really draws in readers. You make so many good points and are clear and direct with your points. This is a very well written intro that I think would lead to a great paper, good job!

  10. Hungry Vs. Healthy
    Since Michelle Obama started the healthy eating school lunch campaign in 2010, students have been suffering. While the intentions behind the change were admirable, the results of the campaign were not. The "improved" lunches contribute to a hungrier population that is more likely to become obese.*The insufficient portion sizes and unappetizing entrees of today's school lunches do not provide enough filling energy to support students' lifestyles, discourage overeating, and satisfy cravings.*
    *Thesis statement*

    1. Jenna,
      I like how you stated that she had good intentions, but unfortunately she did not achieve the results she wanted. You definitely pointed out your opinions strongly.

    2. Jenna, I love your title! You really emphasize your feelings and the truth behind the issue.


    Michelle Obama: Emptying Stomachs

    Today, over one million students are boycotting Michelle Obama's new "health" standards. Many students are simply not eating lunch, or buying from vending machines. Anyone with a brain knows that not eating anything at all is more unhealthy than eating little, healthy things. I think schools should pay the extra money to get out of the program because students are still hungry, and sometimes they do not not eat anything at all. If I would have known the lunches were going to change like this, I would have cherished my elementary school lunches a little more.

    1. Morgan
      I agree completely. Our lunches in grade school were excellent! We need those kinds of meals back.

    2. Morgan,
      I like how you you suggested a solution to the main problem. I agree with going without any food is very unhealthy and harmful to growing teen. I also wish we could have the old lunches back.

    3. I like how you said anyone with a brain. And yeah, I enjoyed our elementary lunches, along with our middle school lunches, much more than these lunches, which are good and filling but you have to spend the extra money to be filled.

  12. We Neeeed Fooooood

    Each and every day students leave their cafeteria feeling hungry. Why is this? This is the product of the meal restrictions placed on schools by Michelle Obama. Her new idea stats that students should only intake 750-850 calories per lunch regardless of what they partake in after school hours. Since this enactment of the new lunch standard more and more people are beginning to not buy school lunches rather bring their own in. This has led to more and more schools loosing money because they cannot afford to buy the outrageously priced food items. *Schools need to take action against Obama's food restrictive codes and battle back so that kids obtain healthier meals, have the energy to carry on throughout their busy days, and cut down on the money lost from the food wasted.*


    1. Dan,
      I like how you added in all of the issues, including how food is wasted. If the food is being thrown out it is obviously not helping the students. And I agree, healthier does not mean less, it means better quality and the right amount for the right people.

    2. Dan,
      First off I really enjoy your title. Second I like the points you made in your paper, and especially liked how you said schools are losing money because that is a major problem.

    3. Dan,
      I think the title is a great way to summarize the new lunches. Michelle Obama should actually give us healthy foods to reduce obesity rather than starving students that have after school activities.

  13. Don't You Get It? We Are Hungry

    Students are mandated to be at school by 7:45 and for some do not leave until after practice, this could be after 6. The lunches are just not filling the stomachs of kids. In our middle school days we looked forward to lunch because it was all homemade and you received a good amount. This is uncommon in the high school, now students are purchasing double or even triple lunch just to fill themselves. Change it back to the way it was so students can stay healthy, active, and receive the proper nutrition to fulfill their days.

    1. I agree Doug. Our middle school lunches were amazing and huge. And I don't think anyone was any more obese because of it.


    Lunches Aren't What They Used To Be

    Michelle Obama's lunch standards are hated by a large number of students around the country and by almost everyone in our student body. One of the main reasons for this is due such a low calorie intake, causing many students to feel hungry after lunch. Results have shown that many students dislike these lunches and some people even choose to eat of campus because of it. Schools should produce their own lunches with natural and healthy ingredients as opposed to frozen pre packaged products.

    1. Zac,
      I like the thought process behind your paper. I think you thesis could be better by combining it but I think you made a great point! Great job!

    2. Zac,
      I agree with the statements you made in your introduction paragraph. I think you could turn this into a great paper!

  15. Help Us Out!

    School lunches that are developed from Michelle Obama's meal plan have not been beneficial to students, but are glorified as revolution to childhood obesity. While trying to find a new solution for curing a problem is the right way to go, Michelle is attacking it at an angle that most people do not appreciate. Students, teachers, and members of many schools are disturbed by the way the First Lady does not understand and accept the problems the lunches are arousing. *Michelle is not realizing that the costs of the lunches are taking a major tole on schools budgets, and the little amounts of food that are provided are not sustainable for a learning student.

    1. Really,
      I really like how you say she is attacking childhood obesity at the wrong angle. I agree completely. I thought it was pretty good and could be a great paper!

    2. Reilly
      I liked how you said that Michelle Obama doesn't understand the issues the lunches are causing. Their a problem for schools and students, especially athletes who don't get enough to eat and schools who are loosing money.

    3. Really,
      I thought you wrote a really good intro paragraph. I agree with you that Michelle is taking a wrong angle at stopping obesity. Really good job


    The Ill Effects of "Healthy" Lunches

    Around the nation everyone is discussing Michelle Obama's food plan, this is what she wanted to happen; however people are discussing all the bad things about it. There is something wrong when people are going off campus to buy food. Michelle Obama is trying to do what she thinks is helpful for children, but she is crossing the line with what she can and can not do; kids are going hungry and are refusing to eat which makes the cafeterias lose money.


