Friday, October 2, 2015

When Homecoming Gets Weird

When Homecoming Gets Weird

Read these three reports titled "When Homecoming Gets Weird". Then, put on your creative hat and write a story. It must be titled, "When Homecoming Gets Weird" and it has to be set in St. Marys PA during Homecoming Weekend.  Your story should not relay any real shenanigans that occurred over the weekend. This should be entirely fictional. Have fun with it, but follow the rules of good writing! 325 word minimum

The piece voted "Best BLOG" will receive an exemption for next week. We will vote on Monday.


  1. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    The date is October 3rd, 2015. Loads of wild fans pack into the Flying Dutch stadium in anticipation for the thrilling halftime show of the football game. Today is the day in which the Homecoming Queen is finally announced to the waiting spectators. Parents, fans, friends, and relatives are tightly packed in the crowd, and their curiosity makes the stadium feel vibrant. The game starts and not too soon after, halftime finally arrives. The parents get their cameras ready, the queen's chair is set up on the fifty yard-line, and the court makes its way to the back side of the track.The fans cheer crazily. As the contestants are announced and make their way across the field, something does not feel quite right. Many people sense it too, but do not say anything. A spectator finally starts to speak up about it, but it's too late. As many scientists had previously predicted, the tectonic plates under the United States have slipped past each other, generating gigantic earthquakes. The whole nation has been rocked by this massive force of nature. The earth cracks, then splits. Many people disappear into the pit and the homecoming ceremony is ruined. Tidal waves form and slam into foreign countries, sparking revolts. Governments are overthrown and war starts. It spreads across the globe. As billions of people's lives are terminated, many individuals disappear. Life as we know it has turned into complete chaos, and no one can do anything about it. In just one day, our world has decomposed in front of our eyes and all of our progress from the earliest of times, has been erased. Thousands of people notice something quite odd. The humble servants of Earth have vanished, while the self centered and unashamed have remained. As earth is crumbling down into ruins, one sole person arrives at the abandoned Elk County Catholic just in time for the dance. His name? Jesus Christ. The Second Coming has finally arrived.

    1. Charles:
      You did a great job with this blog. I really liked your story, I started laughing out loud. You did a nice job of creating suspense and making it interesting. Good work!

    2. Charlie,
      That was hilarious and very witty. I loved how you built into the story and made it completely crazy!

    3. Charlie,
      Great blog! I really enjoyed reading it! It was very creative, and unique.

    4. Charlie,
      This is so unlikely and unique! I love it!

    5. Charlie,
      I really like your blog. I think the whole idea is very creative and quite unexpected. Good job!

    6. Charlie,
      Like everyone before me commented, this blog was very creative! One thing lead to another and progressively started to get worse and sound like the world was going to implode on itself. Then it actually did crumble. Out of nowhere the world actually does end and we are faced with the Final Judgement. Too bad nobody was able to be crowned 2015 Homecoming Queen before the world ended!😂😂 Better luck to the candidates of 2016, oh wait...

    7. Charlie,
      That was a pretty fascinating blog you have there. It a shame that we couldn't have been there to greet Jesus when he had arrived. That would have made an interesting blog topic for next week. It would have also gotten our school some free advertising.

  2. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    It’s Saturday afternoon as the fans make their way into the Dutch Country Stadium. The first half has come to an end with the hometown crusaders in the lead! Not a single person leaves for the concession stand nor the restroom. Why? It’s homecoming of course! So, the PA announcer comes on and announces that that the first homecoming candidate is Mrs. Anderson, being escorted by Mr. Lallman. The crowd of parents are taken aback and they look around to the people to their left and right in disbelief. The students look furious. “Our next candidate,” said the announcer,”is Mrs. Gebauer being escorted by Mr. Hanes.” Again, the fans are furious and just confused. This goes on as Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Messineo, and Mrs. Meyer are all then announced. Finally the votes are in, and we have a winner, but only this year it seems like everyone isn’t on the edge of their seats. The announcer announces that Mrs. Knight and Mr. President Swackhammer have been voted homecoming queen and king! The drafting students give a huge roar and cheer in appreciation of Mr. President. Football begins again, as the Crusaders ease into a huge homecoming victory!
    Now, it’s time for the dance. The clock strikes 7:00 and the chapel doors unlock. The first hour and a half were pretty normal as the top songs of 2015 are being played. At 8:45,something has gotten into the faculty, maybe they had too much sugar. Oh no! Mr. Hanes gives Raeann Bucher the signal, and she turns on the “song of the faculty”, “Pour Some Sugar on Me”, by Def Leppard. Teachers now enter the gym through the doors and the come right to the center. The song’s big drum beat makes the entrance that much better and the teachers pull out some of their favorite dance moves and it starts to get wild. Pretty soon throughout the gym everyone hears “LOOK OUT BELOW!” come from someone on the DJ table. Why would a student be on the DJ table? The only thing is, it is not a student, yet it is Coach Straub! Coach then jumps down and the entire faculty crowds surfs him as they jam to “Pour Some Sugar on Me.” This sure was one of the weirdest nights of homecoming in the history of ECCHS.

    1. Gabriel,
      This is a very creative blog. I got a good laugh out of the ending when you talked about how Mr. Straub jumped off the DJ table and serfed the crowd. Could you imagine seeing him do that??! Great blog!

    2. Like Dan, I thought that your blog was very creative. Some of the mental images that I came up with while reading this story really made me laugh. Fantastic blog!

    3. Gabe,
      I really enjoyed reading your blog! Can't even imagine what it would be like if that really happened. I really liked you chose the song "pour some sugar on me" for the faculty.

