Friday, September 25, 2015

Viva el Papa!

Pope's speech to the joint session of Congress

Read and analyze the Pope's speech. You will find the full transcript as well as the video in the link provided. Talk about the effectiveness and or ineffectiveness of the speech. What did the Pope say that resonates with you? Is there anything he did NOT say that you wish he had? Talk about all of the major arguments made by Pope Francis. You may also point out any establishment of ethos or appeals to logos and pathos if you would like. You may also want to point out any rhetorical devices used by Pope Francis.
325 word minimum.


  1. The speech that the Pope gave to Congress was very powerful. He reached out to many valuable arguments. I believe that Pope Francis touched a lot of strong key points. He makes people think about these elements that are forceful throughout our whole nation. He always delivers a great message to everyone of the Roman Catholic faith.
    There are many key points that are very effective within Pope Francis's speech. His effectiveness within speech tells us that the Congress members of this nation, all have a responsibility. Their actions should allow our nation to grow and grow because each citizen has their own responsibility too. Another effectiveness that I supremely enjoy is Pope Francis's reflection between the Congress duties and roles of Moses. Pope Francis's speech with the Congress points out these relationships because he believes that Moses leads us directly to God and that Moses provides a good synthesis to the work of the Congress.
    Many of the Pope's characteristics in his speech resonated with me. I love everything about Pope Francis. One thing that I particularly enjoy is his appreciation. He always announces how honored and how grateful he is to speak at these major locations. The Pope also appreciates all people of the United States, rich and poor, strong and weak.
    In his speech, the Pope establishes good logos, ethos, and pathos along with rhetorical analyses. Throughout everything he spoke, he brought good trust, emotion, and logic all in one. Pope Francis throughout everything he spoke or referred to, established these three appeals. Rhetorical analyses are present through the words of the Pope too. The Pope shows how to accept goods by stating what our Congress needs to accomplish and to achieve to reach good goals and good feedback from our whole nation.
    Pope Francis succeeds greatly as the leader of our world. He reaches out to those in need and let's our societies know how to achieve more and act with each other as a whole. Pope Francis's speech made towards Congress holds a very powerful standpoint among our whole nation. I believe Pope Francis will be one our nation's best Popes ever in history.

    1. Allie,

      You made many amazing points about the Pooe's speech in your blog. I believe that you did a great job in locating his use of ethos, pathos, and logos. You were definitely right when you discussed how much emotion he uses throughout his speech.

    2. Allie,
      You did an awesome job of pointing out the responsibility of Congress to help the country grow. I like that you pointed out emotion he brings into the speech. Also, I like that you addressed the Pope's comparison of Moses and Congress.

  2. Viva el Papa! Pope Francis has come to America! The main goal behind his visit was to attend the Meeting of Families that was held in Philadelphia, Pa, this weekend. Before he went to this meeting though, he went to Washington, D.C. While he was there President Obama gave him a personal tour of the White House. After he walked and met with the people who flocked there to meet him, he got down to his more important business. The Pope addressed Congress in a joint meeting on Thursday morning. During this speech he covered topics from slavery and oppression to guiding the young people of America on the right path for success. From the beginning of his speech Pope Francis starts off by thanking us for the invitation to come to our country. That shows how he a humble and genuine man. I believe Pope Francis does an excellent job explaining his point in which we as a country can improve on things and work to become a better society. He truly cares for the common wealth of all people and you can understand that and visually see his caring attitude for all people if you watch his speech. Another effective thing The Pope does is he uses pronouns such as "us" and we." By doing this he is showing the people he is addressing that he does not see himself as a supreme power but as someone who is on the same level as them. He does not say things like " I am the pope everything I say is right and you have to follow everything I say."
    A thing that resonated with me as well was how he touched the hearts of so many in attendance. Like when he talked about how we were all at one time immigrants of this country. When he said this, the camera showed Marco Rubio, whose parents were immigrants from Cuba, get very emotional and almost began wiping away faint tears. The pope does an excellent job of applying his pathos all through the his speech and this was just one moment that stuck out to me. Another large topic covered was having dreams. Pope Francis discussed that just as Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream many years ago we to need to keep alive that dream of living in a country where we take so much for granted. He says that we must keep that American Dream alive.
    A large portion of the popes speech revolved around Moses. He compares Moses to the congressmen he is addressing and says, "you are asked to protect, by means of the law, the image and likeness fashioned by God on every human face." He discusses how Moses lead his people and kept unity in the face of oppression. He says that we to need to do this in politics and government. He need to be a united country that puts aside our differences and fights for the good of all people and not for just personal advancement.
    He finishes his speech by saying that we need to keep alive the spirit that enriches the young people to hope and strive to live a life and to fulfill dreams. The last words of his Speech were "God bless America" which relates to his opening statement "land of the free and home of the brave."

    1. Dan,
      I thought your blog this week was outstanding. You did a fantastic job talking about the Pope's speech. I really liked how you talked about the comparison with Moses! Great Blog!

    2. Dan,
      I thought you did a great job of pointing out key points throughout the Pope's speech. I also agree with you when you pointed out that the Pope used words like "we" and "us" which shows he isn't over everyone else but instead just like us.

