Friday, September 18, 2015

The Art of Persuasion in Print Ads

Advertisers persuade us with ads. Find an ad, cut and paste it into the blog and explain how it established ethos and appeals to logos and pathos. What is the purpose of the ad? And how does the creator use the three appeals to successfully persuade the audience. 250 word minimum.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I cannot figure out a way to post a picture so I am going to post the link of where I obtained the picture:


  3. Here we see that the creator of this ad applies his ethos upon the readers by saying that throat doctors vote that Old Gold is the best for your mouth. If a doctor says they are good for you then they must be. The advertiser does a good job of grabbing the readers attention when he used the doctor as an example. This is an older ad and people back then would believe anything a doctor said or suggested.
    The creator does a good job of appealing to pathos because he shows a group of people that all look to be nicely dressed and important. If people see that the higher class buying the product they are likely to follow the crowd. It also shows doctors in the picture, and if doctors use the product then they must be good for you.
    If you look very closely you can see that the picture states "Not a Cough in a Carload." The advertiser also states that these cigarettes are not bad for your health. This is how he applies his logos to the picture. He tells the people that if they buy his product verses other products then they will cough less. These types of ads were used to try and persuade people that smoking tobacco products may even relieve there throat pain if there is any irritation present.
    By combining all three of these appeals to the advertisement the creator is able to grab the viewers attention, persuade them to buy the product, as well as think the product is benefiting them more than hindering them.

    1. Dan,

      I think you were spot on in terms of the use of logos, pathos, and ethos appeal. The one that stuck out the most to me, in regards to your response, was your ethos and the fact that throat doctors served as just that. The credibility and authority is established immediately.

    2. Dan,
      I like how you said that people will follow the crowd. This is very true, as many people will be willing to pay anything to be accepted. People might want to fit in so much that they ignore the possible dangers of the product because everyone will like them for buying and using it.

    3. Dan,
      I think you did a nice job on this blog. You listed the three devices and explained thoroughly how each of them were used. Your statement about the use of ethos was well done, because with the doctor in the advertisement, the authority was shown. Nice job man.


    Papa Johns uses many different forms of advertisement to show off their project. The advertisement that I chose was a picture of a papa John symbol that says better ingredients, better pizza. In this they are representing logos because they are looking logically to people by saying they have the best ingredients and best flavoring pizzas. They also use ethos by representing the beliefs that they have the best and the most flavorful. This company uses pathos by getting people to try their products and then have having them trust in their products so they can sell and make a large profit. This company also uses many different techniques such as TV commercials with Payton Manning to advertise. Overall I believe Papa johns uses good ways to represent their products. This company represents many different flavors of pizza which is also a good way the advertise and persuade people to get pizza from this place. The strategies they use allow them to make money and make good tasting pizza. I personally have not eaten at this restaurant but I'm sure they have good service and good food.

    1. Bronda,
      I like that you picked a pizza add. I also agree with your points on Papa Johns. They establish their ethos very well by having Peyton Manning advertise for them.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Doug,
      Everyone loves a good slice of pizza, but what makes Papa Johns better than the rest? They probably aren't better than the rest, but they sure do make it seem that way in their ad. Their use of Peyton Manning was clever. Peyton likes Papa Johns, so I should probably eat it too!


    I feel that this August 2013 edition of Iron Man magazine does a very good job at finding the readers' Logos, Pathos, and Ethos right away on the cover. The Ethos is Arnold Swarzenegger, because he is thought to be the greatest bodybuilder ever. The Pathos is the fact that it's Arnold's birthday so that connects to the readers' emotions. Last, but not least, the Logos is the article on the back blast 500 that has a mass "trick" to get you wide and thick. The purpose of this cover is to grab the reader's attention and get them interested in muscular gains so that they purchase the magazine. They do that by establishing the Pathos, Logos, and Ethos. Suppose the magazine is in a newsstand on a street corner in a big city. When a person is scanning through all the magazines, they will be drawn to this issue with the bright yellow and the picture of the massive Arnold Swarzenegger. Other bodybuilding magazines may have similar covers, but the readers will be drawn to this one because it has the worlds most famous bodybuilder on it, and by the way the lure you in with their great display of using Pathos, Logos, and Ethos. Concern, they buy an issue, there is a good chance that they will be very interested by the magazine and start trying out the things in it. It should then eventually lead to people buying a subscription for this magazine. I think there is a good chance of that, because Iron Man magazine really did a good job hitting all their point, just on the cover.