  3. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    The highly anticipated date of October 3 had arrived. The town was abuzz with students from both high schools preparing for the big homecoming game and dance. The homecoming candidates and escorts were busy getting ready for the halftime announcement. Meanwhile, something weird was happening. The girls just did not feel quite right. They had indulged in delicious Green Jade Chinese food at the school before they traveled to the football field. They had just figured it was something with the food that had made them feel sick. The candidates and their escorts shrugged it off and figured their headaches would go away. Little did they know, something bigger was in the works.
    As they arrived at Dutch Country Stadium on the gorgeous, sunny day, the court gets out of their cars to proceed down to the track. All of a sudden, a thunderstorm breaks out and lightning strikes. The thunder booms above them and a bright white light blinds everyone temporarily. Within a few seconds, the weather returns to a beautiful, eighty-seven degree day in St. Marys. But as everyone else returns to normal, something has happened with the homecoming court. Confusion is spread across their faces. The girls begin to speak with one another. One of them says, "Why am I in this dress?" While another says, "Where's my daughter?" Meanwhile in the stands, the mothers of the girls are disoriented and begin to look around in bewilderment. They stare at one another and scream. The girls and mothers have switched bodies! A panic spreads across their faces as the mothers, now on the field in dresses, figure out what has happened.

    "And that is the half ladies and gentlemen, Crusaders in the lead with a score of 27-0!" The switch had happened so fast that now there is nothing the girls or mothers can do. Abbey Gerg comes over the system, "And first up for the 2015 Elk County Catholic homecoming court is," But she is cut off as lightning strikes again, just over the football field. A current of electricity passes through the candidates as they are changed back into themselves. When they look around, they are back standing at ECC waiting for their food to arrive. Only the girls of the 2015 ECC homecoming court seem to recall the events that had happened earlier that day, if they even happened at all...

    1. Kara,
      That was too funny and very well thought out!

    2. Your blog was very surprising and weird. It reminded me of that movie Freaky Friday. I liked the ending in particual as it left readers with something to think about.

  4. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    Everything was so typical for homecoming. The spirit week was amazing, the Crusaders won the football game, and someone was crowned homecoming queen. All of the girls wore their pretty fesses and the guys dressed up very nice for the ladies. The only thing that was different this year was the weather. It was the worst weather in early October in the last 50 years. That did not damper the spirits of those going to the dance that year though. When arriving at the dance all the students were having a lot of fun with Father Ross as the DJ. At 11:11 he plays a song that nobody knows. Everyone stops dancing and starts complaining to each other about the song selection. Then people start noticing their outfits changing slightly. The boys' hair starts getting bigger with more volume and same for the girls. No one has any idea what changed about the song but suddenly they all loved it and knew all of the words. The girls dresses start to get funky. They get tighter and multicolored. The guys had baggy pants and tank tops on. Many begin to wonder how Mrs. Florig even let them in the dance. None of the mattered for them moment though because Father Ross kept playing music that teens would not know now. He played Children by Greenland, Vogue by Madonna, and Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot. The more songs he played like these the more drastic the changes became in the crowd. Now the dance moves changed. Once he played a modern day song no one knew what it was and they immediately began complaining. They all stopped dancing. After a while of complaining some began to start to change back. The recognized the song and started to sing to it. The girls dresses went back to normal and their hair shrank in size. The guys hair went back to normal. Their dance moves returned to present day. Some say that it was everyone's imagination, others say it never happened, and others say it was a flashback to the 90s...

    1. Makenzie, I really enjoyed your blog! I love how the outfits are changed on the people of the dance. I love how your story also portrays to a flashback type of feel, this concept I find very fun and exciting.

    2. Makenzie,
      Great job with your blog! I really love the details you used to make the story feel more real. Hours had a really interesting storyline.

    3. I loved your blog Makenzie! It was so entertaining and very funny! I laughed so hard picturing this actually happening.

  5. When Homecoming Gets Weird
    It was October 3rd, and it was halftime of the homecoming game. Every ECC student was there waiting to see which candidate would be this year's queen. Most of the candidates were typical to the homecoming elections; pretty, popular girls from various sport teams, but one candidate was unlike the rest. Mira Stinton was a mousy girl with long, greasy mud-colored hair. She rarely spoke to anyone, but somehow, she was placed on the court. Five girls stood at the center of the football field accompanied by their escorts. Mira asked Deric Carmen to be her escort, who couldn't be less thrilled to be standing by her side that afternoon. Mira wore a baggy brown dress with a full pleated skirt. Every fan in the bleachers whispered remarks of her ugly dress, greasy hair, and low social status. It was a crisp fall day, and a gentle breeze blew through the football field. The leaves in the trees were just beginning change. The wind rustled the leaves, it sounded like a gentle clapping. Finally, the homecoming queen was about to be announced. Every spectator in the stands held their breath in anticipation. To everyone's surprise, Mira's name was announced as queen. As Deric halfheartedly turned to congratulate his date, he was greeted solely by empty space. A collective gasp from the crowd revealed that something truly horrifying was happening. Suddenly, the entire football field was covered in a blanket of darkness. There was a loud crack of thunder and a strike of lightening in the center of the football field followed by several girlish screams. Deric could smell something burning. The only source of light was a flame igniting the center of the field. Deric heard whispering of his name, and a chill went down his spine. The whispers were coming from the flame. He sprinted toward the flame, only to discover a beautiful young woman with glistening mud- colored hair. As Deric blinked, the image of Mira lying on the field surrounded by flames disappeared. His mouth tasted sour. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes, the lump rising in his throat.
    The leaves rustled, and Mira finally shook Deric awake. His confusion was soon replaced by relief. Every person had a different theory of what happened that night, but only one conclusion could be made from the stories. Something very odd occurred on October 3, 2015.

    1. Jenna,
      I really enjoy your blog. It is very unique. I love the imagery used throughout your blog too, it made me feel as if I was in the story. Good job!

    2. Jenna,
      You used some killer adjectives in this blog. I could picture the scene easily. That was a pretty funky story, but it was very enjoyable.

    3. Great job with your blog Jenna! I really enjoyed how you created characters for your story I thought it made your blog even more interesting!