  3. Overall, Pope Francis delivered an effective speech that was far-reaching and directed to an audience much larger than just Catholics. Throughout the discourse, His Holiness commended the citizens of the "land of the free and the home of the brave" for their disposition in regards to several social and political aspects. On the other hand, he touched on issues not only present in the United States, but rather recurrent problems occurring all across the globe as well.
    Early on, the Holy Father hints that Congress needs to be more effective, as he identified what its goals truly should be. This includes pursuing the common good by the means of the growth of all members, through just legislation. He makes a personal anecdote to Moses, stating that the purpose of Congress and the purpose of the patriarch of the Israelites goes hand in hand.
    Furthermore, Pope Francis applauds those who continually emphasize the importance of family and salutes the elderly and the young who regularly work to build a better future through self-sacrifice. In addition, the Supreme Pontiff creates a model of four Americans that forms the basis of how we should strive to lead our lives. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothea Day, and Thomas Merton make up the prototype. However, he first tells us why this is necessary. Our world today continues to be a place where violent, barbaric activity takes place, often with religion serving as the central motive. In response with a counteracting proposition that appeals to pathos, Pope Francis says, "We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good."
    Moreover, he switches gears to yet another one of his major arguments, one that corresponds to logos: The Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Mt 7:12). The Pope then uses this to his advantage in the push against abortion and the death penalty. Later on, he calls for a revitalization in terms of care for the environment. The Pope is essentially instructing Congress, as he says that we have the technology and resources to do so, now we just have to take action and implement change. Finally, Pope Francis draws attention to the significance of family life once again, as it is undoubtedly the focal point of society.
    One particular aspect that resonated with me was when the Holy Father said that he hopes America continues to be a land of "dreams". I think the desire and aspiration for a bright future is what drives a lot of people to do something special in this day and age. As for an establishment of ethos, I do not think Pope Francis really executed, nor do I think it was necessary. Considering he is the Head of the Catholic Church, I would hope everyone accepts his credibility and authority. On a different note, I wish Pope Francis would have directly cited or mentioned Jesus in his oration, as he is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.
    Ultimately, in our time, we must actively partake in Lincoln's fight for liberty, King's fight for non-exclusion, Day's fight for social justice, and Merton's receptivity of God. Pope Francis successfully conveyed a message with profound effect to a sweeping audience that was listening with open ears. I think that years down the road, this lecture given by the Bishop of Rome could join the ranks as one of the most formidable speeches ever uttered.

    1. Jared, after reading your entry I think you did a fantastic job! All around, you covered the main points of the Popes address. You do a wonderful job of using all the names that the pope is know by as well. I think you cover the entire prompt that was presented and do a fabulous job structuring your entry around the four main aspects; Lincoln, King Jr., Day, and Merton. I guess I never did realize that the Pope never mentioned Jesus outwardly. He discusses the catholic religion but never Jesus directly. Great Blog!!

    2. Jared,
      I really liked your blog. You did a great job analyzing the Pope's speech. You also brought up good points on what you thought was missing, which I agree with. Good Job!!

    3. Jared,
      First of all throughout your entire blog you used great vocabulary that were very descriptive which made me understand your points more clearly. You touched upon the golden rule as I did in my blog, and I agree with the arguments you made with that.

  4. Pope Francis's journey to America was highly publicized; and for good reasons, he is so kind and humble. In his speech to Congress he started out by thanking The United States for the wonderful opportunity to be in "thee land of the free and the home of the brave." He also hits the fact that in America we are the ones who make the country all that it is. Pope Francis seems to make a connection to all types of people. He acknowledges the past and looks to a hopeful future.
    The thing that resonates with me the most that "In particular, I would like to call attention to those family members who are the most vulnerable, the young. For many of them, a future filled with countless possibilities beckons, yet so many others seem disoriented and aimless, trapped in a hopeless maze of violence, abuse and despair." The young people in our country are the ones who will be leading it one day. We are the ones who need to find God in our lives because if we do not see God then our leaders in twenty years will be leading without God in our minds. We are the generation that has the ability to change our country for the better. Our world is a changing one and by addressing this Pope Francis pointed out because it is a changing world we also must be the ones to keep our faith and God center. Present day America must turn to our elders for help.
    Pope Francis established his ethos not only by his words, but also by the way a Pope is dressed. When wearing clothes like that most people assume or already know that he is at least a member or part of something religious. Almost all of Pope Francis's speech appealed to pathos; talking about Moses, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King Jr. Also part of this was that working families who fight and work for a better day one day at a time. By using words like "we" and "us" Pope Francis establishes that he is a part of our country's struggles.
    I feel that Pope Francis addressed all issues that his position allowed hime. I think that he gies us so much hope as Catholics and by him coming him there was such a unity of all the Catholics in the United States.

    1. I really enjoyed your blog this week. I made the same connection that you did when Pope Francis made the quotation from our national anthem. You also did a great job in finding his use of pathos. I also liked the connection you made to the Pope being involved in our country's struggles as well.

    2. Kenz,
      The part in your blog about how Pope Francis mentioned the young also resonated with me. I like how you mention that the young will be our country's future and I think you are very right.

  5. Makenzie,
    I like how you emphasized the fact that we are going to be the next generation to lead this nation. You gave us an excerpt from Pope Francis's speech where he tells us that our young people are our most valuable as well as vulnerable family members. This is entirely true just as you pointed out. I also liked how you said that for our nation to remain strong we must still hold a spot for God in our lives so that when we grow and begin to lead the nation he is still along side of us guiding us to to what is right.