    "Healthy" school lunches

    Students everywhere are saying No to Michelle Obama's school lunches because of the size, the taste, and the starvation factor. The First Lady thought she was helping by changing school lunches and making them "healthy". But instead of healthy, most schools just get a tiny completely unhealthy main meal and a milk. If she was trying to cut down on childhood obesity, she should give us healthier foods rather than just completely starving children. Basically all kids have an issue with the new lunches, especially athletes.

    1. Ben,
      I like how you targeted Michelle Obama, it's very easy in this situation. Also, you brought up a point that I did not think of, athletes. Athletes, especially boys, complain about the lack of food on our plates.

    2. Ben,
      I liked the points you brought up and I agree that she is only starving us with the new "healthy" regulations.

  18. Government Lunches: Failing Students and Their Schools
    Many students today have been in school before the new laws have been passed regulating government funded school lunches. These students will remember that while their lunches may not have been the absolutely most healthy choice, they did not come with nearly as many problems as today's lunches. Today's new lunches lack freshness, and are majorly sourced from frozen packages. Students have said no to these "healthy" lunches. In some schools, up to 85% of lunches are thrown away. The promotion of healthier foods by the government has failed to properly nourish students at school. The lunches have a trend of not being enough food for most consumers, are just as processed as previous lunches, and are widely wasted. Because of this, children are forced to eat lunch off campus or pack their lunch, leaving the schools with less money and the students with the same amount of nutrition.


    2. Catherine,
      All of us were eating school lunches when the rules were changed, so you did an excellent job pointing that out. Your blog and mine showed the same point, of kids leaving school (I wish we could do that) and packing ( I do that). Don't you think more people would pack lunch if it was not an inconvenience, or if their parent would do it for them?

  19. The Challenge We Face as Hungry High Schoolers

    In 2012, our delicious lunches were transformed into government regulated lunches. Since that time, our local lunches have taken a hit, giving the kids food which they pay for, but merely throw away. Many other students, like myself, have decided to ditch the regulations and pack lunch. Even though our government believes our students are being given the best option, promotion of alternative lunches such as eating out and packing are becoming more common than eating school lunches because of the inability of enough food on our trays.

  20. Revolt against Obama

    In the past 5 years school lunches have been altered significantly due to First Lady Michelle Obama's creation of lunch programs with a goal of decreasing child obesity in American schools. Lately, students and staff of schools have had enough and are heavily criticizing these programs due to small portioned, unappetizing meals they must deal with each day. Students and staff are now seeking new lunch opportunities to take place of eating at their school's cafeteria. Mrs. Obama's push for new lunch programs are not effective and are causing lost revenue in schools, students with an unsatisfied stomach, and the main goal of decreasing child obesity has not been solved.

    1. Thesis Statement

      (Mrs. Obama's push for new lunch programs are not effective and are causing lost revenue in schools, students with an unsatisfied stomach, and the main goal of decreasing child obesity has not been solved


    Michelle Obama vs. High School Students

    In the recent years of her husband's presidency, Michelle Obama has tried to take over parents' jobs of keeping their children happy. She has exceeded her powers by changing the regulations of lunches to qualify for government funding and the changes have not been popular. She has taken away enjoyable food, as well, the new quantities required are not enough for students who are "involved" with the school. Also, the new vending machine regulations implemented have taken away the favorite snacks of students. *The changes the Michelle Obama has greatly pushed for have failed, they are not healthy, they are not being purchased by students, and they are starving children, rather than reducing obesity.*
    * Thesis statement *

  22. High School Lunch

    Since becoming the First Lady in 2009, Michelle Obama has set out to stop the growth of childhood obesity in the United States, starting with her campaign of changing high school lunches. She came up with the idea of a new meal program, that includes a healthier and more satisfying lunch for all students. Recently, however, students along with their parents have took a stand against the new meals, saying that they are to expensive and non filling. Also, most of these lunches are longer fresh, and are just leftover re-heated meals. Students and parents are revolting against the new meal program designed by Michelle Obama because the lunches are non satisfying, very expensive, and no longer fresh.

  23. Less is Not More

    In recent years, the school lunch programs throughout the U.S. have gone in the trash, literally. With the decrease in the quantity and quality of lunches, many students are forced to turn away from the "healthy" foods offered to them. The change in school lunch standards were meant to give students healthier options. [The school lunches provided in schools are not serving their intended purpose because schools are losing money with kids choosing to pack their own lunches, students eat more after lunch to make up for the lack of food provided, and the obesity rate is not being lowered in the United States due to students throwing out their lunch and choosing less expensive and unhealthy foods.]

    Thesis statement in brackets.

  24. Better Lunches equals Better Students

    Students all across the nation have been in turmoil over the pathetic school lunches that have been gracing their schools cafeterias. Michelle Obama may think she is benefitting the country with her program, but she is doing far from it. Students no longer want to eat school lunches, the food that the students are forced to eat is subpar, and there seems to be no real care for how the students feel about their lunches being inadequate. Also, it appears that most schools only participate in this program because of the thousands of dollars in tax subsides the school receives when it is a part of the program.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hungry Hungry High School

    High schoolers all over the nation go hungry after lunch each day because of the "healthy meal plan" implemented by Michelle Obama. This program was to attack the problem of childhood obesity head-on, when in reality the obesity rate has not changed. It has been proven that students at schools who offered locally-grown foods ate more and the cafeteria rates went up. Therefore if Michelle would allow schools to provide their own lunches to students, there would be less waste and less expenses. Her "healthy" alternative only leads to students running after school to eat all junk food in sight. *Although Michelle has the right idea involving healthy foods, there should be a balance between quality and quantity.*