  6. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    The chilly winds are blowing, the cold rain is hitting the ground. It is Homecoming Day, October 3rd 2015. The day is finally here! The girls are getting their hair done, the guys are still sleeping. The smell of hairspray, the sights of bobby pins, and the aroma of food is filled throughout everyone's houses. Everyone is excited for the day; a queen is crowned, a dance is held, and a great time is held by all. As the afternoon falls, the football field is filled with football players, cheerleaders, and noises of cheers and screams. The candidates and escorts are walked onto the field and a queen is crowned. A victory is taken by the football players too against the tide. As the evening falls, the gym floor is filled with dancing shoes and smiling faces. As the dance comes to an end, a strange sound is heard. A UFO is seen above the gym, filled with tons of aliens. The aliens propel down to the gym floor from the roof, and the aliens join the dance's festivities. They dance with everyone, join the DJ, and sing along to all of their favorite songs. The aliens pick out songs to play and everyone loves the songs that they picked, so they too sing and dance along. The emergency services arrive and the aliens disappear. Everyone looks for their new alien friends, wondering where they went. The lights are turned on, and as they are turned on, the aliens attack. They attack the emergency services so the services can leave. The aliens want to continue on with the dance. The aliens are having so much fun on Earth, they do not want to go back to their home planet. All of the dance attendees talk amongst each other and they all decide to travel back with the aliens since everyone enjoys them so much, and on Earth the aliens are in great danger. So, attendees travel back to where the aliens came from and they all live happily ever after.

    1. Allie,
      Your story was very interesting. I like that you used something as different as aliens in your story. You also did a great job of incorporating the senses into your story.

    2. Allie,
      I really like the idea of your story! I like the idea that the aliens were friendly and just wanted to have fun with us. Also, I think the story is very well written.

  7. When Homecoming gets Weird
    The day is October 3rd, the most important day of the year for high school students in St. Mary's. The fans are crowded into the Dutch Stadium with excited bellies and fast paced heart beats, awaiting for the announcement of the Homecoming queen. It was a bright, sunny Saturday afternoon and not a cloud in the sky, a perfect day for some football and fun! The candidates are all lined up, the band members have their instruments to their mouths, and the fans are screaming for their favorite candidate to be announced. Then out of nowhere, from under the field, a large music arena is risen and the one and only Beyoncé is on the stage. The screams in the stadium are so loud that thinking of your own thoughts is impossible. Beyoncé is on the stage rocking out, with the help from the band, to one of her most iconic songs, "Who Runs the World". Shocked faces, screaming fans, and even the homecoming candidates run to the field to get closer to the performance. Don't be alarmed, the football players also got to partake in this special surprise for all who was there. Looking into the stage the Elk County Catholic Football team, along with the cheerleaders, are partaking in some choreographed dance moves with Beyoncé. What was suppose to be the homecoming queen choosing turned into a Beyoncé concert. Once her song has finished she asks if all can go back to their seats and positions so the announcing can begin, and everyone did just that. The seven girls walked down the field in beautiful gowns and big smiles while watching everyone else screaming their name and clapping vigorously; the waiting is intensifying. The announcer is waiting an incredibly long time until he says the name. Five minutes pass and she reads the name and the stands are waved with shocked faces. The 2015 ECC Homecoming queen is Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter. She walks to her throne confidently and accepts her call, and the crowd is jumping of their feet. Meanwhile, the Homecoming candidates don't look too happy. I can confidently tell you that was the weirdest homecomings ever.

    1. Reilly,
      I thought your blog was very interesting and creative. The way the Beyoncé stole the show was amazing. You had a good story line and the emotions of the other candidates completed it all. Great blog.

    2. Reilly,
      This is so crazy, but hey, I'd take a free concert from Beyoncé!

    3. Reilly,
      This is an extremely creative post. It is certainly one of the most interesting that I have read today! 😂

  8. When homecoming gets weird:
    It is finally the day of homecoming. The day everyone has been waiting for. Fans arrive early at the game, in order to get a good seat. Everyone in the crowd is nervous, and impatiently waiting for halftime. The game is going well, and the Crusaders have jumped out to a pretty substantial lead early on in the game. After about an hour of helmets banging together and mud flying all over, it's halftime. Halftime is going quite normal as everyone awaits for the queen to be announced. The introductions of each candidate are over. It's finally time. Just when they are finally going to announcer the winner, there is a major plot twist. This year instead of having a homecoming queen, there will be a homecoming king. The fans are shocked, and most are a bit angry. The king is announced, but it is not a student that attends ECC. Who is it you ask? That's right, this years homecoming king at ECC is Scott Sterling. Now the fans are really upset, wondering who Scott Sterling even is. The Crusaders go on to win the game, sending all the fans home happy, but they are still a little confused.
    The dance starts shortly after the game, and all is going good. All the students from ECC are having a good time. The fun does not last for long though. The music goes out at the dance, and all the students have become very angry. The faculty does not know what is going on with the music, and can not figure out what to do to solve the problem. Then out of nowhere the music starts back up again, making all the students pleased once again. The faculty members still don't know why the music went out, and who got it working again. Later, the doors opened and a mysterious person walks through. Nobody recognizes him at first, but then soon realize this is the person who saved the music, and the dance. Who is it? That's right, it's Scott Sterling.

    1. Frank,
      I really like your twist you put on the homecoming election, and how Scott saved the dance, I guess he can save other things than penalty kicks!

    2. Frank,
      Anyone who has seen the video of Scott Sterling would surely be laughing throughout this story. You did s good job of catching my attention by using him as a person in your story, and made it quite interesting.