  6. The speech made by Pope Francis to the joint session of Congress will be one of the most famous speeches in history. He made several great points during his session in Congress, and he also found many ways to appeal to his listeners. He began his powerful speech by referring to the United States as "the land of the free and the home of the brave." I believe that this was an incredibly powerful way to reach out to Americans. Pope Francis made a phenomenal appeal to pathos by stating the very words found in our national anthem. At this point, he had the audience's undivided attention if it wasn't enough that the leader of the Catholic Church was already addressing the crowd.
    As his speech continued, Pope Francis gave praise and thanks to many groups of people. First, he admires the leaders of families that work everyday to provide their family with everything that they need. He then talks about the elderly people in our society. He thanks them for their wisdom that they have tried to give to the future generations. After that, he speaks to the young adults and children of society. He is great full for their efforts to follow their hopes and dreams. He also prays that al, young people learn to respond correctly to immaturity.
    Pope Francis began to discuss important people in American history. He mentions one of the presidents, Abraham Lincoln. He tells his audience how important it was that this man worked to bring more freedom to our nation. He then continues by talking about the darkness of sin throughout the world. Pope Francis encourages citizens of the United States to fight against the evil and temptation. He gives more examples of great Americans who refused to give up in order to inspire today's society to do the same.
    In his conclusion, Pope Francis states that the family is the most important part of our society. He encourages all American citizens to believe in their family members. He then finishes his speech with an effective and powerful blessing, "God bless America!"

    1. Hailee,
      I really like that you said Pope Francis' speech would become historically famous. You did a great job of addressing the pathos in the speech, and his methods of getting the audiences attention. You supported your points with evidence from the text. Great job!

    2. Hailee,
      I thought your blog was excellent. I love the all the points you covered. I also enjoyed his quotes you used. These quotes, I believe, make the speech really what it is!

    3. Hailee,
      I think by adding his quotes it made your blog that much better. I think you hit all the major points and I really enjoyed it. I also agree that Pope Francis reached out to many of Americans by him quoting the national anthem.

  7. Pope Francis coming to America was very beneficial to all Americans, not just Catholics. Pope Francis touched many people's life's by coming to the United States, but the highlight of his trip was the speech he gave on Thursday. He addressed a joint meeting of Congress and delivered a very powerful and moving speech. Pope Francis starts off by saying how grateful he was to receive an invitation to make an address in "the land of the free and the home of the brave." He then says that every son and daughter of a given country has a mission, a personal and social responsibility. Pope Francis tells the members of congress that their responsibility is to enable the United States to grow as a nation through legislative activity. Pope Francis also then directly relates the work of the members of congress to the figure of Moses. Pope Francis then goes on to talk about major issues happening not only in the United States, but all around the world. He offers solutions to fixing those problems, and tells us what we can do in order to help the cause of these problems. I do wish Pope Francis would have mentioned more directly relating to the United States, such as Ben Carson, a Catholic campaigning to become our next president. Pope Francis is a great teacher and leader so I believe his speech was very influential. Pope Francis establishes ethos in this speech by just being the Pope, a very trustworthy and honest person. Pope Francis also established pathos by talking with great emotion, and giving his personal beliefs on resolving issues happening in our world. Lastly, Pope Francis establishes logos by just being very basic and correct on all the matters he was talking about, and reasoning with others to fix different problems. He also uses different rhetorical devices other than ethos, pathos, and logos in his speech. For example, he uses "they say" when talking about Abraham Lincoln. Overall, I think Pope Francis gave a very powerful, and well thought out speech on Thursday in front of a joint meeting of Congress. Pope Francis also used terms such as "we" in his speech showing that different problems in the world aren't just certain peoples problems, but everyone's.

    1. Frank,
      You made some solid points in your blog. I like your first sentence stating that Pope Francis' visit effected more than just Cathoics. I agree. Also you made strong points demonstrating how Pope Franics used logos, pathos, and ethos. I think you did a nice job on this blog, Frank.

    2. Frank, I also agree with your statement that he was talking to more than just Catholics. He was talking to America as a whole and that we all need to come together to stop the crisis that is being formed.

    3. Frank,
      I really like how you incorporated "they say" I thought it was really nice that you connected it to what we learned this last week. I also think this speech was very powerful and that you did a great job!

    4. Frank, I like how you made a point to mention how the Pope said that members of congress are similar to Mosses, that is something I didn't mention in my blog. Also, I agree that the Pope should of talk about the upcoming elections, as this would have been beneficial for candidates and voters.

  8. After reading and listening to the speech delivered by the Vicar of Christ, or Pope Francis, I was incredibly impressed. Immediately following the conclusion of the speech, I went right to google to see how old Pope Francis is. He is 78. There are not many 78 year old that could do what he is doing now, traveling throughout the United States giving speeches. Pope Francis' speech to congress was exceptional. Pope Francis was very blunt, stating basically he thought that the U.S. Congress needed to be better. I agree with Pope Francis and I appreciate his honestly and straightforwardness. I like how Pope Francis used the role of Moses as an example, and he did this well. Later on in the speech, Pope Francis brought up four important American people, and they were Abraham Lincoln, Martian Luther King, Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton. Then he would go on to talk about each one and their contribution to America. Pope Francis addressed the state our country is in in terms of violence and hatred. He mentioned that some of this occurs even in the name of God and religion. Pope Francis guides us and suggests to us that we as American citizens need to respond to the violence not with more violence, but with hope and healing, of peace and justice. This is an effective suggestion coming a very powerful leader of our church. He goes on to guide us by saying we need to move forward together as one. Not just as a nation or religion, but as a world. Violence is not to be responded to by more violence, and I think it was important that we understand that so I think it was important of Pope Francis to state that. One thing I was slightly disappointed that Pope Francis did not elaborate on was the topic of abortion and Planned Parenthood. This is a growing problem in the world, and though Pope Francis did bring up the topic, I did not think he enough about it. Overall, I think that Pope Francis did a great job in this speech. He was effective, logical, and powerful. As a Caatholic, I am blessed to have Pope Francis leading my church.

    1. Gabe,
      First of all I think we both have very similar and strong holds onto our faith, and I think that gives us both of the same ideas on what the pop was saying. I love how you searched up his age because I think that gives us readers a better view of what his reality is. What you said is very profound and holds very true, and I like what you said very much so! I strongly, strongly, strongly agree with your last statement. Go Pope Francis!

    2. Gabe, you clearly illustrated how Pope Francis is a true successor of St. Peter and such an inspiration as our leader in the Catholic Church. You spoke very highly of him and were able to take it to the next level in terms of your writing. One thing I could not agree more with is that Pope Francis should have expanded more on abortion, considering it is one of the central issues today in our faith. Excellent work!

  9. Pope Francis' historic speech given to Congress was very strong and powerful. He touched upon many key arguments and issues we have within our great nation. The subjects he spent his time discussing were not just directed for Catholics, but rather for everyone in the world to listen close to. His Holiness was effective right from the start by addressing "the land of the free and the home of the brave." Immediately after he spoke those words, the entire crowd cheered and the Pope led out a huge smile. He immediately reached out to every nation by saying each person has a personal and social responsibility. He then jumps right into our own Congress by touching on that they need to be more successful as to they are the face of our nation. The Pope also showed his effectiveness by naming four great Americans who have done so much for our country. This really resonated with me because the Pope spoke of how America is a place of dreams. He spoke of how countless people have come to this great country seeking dreams, and it is a country that allows these great dreams to become true just like those four great Americans did. The way he spoke of our land being a land of dreams really made me feel that our country is truly capable of great things. In my eyes the Pope also sees that and is giving us the task of fixing issues within our country. He brings up the argument of how our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict. He urges us that instead of hatred, we respond with hope and healing of peace and justice. As the Pope touches on abortion and the death penalty, he speaks of the golden rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Mt 7:12). This appeals to logos because the rule says it all, and anyone would agree with that. He finished his speech with great power by speaking of a nation who can be considered great when we defend liberty like Lincoln did, Kings fight for his people, Dorothea Day's fight for justice, and Merton's style for peace. In the end, I believe Pope Francis' speech was one to remember, and ever person who was lucky enough to listen can truly benefit from this mans wise words. He ended with advising us to keep the spirit alive and continue to grow so we can keep the dream alive and inspire others.

    1. Brad,
      I think you did a nice job on this. I agree with what you said, because you're right, the Pope was great. I like how you talked about the beginning of the Pope's speech when the crowd went crazy after he started with "the land of the free and the home of the brave." I would have loved to be there! That sounded fantastic. Also, I like how you touched on the Golden Rule part of the Pope's speech. This was powerful because I think a 6 year old understood what Pope Francis meant as did an 80 year old.

  10. I believe Pope Francis's Speech was effective in every way. He managed to address many important issues taking place in America today. While he was directly addressing the Congress, he also managed to extend his audience to every American person. His speech was not only concerning government officials or simply Catholics, but every American citizen at every age.
    Pope Francis addressed issues of immigration, capitol punishment, poverty, and weapons. Pope Francis also called for action to solve such issues. He states that America is referred to as the "land of dreams," and immigration made that possible. Many American citizens came to be such as a result of immigration. Immigrants were not respected in the past, and he calls on us to refrain from repeating the past. Pope Francis reminds us not to throw away anything that seems like a problem. Also, Pope Francis advocates against capitol punishment. We should not ignore that life is sacred. He argues that we should treat them with kindness and not allow their sinful actions to make us commit sin. Instead, he asks that we allow for the rehabilitation of criminals. Next, Pope Francis calls Americans to fight poverty. He addresses the numerous citizens who escaped poverty. He says that by distributing wealth and creating jobs, the working class can solve poverty. Lastly, the Pope addresses the immorality of selling weapons to people who harm others with those weapons. He calls us to end the arms trade. By addressing such high priority issues, Pope Francis created an incredibly effective speech.
    One thing from Pope Francis' speech that really resonated with me was his remarks about young people. While, he went fairly mainstream by stating that young people are the future, he went in a different direction in addressing the future young people present. Instead of stating that young people will destroy the country, he placed fault on the pressures society places on them. He says some are told they don't have options for the future, so they are pressured against family life. Others have too many future possibilities, and are too overwhelmed to think about family life. I love Pope Francis' approach to the problems of young people. Instead of blaming young people for their problems, he offers solutions.
    Pope Francis greatly contributed to the effectiveness of his speech by successfully directing his speech toward every American. He spoke to Congress, stating their goals of unifying the country for the common good. Then, he extended his audience to the working class, the elderly, and at the end of his speech, America's youth. He defined each class's roles in unifying the country. By extending the audience of his speech, Pope Francis made his views the concern of every citizen, Catholic or not.
    Pope Francis' speech effectively communicated his points. He offered solutions to various high priority issues unchanged as immigration, Capitol punishment, poverty and weapons. I believe Pope Francis is the future of our Catholic faith, and a bright one at that.

    1. Jenna,
      I too believe that the pope was effective in every way. I love his success of talking about our American culture and how we need to strive to be better. Pope Francis sure will be one to remember.

    2. Jenna,

      The Pope was not effective in every way, his speech did not appeal to a younger audience, and he was extremely bland as he spoke. I would have to guess that you were amazed more by the fact that the Pope was speaking rather than the way he delivered his message.