  9. When homecoming gets weird:
    It was finally the day of ECC's 2015 homecoming. It is rainy, windy, and muddy, the worst weather a girl could imagine for on her day of homecoming court, and chance to be crowned queen. All of the girls are bummed, but way too excited to let it bring down their spirit on this day. All of a sudden what sounds like a freight train coming through, is a tornado whirling through the air, touching down and ripping trees, and houses everywhere. The five girls rushed around their house grabbing things to get ready in their cellars, but it was too late. Just then the wind blew the window and hit them in the head. When they each woke up, they were in a room, on operating tables, in hospital gowns. They all sat up, panicking, wondering where they were, where their families were, and, of course, if they were going to make it to the game on time for their big moment. All of a sudden a woman with platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and bright red lips walked, and said, "Welcome girls". That's when the questions started rolling. Shouts of "Who are you!" "Why are you keeping us here!", came from amongst the girls. The woman hushed them and said, "You girls have been selected to be a part of a clinical study on how homecoming is, in your terms, rigged." Then, more shouts come around, "I didn't agree to this!" "My parents are going to sue you!" The woman, yet again, hushed them, and stated firmly, "You don't have a choice." Panic rolled over the girls, as they began to feel threatened. Just then, men dressed in all white, full body suits, as if working in a nuclear power plant, walked out of nowhere and strapped the girls down. They hooked a bunch of wires to them, and the girls began to lose conscious. In their mind, the lady appeared to them again, and stated who the winner would end up being. Another series of weird thoughts rolled through their mind at a fast pace. Finally they all woke up, in a panic, in their own beds, to their mothers waking them up on their big day. The mothers worryingly asking what was wrong, with the answer of, "Oh thank goodness. It was just a nightmare." Finally, they all walked down the field for the homecoming ceremony, as the silence of the anxious crowd waiting for the announcement of the 2015 homecoming queen, was interrupted by the saying of the homecoming queen. A relief came upon the girls as it was not the one predicted in their "dream". Just then, they looked to the bleachers to see a woman with platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and bright red lips with a smirk on her face.

    1. Morgan,
      This is so creepy. The lady with the pale skin and platinum blonde hair reminds me of a character from American Horror Story for some odd reason, possibly because they are tying down the homecoming candidates to a table!

    2. Morgan,
      This was by far the creepiest blog. I loved it!!! Definitely one of the best ones on here. Great job!!!

  10. When Homecoming Gets Weird
    The crowd was gathered in Dutch Country Stadium on October 3rd for the annual crowning of the homecoming queen during halftime. Cold rain poured out of the the ominous sky as wind blew through the stands. Abbey Gerg came over the speaker and began to announce the candidates. The girls and their escorts made their way across the field, and eagerly waited for the crowning of the winner.
    "And now for tonight's winners," Abbey said over the loud speaker,"This years 2015 Homecoming Queen is..." At that very moment the power went out, Abbey's voice died mid-sentence, and the lights cut out. Out of nowhere a strange green glow appeared that lit up the stadium. A low voice came sweeping over the crowd, it was the voice of a women.
    "This year there will be no queen, not if I can help it," the voice taunted. No one could identify where the voice was coming from, it was all around like someone was whispering straight into the minds of the whole crowd.
    Suddenly a flash of green lighting exploded on the field. A women, actually a girl looking no older than a high school senior, was now sitting on the throne. She was a translucent green, wearing a tattered dress. She stood up and paced back and forth getting closer and closer to the candidates.
    "Since I did not win, no one else can ever win," her voice boomed, "I, Whitney Barnes, deserved to win!"
    It clicked with everyone that this was the spirit of a past candidate that did not win. She was so distraught with the loss that she did not see the 18 wheeler until it was too late. The whole town knew about the incident that had happened years before.
    She turned and let out a loud scream, a green flash accompanied her scream. When the light faded the candidates were no where to be seen, they had vanished. She ran to the throne and grabbed the crown, "I am your queen, bow to me."

    1. Rachel,
      The ghost of an angry runner up was a very interesting twist. It would definitely be odd to see a ghost make the girls disappear and claim that she was the queen.


  11. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    It was warm and sunny on the Saturday of homecoming. The football team was playing in the biggest game of their life and was taking a 8-0 lead in to halftime. Just kidding we live in Pennsylvania, all it does is rain. Anyway, the homecoming candidates weren't going to let a little rain put a damper on their special day. So, one by one they were all called across the field, escorted by there dates. Just as the last candidate was being announced a large gust of wind swooped down and carried the homecoming queen's crown away. Now what are they going to do? They have no prize to award to the winner. They must get the crown back! But how? The wind has probably carried it all the way to Mexico by now. Just when all hope seemed to be lost Mrs. Florig come running across the field on an all out sprint. She grabs the microphone and shouts, " Finally, I knew putting a tracking device inside of the queens crown would someday come in handy." Everybody kinda looks at one another like what? So, without hesitation everyone in attendance rallies together to get the crown back. They all rush from Dutch country stadium and get in their cars. One by one they all leave the parking lot in a good old fashion convoy. Trucking down the road with Mrs. Florig, Mr. Hanes, and Mr. Straub leading the way in an eighteen-wheeler blasting the song "Convoy", by C.W McCall for good measure, nothing was going to stand in the way of getting the crown back. Supporters came from miles around to give support to all those that were in the epic battle to get the crown back. I think I even saw an Eskimo go by mushing with a team of dogs down the street. Soon this small little homecoming ceremony began receiving national attention. President Obama even flew in with the entire U.S. Military to give support in finding the crown. Across back road and side street, Mrs. Florig and " the crew" had such a look of determination that nothing could stop them. They went up and down every street following this crown that was being carried by the wind until they saw something very ironic beginning to unfold. The crown was being carried back to its original starting point! As the entire Western Hemisphere entered back into Dutch country stadium, there they saw it. The crown had fallen perfectly back onto the stand of which it first started. What a crazy adventure for such an ironic ending!
    Once all the member of the convoy sat back down in there seats the last member of the homecoming court was finally announced. The crowd waited in anticipation of who was going to be crowned the queen. Just as the results were about to be announced another gust of wind pick the crown up again. I think the entire world shook when the crowd gasped at the sight. Luckily this time though the crown landed on the head of one of the candidates. In shock the announcer read the name off of who had been nominated queen and it was the individual who already had the crown on her head. What a crazy start to such a short homecoming weekend!