  11. Pope Francis' speech was exceptionally written and it spoke directly to every American who listened or read it. Pope Francis's speech also spoke to many groups of people individually in his speech, like African Americans or Catholics. The speech spoke mostly about the significance of the date on which the speech occurred, and it also spoke about the importance of the representatives of the people, in the government, to work for the common good. The pope urged politicians to be constantly aware of the people that they serve. The pope also addressed to emergency situation in Syria and the refugee crisis. The pope called for the law makers to consider this refuges to be people and not just a hassle to the county. The pope also make a point to speak a little about abortion and the importance of protecting life. The major part of the speech was about the importance of the date. Four major people in American history had a special connection to that day's date. Two of these people are American icons, and they are known around the world. The other two are a little unknown by the average American, but they are still very influential in the history of America. The four people are Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton. The talking about these great Americans appealed to every American, because theses are very common and heard of people in America. It also showed that the pope cared for the history of America and what Americans have achieved over the years. These people also highlighted points that the pope wanted to address, like racial equality, and Catholics in America. These people who are associated with this date all worked for these points of view. The pope's speech was very good at using historical figures from the United States past to help him get past his points. This tactic was very effective of bringing up key issues in today's society.

    1. Mitchell, I like how you mentioned the Pope discussing the issue in Syria and the refugee crisis, and the fact that it should teach a lesson to the lawmakers. I think you were the only one to do so. In addition, you made an excellent observation in regards to Pope Francis using historical figures from the United States to assist in getting his point across!

    2. Mitch,
      I agree that we need to set the countries causing crisis straight. There is more refuge and crisis forming and we need to stop it once and for all. We need to show them we are the more powerful nation.

    3. Foopa,
      Like Doug and Jared said, I like how you talked about Syria and crisis and how it needs to be dealt with. I agree. It's the only way to move forward as a country.

    4. Mitch,

      Without a doubt, the Pope made it a point to talk about abortion. He didn't even have to talk about it for long. The fact that he talked about it meant that it was an important issue that needs to be dealt with.

    5. Mitch,
      I like how you pointed out how the Pope mention about Syria and the refugee crisis. How they are people and not just an issue that we have to address as a country.

  12. Pope Francis visited America for the first time ever this past week. On September twenty-fourth, Pope Francis delivered an effective, influential speech regarding the aspects of life that all people, not only Catholics, should be progressively working towards each and every day. It is apparent that he cares for the welfare and well-being of all people and wants to make a difference towards a better world. Throughout his address, Pope Francis does not act superior to the audience, but rather speaks as one of the people. This is the factor that makes him so relatable and admirable. He preached to a vast audience of Americans, and not only Catholics were viewing. The Pope's speech to Congress was an especially powerful proclamation about our country as a whole. He remarks on what our nation rejects, accepts, and represents. Pope Francis honed in on key elements about our elders, who consistently work hard at keeping our nation prosperous, as well as the working people who provide for their families and keep the United States in sync. In his speech, Pope Francis compares the U.S. Congress to Moses. Their job is to protect the citizens of the United States and to serve them justly and fairly. The two have the same responsibilities and jobs, and that is to aid the common good. The next point that Pope Francis exemplifies in his speech and resonated with me are past Americans who made extensive improvements for the society of the now. The four significant people that are discerned are Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton. Pope Francis distinguishes them for their accomplishments of building a better future through sacrifices during their lives, and even self-sacrifice of their lives. America was given these leaders to set an example of the duties that still need to be performed currently. In doing this, today's societal leaders can leave an example for the future beyond us. Pope Francis also preaches about violence throughout the world. He teaches that the only ways we can overcome these obstacles of war and discrimination are in the power of our hands. As living human beings, we need to restore hope, reverse our wrong-doings, and keep our commitments. Although I enjoyed reading and watching the speech, I wish Pope Francis would have spoken about current issues the United States is struggling with such as Planned Parenthood, especially with the 2016 presidential election coming up.

    1. Kara,
      I really like how you talked about how Pope Francis speaks as though he is an equal, and not superior. I completely agree and had not considered it or realized it until now. I also agree with your point that he should have brought up the Planned Parenthood issue, I think that he could have made a big difference in how people view the issue.

  13. To start of, Pope Francis is an advocate for peace, a Human flesh Christ like leader to guide our people, and Shepard to us as the the sheep. His trip to America gives and shows a holy presence over our country. This is what the American people needed. We as a population needed a silence of all the commotion, and we needed a holy face to do just that. More importantly our congress needed a slap in face to see what our reality truest holds. In his speech he marks onto what America is, "the home of the brave". He goes on about how our people and our country and about how strong we hold firm to what and who we are. He describes our conditions and the realities we need to face. It is really a great feeling to know and here what God saying through a human body. He reinstates what the members of the congress are meant to do. He tells them their soul purpose is to help. Which is easy to forget when they sit in front of many normal and hardworking people telling them what to do. Pope Francis reminds them their mission. He also states how America is the country of dreamers. How inspiring is that statement? He has full confidence in what we have and what we do. He discussed the problem of immigration and how we are all immigrants. So how could we judge? He said what everyone needed to hear; a powerful statement that made anyone who was watching grow goosebumps. "Do unto others as others would do unto you", this is what we as Americans, as this powerhouse of dreamers, believers, thinkers, and doers, need to accept. He also brings many I important advocates for peace into the speech. He describes their efforts and that we need to model our lives after them. He says also, " The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirt of cooperation..." This describes our efforts should be full enforced and strongly encouraged for finding peace. Along with his argument he rhetorically gestured to the congressmen that they were like Moses, and that they were meant to direct and find peace, love, and humanity for all. In a personal feeling Jesus and our catholicity is important to me, and having the pope her in America is a personal message through God that we must find our way; that we must step up and work together as a family to create a safer world. It is a holy sensation to know that a person of such high holiness is here to help us with our lives, and then to pass it on to others.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Reilly,
      I really enjoyed your blog this week, I feel your support of Pope Francis just by reading it. I like how you pointed out that by his visit to Congress he is reminding them what they are there for.