    1. Wow Daniel,
      Very interesting homecoming. I find it extremely funny how Mrs. Florig goes on an all out sprint across the field. Good job using your thinking cap!

    2. Dan, you created a very interesting plot that made me want to keep reading to find out what happened in the end, and I love how the whole situation became a national scene. In addition, I found it very ironic how Mrs. Florig had implemented the tracking device into the crown; I would have guessed this was something done by Mr. Lallman or Mr. Fernan!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. When Homecoming Gets Weird.
    The breeze is cold, there is a slight drizzle, and its a perfect day for football. It's homecoming. After a week with nothing but spirt and preparation, the day has finally come. The day of the big game, the Elk County Catholic Crusaders hold the Benezette Elks, kickoff at 1 pm. The teams take the field. The opening kickoff. And from there you hear constant helmets smashing and the field turning to mud. End of the first quarter ECC leads with an 8-0 score.
    The candidates arrive with their hair done and dresses on. You can tell they are freezing because of the shivering but the excitement keeps them warm. Halftime is closing in. They begin to take position for the ceremony. The band soon begins and the team enters the locker room. The announcer calls the girls and their escorts one by one. The crowd is going crazy. Finally what everyone was waiting for, the queen. Everyone falls silent, "And this years 2015 homecoming queen is... Carrie Bryan!". The queen from the previous year crowns our new queen. The student section is cheering, the parents are all getting pictures, and she is so happy. But then there is an announcement, "Sorry ladies and gentlemen, there has been a mistake, the actual queen for 2015 is Taylor Shelton. Let's Go Crusaders". Now Carrie is furious and vary upset. She begins to through a tantrum and attacks her best friend. While in the brawl she turns into a big ugly cyclone and eats the crown. She then stumbles off the field in tears.
    ECC pulls out the victory with a score of 14-13. All the players go to shower and pic up their dates for dinner. Now it's time for the dance, everyone begins to arrive. Couples are dancing and having a good time. When Carrie Bryan arrives the dance falls silent, she is still the cyclone. Her best friend, the queen, slowly walks up to her and hands her a crown. She tells her that there will be two queens this year and congratulates her. The dance then goes on.

    1. Douglas,
      Your story is very different and kept me interested the entire time. I find it funny that Carrie turned into a cyclone, and how she came to the dance and received a second crown along with her friend.

  14. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    Everyone is packing in to the stadium, the football players are warming up, the candidates are getting ready, the votes are being counted. It is homecoming weekend, similar to other years in every way except a slight date change. Due to bad weather and other conflicts, the game and dance are being held on Halloween night. Their is a warm breeze of a clear October day, the crusaders have a huge first half and are leading their rivals, the Ridgway Elkers, 21-0 at half. It is he moment everyone has been waiting for, the announcement of the 2015 homecoming queen. Everything is going as usual, last year's queen is here to present the crown, he throne is set at midfield, the candidates walk out on the field. As the runner ups are announced, but just before the queen is announced, cracks appear in the field, skeletons crawl out, zombies come running out of the woods, swamp monsters submerge from lakes and ponds, all kinds of creepy, gross, and scary monsters make way to St. Mary's. Along with the zombies and skeletons, fictional monsters, like Frankenstein, the headless horseman, Chuckie, Dracula, the Grim Reaper, and other famous monsters were found throughout the town terrorizing people and causing havoc. The students demanded that the dance go on, the students cautiously arrived at the dance and it proceeded while the monsters terrorized the city. Everything was going smoothly, people were enjoying themselves, dancing, taking pictures, socializing, until it was time to line up and recognize the candidates. Once Fr. Ross began to call out names, the decorations began to change, soon, there were no traces of an underwater theme, but instead, a Halloween theme was present. The monsters then filed into the gym, their intentions were clear, they did not want to cause fright, they wanted to have a good time. The dance continued with all the monsters and at 11:00, they all returned to the swamps, woods, caves, or wherever else they had came from. To this day science has not been able to explain the occurrence, was it the blood moon, or an event that happens every millennium, or matey even every million years or so. The students at ECC did not want an explanation, they wanted to know why it happened on homecoming. Although it created some inconveniences, the 2015 homecoming game and dance were forever remembered forever due to the fictional monsters that decided they wanted to join in on the fun.

  15. When Homecoming Gets Weird
    It was a Saturday. I had slept all day because it was rainy and cold outside. When I got up, I went outside to get the temperature and I found a tuxedo fresh from the dry cleaner. I couldn't think of anyone that would have brought the suit to my house, but I took it inside and tried it on. Upon looking in the mirror, something was different. I couldn't put my finger on it. The day went on, and it was almost time to button up my tux and head off into the crisp afternoon to observe the homecoming game. As I was watching the homecoming candidates line up at halftime, an overwhelming presence swept over the field. Out of nowhere I jumped out of my seat, ran across the field, and into the woods. By the time I had realized what had gotten into me, it was too late. I was lost now. Unable to think, I sat down next to a tree and drifted off into a deep sleep.
    I found my way out of the woods in time to call my friend for a ride to the dance. He overwhelmed me with questions, but I told him that I thought I had found a shortcut through the woods back to my house. I entered my high school, and as I walked into the gym, something was happening. From the depths of my inner-being, I realized that all of my classmates were being manipulated by an alien. I didn't know what to do. I began telling everyone that their lives were being overtaken, but everyone just laughed at me. I passed out.
    When I woke up, it was late Saturday afternoon. Upon glancing forward extraterrestrial being pushing his way through the brush in front of me with the tuxedo I had been given. I yelled in its direction. It gave me a bone-chilling glare and continued on its way. I watched until I saw him hit the ground. What had happened. I ran as fast as I could to its steaming corpse. I heard a rustle in the trees. I looked up and my eyes were met with a distraught archery hunter who had stuck the alien by mistake. The alien uttered "you are not alone", before closing his eyes and dying. I looked back up at the man who was now pointing toward the alien. When I looked back at my feet, there was nothing there except the tuxedo I had been given.