  14. Pope Francis's visit to the United States has been everywhere in the news this week, with constant coverage of his every move. Pope Francis came to the United States to attend the World Meeting of Families which convened in Philadelphia, PA. While in our country he made three stops, one to New York City, Washington DC, and Philadelphia. He had a special meeting with Congress while in D.C. where he delivered an extremely powerful speech.
    There were quite a few points during Pope Francis's speech that really spoke to me and stood out as things our country can do or that I can do to help our world. At one point during his speech he spoke of how America is a place people come to live their dreams and dreams start actions. He was saying how the United States is a country where people will work and do almost anything to achieve their dreams. From this particular part of his speech I see it as a call to action. If we, as Americans, set our mind to something whether it is helping those who are poor and hungry or improving the environment we can do it. When he brought up the environmental issue he wrote his encyclical about, he said that there is a place for the United States government in that plan. That gave me a feeling of hope, he made me feel slightly at ease that we can help fix this. Our country can help turn things around, we can play a part in making our world a better place.
    I am very touched an moved by all of the things that he spoke about, but there are some things that I wish he would have touched base on. I wish he would have spoken about abortion, I believe that he could be the one that talked some sense into the government about the pro life issues. He spoke of families but not of how abortion is not allowing the formation of families. I feel that if he would have spoken about the right to life and the injustices of abortion, it could have changed the country's view on abortion.
    Pope Francis is a great leader of the Catholic Church, and just by this speech it shows. He gives hope. He makes his message known, is strict and clear about changes that need to be made, but he gives the people hope. At least in my point of view he makes me feel that if we make a change, we can fix our world and make it better for everyone. The best leaders can give their people hope, and with this speech Pope Francis delivers.

    1. Rachel, our blogs are very similar in how we both talked about the Pope's mention of America being a place for dreams, and also how we wished he would have talked about the issue of abortion. I didn't mention though how abortion would have been a good topic to bring up while talking about uniting families.

    2. Rachel,
      I like how you brought up the point of America being a country of dreamers. I also said something similar towards the topic of abortion and how it should have been brought up.

  15. Pope Francis' speech was extraordinary because of the way is reflected to our great and beautiful country. The Pope talked about how brave and free our county is and he considered himself part of our wonderful nation. He expressed how much respect he had for this country and stated that there were four main people that worked harder than anyone else to shape the United States of America to what it is today, and they are, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton. He expressed the sacrifice these people gave to make their country a better place and how we need to continue to do so the make the US a more profound nation. He declared that we must do this because of the amount of refuge and crisis that is being to form overseas. He wants is to be hopeful and peaceful to overcome these crisis. We must use our intelligence to resolve the issues. By stating all of this the pope is logos to enter the minds of the political people in order to reduce havoc.
    One thing I found interesting was how the Pope seemed to be talking as if he was one of us instead of a person with great power, which he is. He wasn't trying to talk at us, he was talking with us so we gained his respect and listened to his ideas and concepts, this was a form of logos. In my opinion he is doing this so we truly believe what he is saying and that is that the world is turning into a vary dangerous place and that we must understand the magnitude of crisis.
    Pope Francis also made it clear to me that America is where dreams come true and that we most certainly are a extremely powerful nation as long as we strive to reach any goal given to us. He proves we strong and independent which came from our ancestors which had to fight for our freedom and safety as Americans.

    1. Jug,
      I agree with your points for the most part. It was a good speech, especially because of how he tried to be like one of us, like you said.

  16. 2015 is a year of a papal visit. Pope Francis makes his way to the United States and speaks about various topics. The Pop coming to the United States is a big deal, which attracted many people to go and see him. Pope Francis seemed to actually know quite a lot about the United States. Some of the subjects that Pope Francis talked about include racism, significance of life, abortion, and of course, Catholicism. The majority of Pope Francis's speech was about that day in United States history. He talked about several people that were linked to September 24 at times in the history of the United States of America. Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Martin Luther King Jr., and Abraham Lincoln are the people that Pope Francis talked about in his speech, due to the fact that they are linked to September 24 in significant ways. He talked for a little while about those people and their significance. He also touched on the issue of violence in the United States. Another one of his main points was the topic of children. He talked about how children have the largest tasks and responsibilities. Those responsibilities are to become the adults in a short time and to be the best they can be. Basically, Pope Francis said that the children of today need to grow up and rebuild the world into a better place and make it the way it is suppose to be. It was very interesting to hear the Pope speak. I thought his views were well thought out and he delivered his speech in a very professional manner. His use of Logos, Pathos, and Ethos made his speech very nice and very successful.

    1. Chester,
      I enjoyed how you showed the importance of the day and how the pope highlighted the importance of the children of America. I agree with your views on the speech and the important points to take away from it.

    2. Ben,
      I really liked how you pointed out a lot of the main things Pope Francis mentioned about our country. I do agree with you about how his views being well thought out and he did deliver his speech is a professional manner but I think he should have used more words that we could understand because most people don't use big words like he did. Also I liked his speech but I got really bored because he wasn't enthusiastic about anything really. Other then that, good job.

  17. To many, the Pope speech was captivating. He pointed out many good things as well as some bad thing about our country and our world. He was very humble, and besides the fact that he was dressed in all white, you would not have known he was the Pope.
    The Pope talked about the fact that we are a throw away society. We waste. The country is geared toward doing things the easy way. The Pope says that the easy way will not work for long. We need to recycle, reuse, stop overproduction, and cut down on greenhouse gases as a world. If we would figure out how to maximize our use of food we wouldn't have near as much poverty in the world.
    In his speech he also talks about Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and Thomas Merton. They all got us started in the right direction. He mentioned that the United States is a land of opportunity. People come to the U.S. from far and wide to start successful families in this country. He said that if we got rid of immigration our country would lose what it was founded upon.
    He also talked about the death penalty. He does not believe in the death penalty. He thinks that criminals should be forgiven. The Pope says that nobody deserves the death penalty no matter what they did.
    In my opinion, the Pope's speech was not effective. His talk was very long, mono-tone, and drawn out. I found myself thinking about other things every other second during his talk. I am interested in what the Pope has to say, but I felt he was keeping an older audience in mind. He spoke a powerful message, but I almost had to decode it as I was listening to him. He spoke with words that were to intelligent for the average person to understand. I would be willing to cut him some slack because English isn't his native language, but his sentences were so slow moving I found him boring. The Pope is a very smart man to be able to speak three different language and write a speech the way he did, but the way he presented it left a bit to be desired.

    1. Zach,
      I like how you highlighted the argument about the environment, we do take the "easy way" and the environment is suffering about it. I partially agree with you view on the speech. I agree that is was drawn out and defiantly geared towards an older audience, but I do think it was effective since it was primarily directed at congress.

    2. Zach,
      I really liked how you told about Pope Francis mentioning both good and bad things about our country. Also I agree with you on the whole thing about getting bored at listening to his speech. He was not very enthusiastic when he talked about anything. Also he did use some words that I did not understand. I think you did a great job on talking about what his main points were.

  18. The Pope's speech in Washington , D.C. was incredibly moving for any Catholic. In the beginning of the speech, he thanks America for letting him speak during the Joint Session of Congress. He was very humbling and addressed America as “the land of the free and the home of the brave." One of the many things that resonated with me was how he talked about American history. Bringing up that this was the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President Lincoln was incredibly powerful. Mentioning how Martin Luther King marched to Montgomery to fulfill his "dream" was also inspiring. He mentions how America is the land of "dreams," and that was another thing that I felt was really important. Many people come to America in hopes of fulfilling their "dreams." Another point the Pope made that really resonated with me on a more personal level was his addressing of the young people in the United States today. He speaks about how there is so much violence and despair in the world today, and how it's not just the young people's problems but the current generation of people's problems too.
    Pope Francis argues about how the world today is stricken with conflict, and how some of it is even in the name of God. He states, "We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind." He also speaks about how he was to abolish the death penalty everywhere in the world. He talk about how every life is sacred, and how society can benefit from the rehabilitation of these prisoners. At the end of his speech he speaks of how he is in the United States for the World Meeting of Families. Finally, at the very end of the speech he states the most fundamental thing of all, ” God bless America!."

    1. Zac,
      I like how you highlighted the way the pope addressed the congress sessions and the title he gave America. I agree with the personal connection with the pope, I think many people felt this

    2. Zac,
      I agree with you on how his references to history were resonating, they really helped strengthen his arguments and viewpoints he addresses. I like how you highlighted is viewpoints of violence in regards to your people, it definitely is a problem that the whole world needs to deal with

  19. "Dreams which lead to action, to participation, to commitment. Dreams which awaken what is deepest and truest in the life of a people." Essentially dreams were Pope Francis's theme throughout his speech as he talked about Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton, all whom which dreamed for a better tomorrow. Pope Francis's speech was very effective as he discussed a variety of topics in a relatively short amount of time. Pope Francis talked about most of the issues facing our world today, everything from poverty to violence. His quote about dreams stood out to me because that is what our country was built on. The dream that one day we would be free. A dream for a better tomorrow, an end to violence and poverty, is the first step in making it a reality.
    The Pope briefly talked about the scantily of life while on the topic of the death penalty, however, he never talked about abortion specifically. I had hoped he would address this issue in an attempt to change some political leader's deadly thoughts on it. Abortion is definitely one of the biggest, if not the biggest, problem and concern facing Catholics today. Pope Francis had mentioned earlier this year that during this year, the year of mercy, abortion would be more open to forgiveness. Another big political and religious topic in the Untied States today is same-sex marriages. This is a very difficult and confusing topics for many Catholics. Just within the past few weeks, Kim Davis made headlines for refusing to issue same sex marriage licenses against her religious beliefs. This event was even mentioned during the presidential debate. It's possible that the Pope didn't talk about these topics because they are so controversial.
    Pope Francis talked about kindness, respect, and loyalty toward others, even mentioning the golden role. Pope Francis also talked about the environment and the encyclical he just wrote on it. He discussed our responsibility to protect the environment, which is God's creations, and to preserve it for our future generations. The Pope discussed the importance of family and its unity, specific to young people. He brought up many examples of liberty and justice in the past, as such things have gotten a little lost in recent years.
    It's not hard for the Pope to establish ethos because after all he's the Pope. He is the leader of the Catholic Church, and has lived and learned on this Earth for over 70 years. His intelligence is seen as he is able to speak a variety of languages. He gives examples of how our choices have harmed the world and how we need to start reversing them. Pope Francis shared catholic's beliefs on many topics, and why such beliefs are logical.
    The Pope used a rhetorical strategy when talking about violence. He said "Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society?" He then proceeds to answer his question by stating that money is the reason for this violence, and therefore pointing out the immorality and lack of logic for such violence.
    Pope Francis's visit to the United Sates and speeches to the county are something that will surely be in the history books one day.

    1. Justin,
      I think you did a wonderful job opening up your blog talking about the four people that Pope Francis brought up, MLK Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton. I think that Pope Francis' view of dreams is very similar to the term American Dream, for a better life of family or career. I think it is very interesting how Pope Francis views same sex marriage, saying he is not to judge. I think you did a wonderful job tying everything together.