    1. Zach:
      Well, that was weird. So good! That was the point of it. I thought you were creative and your story had good flow to it. Nice job man.

  16. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    Homecoming is an exciting day for all students at ECC. Every student waited excitedly for October 3 to finally come. For some reason this year seemed like it was going to be different from any other. The dance began at half past seven and the students were having fun enjoying their evening. Everyone danced and sang for hours. The dance was as normal as it could possibly be but when it was almost time to leave something so magical happened that no one knew what to do. As the last song began to play the decorations in the gym and in the hall came to life. Suddenly the school was flooded and the dance was truly under the sea. Chaos and confusion reigned throughout the gym. Beautiful sea creatures joined in the dance and swam throughout the transformed homecoming dance. The students still did not know what to do but felt relief when the saw Mrs. Anderson taking pictures for the yearbook while scuba diving. As matter of fact, the teachers were not bothered by the underwater dance at all. Mr. Hanes was seen swimming with a dolphin, as Mr. Knight and Mrs. Brem began to take up synchronized swimming. Students finally began to join in on the fun of the magical night. The dance continued on for several more hours until midnight. Once midnight struck, the water al, washed away mysteriously and transformed all of the fish back into animals. The students began to leave even though they were still confused about the events that took place. However, they looked back to see the staff members sitting on the floor in complete disappointment. Some of the students began to comfort them but eventually had to force them to leave the dance and return home. Many of the teachers agreed, but Mr. Hanes refused to leave unless he could take one of the dolphin decorations with him. When the teachers finally left, the students thought of everything that happened that day. No one still understood what had happened but everyone soon left. They had all decided that this would always be the weirdest homecoming at Elk County Catholic.

  17. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    It's 6:30 in the morning on the Saturday of Homecoming 2015, and you have nothing but positive thoughts about the day. You get up out of bed excitingly and look out your window and there is six inches of snow on the ground. Now all your thoughts about a nice cool fall day perfect for football and homecoming is gone. Your worried about what to wear and how the day is going to plan out. The football game begins at 2:41 p.m. and the temperature is 29 degrees with snow still falling. The players are freezing and the girls on the homecoming court are not happy about how their perfect day turned out. Halftime rolls around and the Crusaders are tied 0-0 with the Saint Marys Flying Dutchmen. The girls go out onto the field to see who the winner is of this years homecoming. Then all of a sudden a huge blizzard comes through and all the girls and their escorts fall over from the strong wind. They must postpone the ceremony and wait for the blizzard to pass. The players go in to discuss the game plan for the second half, and as they return to the field things have changed since they have last been outside. The weather is now 75 degrees with sun and all the snow has melted. The homecoming queen has been announced and the mood of the crowd and players have been brightened. The Crusaders have an electric second half and beat their cross town rivals by a score of 28-0. With everyone's spirits lifted, everyone gets ready for the dance and arrives at the school's parking lot where the dance is held this year. As the dance progresses everyone is having a good time when all of a sudden a big convoy of Dutch students come rolling in. Assuming nothing but trouble, Mr. Hanes takes action to see what is going on. There is just to many people for him to control and it is an ECC vs. Dutch stare down. Then all of a sudden a person from Dutch yells "Let's party" and the Dutch and ECC Homecomings combine for a great night. It was once crazy Homecoming that no one will ever forget.

  18. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    It is an unusually cold, fall day in Pennsylvania, which is in the negative temperatures. During the football game it begins to snow and snow some more. The game is not even close, but soon there is a foot of snow of the field. The conditions are getting worse, the wind begins to blow harder, and it turns in to blizzard like conditions. During halftime, fans, teachers, and parents shovel a path for the candidates to walk. This does not work well at all, but the homecoming candidates sludge through the deep snow in their heels and dresses. The homecoming queen is named and crowned. The football game is carried on, because it would not be homecoming with out a football game. The Crusaders won easily over the Elkers, and the excited high schools meet at friends houses and restaurants to eat, but the snow does not stop. When the elated high schoolers arrive at the school they find that there is to much snow and they can not get in. It takes a school wide effort but they clear a path into the school. All the students have a great time at the dance and everyone is looking forward to the after parties with friends. They are shocked to realize that they can not get out of the school, they search high and wide but there is no way out. Everyone is forced to stay in the school for the night, of course the teachers try to keep everyone contained in the gymnasium and that fails. The escaped students roam the school looking for stray food and anything to do. Eventually everyone get out of the gymnasium and the grades from teams and camp out in class rooms. The grades fight over any food that they can find, because every boy in the school is starving by now. The school is in complete and total war, but the juniors find out that they can use a giraffe to lower students out of the school and get free. The giraffe named Justin saves the student body from war over terrible left-over cafeteria food

    1. Mitchell, your blog was very entertaining, and I was easily able to stay focused throughout the whole story. I love your plot, essentially how Justin the giraffe saved the day on homecoming night. It is rather quite fitting! Nice work!

    2. I don't understand what made you think of putting me into your blog, but the fact that I'm in your blog makes it that much better. You certainly wrote a wierd blog though. I liked the idea of all the students and teachers being trapped in the school after the dance, but hopefully we never face that situation.

  19. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    It all started after I walked in after being greeted by the Physics teacher, Mr. Hallman. When you walk into the dance, you except it be dark with lights flashing and loud music playing while a large group of people dance in the canter. But of course when I walked in, I was hit with the harsh cold and the smell of expired, raw meat. Then I remembered what the dance theme was: A Walk through a Freezer. The school couldn't afford decorations and had lots of expired meats that they feared they would be sued if they feed the students. Also, the school saved money by turning down the temperature thirty degrees, which in Saint Mary's is especially cruel. At this point, I knew I was in for a night of surprises.
    As my date and I continued to dance, I noticed that most of the seniors boys came into the dance with leather pants and crop tops on instead of the expected shirt and tie. Everyone continued to give them strange looks while they continued to act like it was completely normal. I looked at my phone and it was just past 9 when I started walking towards a group of friends. Just when I was a few feet away from them, one of them fell onto the floor twitching and unconscious. I ran over to him and saw that his face looked green. When I turned to call for help, I saw someone else fall to the floor with similar symptoms. As I looked around some more, I saw more and more people with the same fate. I was walking back to my date when I couldn't see where I was walking. Suddenly my head got bashed and my body felt numb. The last thing I remember is someone saying "He looks worst than most".
    I started to regain consciousness when I felt a tickle on my arm. As I woke up, I saw a small figure next to me. Then all of a sudden it hit me: the tickle and the figure were from a monkey. I jumped a little at this realization and scared the monkey onto another person. I felt colder than before. As I looked around, people began waking up, but they looked different. I started to rub my legs when I realized that I was rubbing my bare legs. Then it hit me that everyone's clothes had been taken from them. It didn't seem like most people noticed this yet, but I still quickly grabbed a table cloth to cover myself up. I looked at my phone and saw that the dance ended a few minutes ago. I was confused as to what had just happened. I didn't know where my date or any teachers were. In the weeks that followed, I didn't find much out. My date had left before I woke up. People said that it was a senior prank or a strange pandemic of some sort. Nobody would ever be sure of what really happened that night. The only thing we knew, it was a night we would never forget.

    1. Justin,
      My mouth dropped in your first paragraph and I started to laugh out loud. It was so random but the reader could clearly imagine this happening with how you explained. I love how you said the reason was probably a senior prank, because that would be a very creative senior prank!

    2. Giraffe,
      Your blog is entertaining and might give me a nightmare tonight. It is so weird and intersting. It is so weird how did you think of it.

    3. Justin,
      Your story is entertaining and very creative, but I feel like it was somewhat anticlimactic. The story just kind of stopped. The story was funny and creative and I really wanted to hear a good ending, which would have tied everything together nicely.

  20. The loud pumping of the beat coming from the speakers pulses through your veins, intruding all, and every thought you have. The room is scorchingly hot from the mass of bodies dancing to the songs being played. Seeking asylum from the never ending pulse, I climb my way through the throng of people, attempting to find some water. On my way out of the gym, I spot a suspicious person standing as far away from everyone as possible. Time seems to slow as I watch this dark, hulking person and assume that he is just trying to escape the sweaty and blistering hot people on the dance floor. The figure turns to me and does something I was not expecting.
    The lights shut off as the switch is pulled, and the fire alarm breaks the never ending rhythm of the music. Panic ensues. Teachers try to get some organization. The students are too worried about themselves to care about how to properly get out of a burning building. Me on the other hand, I just stand still, confused as this all happens, but with a crowd of pushing people behind me, I am corralled out of the gym.
    As we all rush out into the night air, there is an eerie sense about how awfully quiet it is outside. Then a call from the roof draws mine, and the entire crowd attention to look up. As we all wait, witness some teachers attempt ping to firings out all this madness, when all of a sudden a loud explosion sounds, and several fireworks go off, and the crowd cheers. I look around trying to spot the figure from earlier and I notice him standing with his arms crossed. The person is still unidentifiable and obviously wants to remain illusive for the fact of the ramifications to be out on the person responsible for this turmoil.
    As the distant sound of firetrucks approach, I watch him slowly away, and I laugh at the unlikely events that have occurred on a night like tonight.

    1. Emily,
      Your writing is very pretty and draws the reader on from the beginning, which I really like. It didn't have the usual boring introduction sentences that start blogs, but I still knew what was going on. I really like this.

    2. Emily,
      I liked how you made it seem dark and mysterious and then had it turn out to be a joke. I thought this was an overall great blog!

  21. When Homecoming Gets Weird
    The annual Homecoming dance is a tradition at many schools. The dance is classified as semi-formal and provides a good time for everyone who attends. But in a town where there is little outside influence, a simple dance can evolve into a strange ritual like party that everyone only enjoys because everyone else does. In Saint Mary's PA, this is exactly the case. The dance has become the "Hunger Games" of modern days. Because the homecoming dance was normal the following year in 2014, nobody expected what was to come. As I walked into the dance, the first thing I saw was about ten boys wearing nothing but dress pants and helmets. As strange as this was, I continued to the gym with little worry. Sadly, things got even weirder from there. In the place of a DJ was a man with bright green hair and eyebrows apparently named Claudius. He turned the music off and started talking over the loudspeaker. He explained that this years homecoming would be special. This year the homecoming candidates would decide those worthy of being in the dance. One by one, the attendees had a competition with the proclaimed "gladiators" of the dance. The rules were simple. The person who could fit the most pencil shavings in their nose would be the winner. However, the game was rigged. The boys chosen to be the gladiators had the biggest noses in school. If the homecoming attendees could not effectively put all ten of them out of the competition, the dance would continue to be a horror of brutal games for the rest of ECCs history. In a bid to save the future of homecoming, the girls of ECC who volunteered as tribute had to do something unheard of. They had to take off their corsage and ruin their makeup in order to win the games. These brave and heroic heroes had to endure the tragedy of smudging their makeup to make the come coming dance a better place for everyone. The dance goers won and Claudius fled, along with the idea he brought with him. And while nobody knows where Claudius has gone, it is safe to say that he won't be back anytime soon, and neither will the "Hoco Games".

  22. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    It is a cold day on October 3rd and everyone is out getting ready for homecoming. The girls are out getting their hair done and their nails painted and the guy are getting dressed and smelling nice for the girls. Everyone has their group of friends they are going to go eat with before homecoming and everything is going normal now. After everyone is done having dinner they all head over to ECCHS to go the dance. They walk in and check in with Mrs. Anderson then they notice some weird things happening. Lights are flickering and people are changing. Father Ross has music going and it is oldies music. Everyone is upset because they do not like the music then the notice everyone is changing. Their clothes look different and girls dresses are more vintage looking. The guy's hair is changing and it nice and neat. The weirdest thing is though is that people were looking really different. They started to look just like their grandparents. Everyone was freaking out but then they started dancing uncontrollably. It was like something has taken over their body. They still had their minds but their bodies just started moving in weird ways that they are not use to. Then Father Ross turned on modern music and everyone changed back to normal. Everyone had control of their bodies again and were dancing the way they knew how to. The lights stopped flickering and all the girls and boys felt weird about this but they pushed it to the back of their minds and danced to the music they loved. It was a weird, unpredictable night for the students but they all had a wonderful time.