  20. Pope Francis has made several stops on his journey to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, one stop was a joint meeting of congress. The Pope gave a speech to congress addressing many issues as well as things that were good about America. Pope Francis spoke about issues such as immigration, violence, and the environment. He also spoke about good thing, such as, the freedoms, rights, and the effort people throughout the country give to good causes. He focuses on the effort or willingness needed to achieve good, right wrongs, and make the country better. He also focuses on improving the country throughout the speech. Pope Francis addresses violence and crime as a serious issue. He states that it is an issue hat must be handled delicately, he say that violence must be combated but religious, intellectual, and individual freedom must be safeguarded. He uses the Golden Rule when addressing immigration, he instructs us to treat immigrants as we would treat ourselves and also reminds us that we are foreigners or sons and daughters of foreigners. In regards to the environment, Pope Francis says we have the capabilities to conserve power, use technologies more efficiently, and use technology to help save the environment. He appeals to the public by speaking about how it is great that we have so many freedoms and rights, and how we use the freedoms in good ways. He also praises the nation for the effort we put in to help those in times of need.
    Pope Francis uses logos, pathos, ethos, and other rhetorical devices throughout his speech. Even though people respect him for being the pope, Pope Francis establishes ethos through being just someone else from the Western Hemisphere. He also uses Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton to appeal to ethos. He uses their defense of liberty, pursuit of dreams, push for equality and rights, as well as peaceful thinking to back his points. He appeals to pathos by relating himself to just another person with certain expectations of congress, he also appeals to pathos through his views on issues and comments on historic people, such as MLK and his "dream" and pursuit of civil rights. He used logos when discussing issues, one instance was when he talked about immigration. When he talked about immigration, he brought up the point that someone in everyone's family tree was foreign and treated unfairly because of it, he uses this logical point to help him convince others why the treat meets of foreigners and illegals is wrong. Other rhetoric devices included "they say" presenting viewpoints of Abraham Lincoln, MLK, and many others. Another rhetoric device he uses is metaphors, such as relating congress to Moses. Pope Francis delivered a magnificent speech that I think really made the congress think about what they have been doing and also provoked thought among the citizens viewing the speech. He did a great job explaining what needs fixed and how the country should go about fixing it.

  21. I really enjoyed Pope Francis' speech. I really enjoyed how he stated that "the land of the free and home of the brave". I thought this was something that would really mean a lot to the people of the United States. He said things that really meant a lot to me. He was very respectful to our country and thanked us for invited him to come here. His speech was so in depth about our people and how we should treat one another. He talked about how we are free people and we should take care of our environment and use our technology in a good way. Also I liked how he brought up the people in our country that tried to make a difference like Martin Luther King Jr. Pope Francis mentions how we need to "dream" just like Martin Luther King Jr. said. We have to dream in life and believe that we can be someone and make a difference. Also I think that him mentioning how we need to work together to make a difference was a really amazing thing to say because I do not think people hear it enough. People are so blinded by insecurities, hatred, and depression that they miss the real truth. I need to see that God is the light and we need to follow him and we would just open up and be kind to each other we could make this country a better place. There was a ton of things that I absolutely enjoyed about Pope Francis' speech. Also he did you ethos, pathos, and logos. The ethos he used God and our country as one. Everything went so well together. I really hope that people listened to what he said especially our president and government. Everyone needs to work together and I hope we do start to work together.

    1. Kira,
      I think you did a good job talking about some of his talking points, especially about the environment and technology. I agree with your comment of how people are so blinded by their insecurities and other things that cause them to miss the real message of life.

  22. Pope Francis’ trip to America has taken many people by surprise in finding out what kind of person he is. Throughout his trip the public has been made know that Pope Francis does activities spur of the moment and so he can talk to more people. The purpose of his trip was to spread his words of family living to the American people. On his trip to America, he stated to ask yourself if you shout or speak love and tenderness in the household. I think this appeals to pathos because Pope Francis really made the audience think about their actions towards one another. To me, the family does not mean your mom and dad, but your school family, your sport family, or your religious family.
    On September 24, 2015, Pope Francis addressed a joint meeting in Congress. With Vice President Joe Biden and former Speaker John Boehner behind him, the Pope gave his speech. One thing I always notice about Pope Francis is his genuine smile which you do not see that often in life, but it is one that you will never forget. Pope Francis talked about his feeling towards the use of weapons in our country and how we are distributing them, to me, I believe he was making a reference towards the Iran Nuclear Deal. Pope Francis has a love for people, he talked much about his views of poverty in America, especially for young kids. He visited a school in Harlem on his trip, as well. Pope Francis talked briefly about the topic of immigration. He wanted to end hostility that was being aimed at the immigrants. Many of Pope Francis’ topics caused debate for the 2016 presidential candidates. Pope Francis related Congress to Moses, the elected have the power to protect the law and the righteousness of God to govern the people of America.
    The words compassion and joy came up a lot, whether being on the news or in the words Pope Francis spoke. Pope Francis continued on in his talk to Congress by saying, “A political society endures when it seeks, as a vocation, to satisfy common needs by stimulating the growth of all its members, especially those in situations of greater vulnerability or risk. Legislative activity is always based on care for the people.” This means to me that we need to question our being if our actions are for the better of someone else rather than ourselves. I believe Pope Francis thinks that America is in trouble as a nation because of the way we act as a nation because of our leaders and our culture. Pope Francis’ trip to America made many people think about aspects that happen in their everyday lives.