  23. When Homecoming Gets Weird
    -St. Mary's, PA

    At last! October 3rd has arrived! It is one of the most anticipated days of the school year at ECC. Throughout the early morning, each member of the school community is preparing for his or her respective event. The girls on the homecoming court are stressed and excited at the same time, as they want to be on the highest level they have ever been, in terms of how they look. The football players are mentally envisioning the responsibilities they have in order to be triumphant in today's contest at three o'clock against the Curwensville Golden Tide. The fans are reluctantly getting dressed in layers, accounting for the near freezing temperatures that this day has in store for everyone.
    It is 2:45 P.M. The stands at Dutch Country Stadium have been filled, and everything is set in place for this afternoon's homecoming festivities. However, there is one slight predicament. The ECC football players and coaches come out of the locker room, only to see that Curwensville did not show up for the big game. How can it be homecoming without out a football game? That's right, it can't. An alternate plan must and will be devised. All of a sudden, out of the visitors locker room comes the opposing team. Interestingly enough, it is not the Golden Tide. It is a football team composed of some of the staff members at ECC! Coached by a genius himself, Mr. Lallman, the squad is led by star utility player Mr. Fernan. The crowd lets out a massive roar. At half time, as tradition has it, the 2015 homecoming queen was announced. In addition, the faculty eventually embarrasses the football team with a final score 40-0, using Mr. Lallman's unrivaled wit and Mr. Fernan's unmatched skill and determination to its advantage.
    Now it is 7:15 P.M. Students and teachers from ECC pour into the school's auxiliary gymnasium with an unreal amount of excitement, only to see that the Curwensville Golden Tide are lined up in the gym looking like they want to kill someone. Apparently, they mixed up the times and events. They are here to literally spoil our homecoming dance. An all-out brawl is on the brink of happening, and so it does. This time, however, the staff, students, and football team are not battling against each other, but rather with one another. ECCHS takes out the Tide in pure domination, and the outcome ensures that the Tide will never mess with us again in all the days of their lives. October 3, 2015, will forever be remembered as the weirdest Homecoming Brawl (not dance) that our school has ever experienced.

    1. Jared,
      This blog is very easy to read, and it is very entertaining. It is very weird, but it is not completely outrageous. I really like the part about the brawl at the dance.

    2. I like this Jared. It flows well and it sounds like a good time. We need a brawl next year

  24. When Homecoming Gets Weird:
    All was well on the day of October 3, 2015. The queen was announced earlier in the day at the football game and the team won 80-68, and it was a wonderful day in Saint Marys, Pennsylvania. Until 7:30 came, the time some people starting pouring into Elk County Catholic for the dancing to start. By 8:00, most of the students had already arrived, all excited to dance with all of their friends. The weather was getting terrible out, pouring down rain and possible hail as the night went on. During the day, many houses were suffering from power outages; the same thing was going to happen to the school.
    It was around 8:25 when the first outage happened, and someone realized that Mrs. Anderson had disappeared. Most of the kids just thought she had gone home, but I did not think she would have. If Mrs. Anderson were not at the dance then the yearbook would not have pictures of homecoming! Then another outage occurred, this time it was at 8:33. When the lights had turned on, all the students realized the DJ had disappeared, similarly to Mrs. Anderson’s disappearance. Again, some thought she might have gone to the bathroom, but little did we know our DJ would not come back for the night. Father Ross kept playing the mapped out playlist so the students would not get worried. The music shut off, again, and the room turned dark. All of a sudden, we all heard a sharp scream moving towards the distance. The lights turned back on and over half of the students had disappeared. This mass chaos frightened many of the left over students sending most running out into the hallway. I followed, wanting to get out of the building before I, too, disappeared. While I was reaching the doorway, I noticed all the people that were in front of me were now gone. The darkness was taking people somewhere. I ran back to the left over students, explaining what had just occurred. Bam! Lightening stuck and knocked out the power again. The lights turned on for the final time, I eerily opened my eyes to see what frightened me the most. I was the last person standing in the gym.

    1. I like it. Keeps you on your toes and it's definitely a cliffhanger!

  25. When homecoming gets weird:
    After weeks of anticipation, homecoming Saturday is here and it's 7:00 in the morning. The Elk County Catholic Crusaders are facing off against the Ridgway Elkers in a big time AML football battle at 1:00 at the Dutch Country Stadium. Both of the teams are undefeated coming into the day. It's a test of who wants it more. The crusaders have their homecoming after the game and everyone if fired up for it. The game time temperature is going to be about negative ten degrees and snow will be falling down with that gross temperature.
    It is now 1:00 and the game gets underway. ECC kicks off to Ridgway to start. The opening play is picked off and returned for a touchdown by ECC. ECC converts on a 2 point try as well. There are about 20 people in the stands for both teams due to the weather that was predicted correctly. There's 2:54 left before halftime and the crusaders have the ball with 89 yards between them and the end zone. First it's a pass play that goes for around 30 yards. Then they throw a couple running plays into the mix and get about 50 yards on those. It's first and goal with 9 seconds left in the half. The qb drops back to pass and throws it to his favorite receiver in the back of the end zone, but it's intercepted and now the first half comes to a close, still 8-0 ECC.
    Now is when things get interesting, halftime. It being so cold and wet outside, the homecoming crowning is done inside the room above the locker rooms. They announce a play by play to the 20 person crowd using ECC's coaching head set and the announcer up in the box. That, is most certainly a first for ECC.
    ECC ends up winning 11-0 and the rest of the night is normal, but cold.