    1. Ben,

      I agree with your interpretation of logos, pathos, and ethos for the edition of the Iron Man magazine. Ethos is clearly established through the use of Arnold Schwarzenegger, considering he is a seven-time Mr. Olympia champion. In addition, I concur with the proposition that ordinary people will be drawn to this magazine, mainly because of how massive Arnold is. I could then see people obtaining a subscription for this magazine because they want to look like Arnold for various reasons. Some may want to have a sense of self-appreciation, while others may just want to impress a girl. Hint. Hint.


    First for Women is a magazine designed for women that consists of various subject matters ranging from foods to beauty to nutrition. The September 28, 2015, edition entices its feminine audience through its strong disclosure of logos, pathos, and ethos.
    First of all, ethos is demonstrated through the placement of Kyra Sedgwick on the front cover. She is an accomplished actress and producer known for her prominent role on TNT's drama The Closer. If the readers of the magazine are motivated to refine their lifestyles in order to become more like Kyra, they will then turn to the fitness programs that she has undertaken.
    Furthermore, logos is clearly substantiated with the revelation of certain statistical data. For instance, the magazine offers a logical preview of how one can lose ten pounds in ten days. It claims this feat would be attained by "healing the problem that's slowing down your metabolism". The piece offers a speed fat burn by 311 percent as well.
    Moreover, the magazine indicates a sense of pathos through its appeal to certain emotional dispositions. For example, it guarantees an end to stress and tiredness. Many women want to live healthy lifestyles, but they often find it difficult to make yet another commitment. Well, First for Women provides a diet that quickly produces desired results. Also, it denotes instant bliss, in other words, perfect happiness or great joy.
    In conclusion, the purpose of First for Women is to spark convenient and beneficial change in the habits of women today. The author intelligently uses an iconic celebrity, strong emotions, and factually accurate results to his or her advantage. Ultimately, the creator of this edition combines those three aspects into one main argument as a way to capture the attention of women and illustrate the possibility of true change for the better.

    1. Jared,
      I like the use of a woman's magazine. They establish their points very well. Your word choice is very good as well.

    2. Jared,
      I like how you established your ethos through Kyra Sedgwick. She is a famous actress and has won numerous awards including a Golden Globe in 2007. I noticed on the cover of the magazine you chose that many of the other captions around it were about fitness, eating healthy, as well as losing weight. These appeal greatly to logos which you did a nice job of pointing out. Nice blog!

    3. Jared,
      I hate when I read a magazine and I see Follow these steps like so and so or Do this and your hair will be like this girl. You did a good job pointing that in the direction of ethos. I think you did an excellent job showing clear examples.

  7. Many times, advertisers try to use rhetorical devices like logos, pathos, and ethos to make a buyer want their product more. These three devices are critical in the creation of the advertisement. In my opinion, the Got Milk advertisements do a very fine job of establishing these three devices. The appeal to logos is probably the most used of the three devices. The got milk advertisements constantly are telling you what the benefits of milk are. In this particular advertisement, they state that milk helps the athletes get the right nutrients to help them prepare for their competitions or games. In other Got Milk advertising, it states that the protein in milk helps build muscle and that studies show that teens who choose to drink milk tend to me leaner. This states some factual information which is the use of logos. Pathos can be shown in the Got Milk advertisement as the viewers could feel some emotion by the looks of the athletes and their insane physical shape. This could motivate viewers to drink milk so that they can look like the athletes and get into outstanding shape. This ad appeals to the authority of the athletes because viewers tend to be interested in viewing this product because of the people in the picture.The picture shows athletes who participated in the 2012 Olympic Games competing for the United States. This might want someone to drink more milk because they would think to themselves that since these top notch athletes are drinking milk and performing at a high level maybe I should too. The Got Milk advertisers did a very good job on making sure they used logos, pathos, and ethos. This helped boost the popularity for the advertisement.


    2. Gabriel,
      I like how you pointed out that the got milk advertisements appeal to the viewers at an emotional state by saying that if they drink the milk then they can maybe someday get to look like the athletes that are on them. It may involve a few other things to get that big and strong, but the drinking of milk establishes that first step in becoming something great. Also, I like your comparison to the athletes of the 2012 Olympic Games because it give kids today a sense of something to try and accomplish, and make them want to set goals that are as high as going to the Olympics. Great Blog!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    4. Gabe,
      You did a great job of showing how each rhetorical device was used, but I especially like how you explained how just by drinking milk we can become like the athletes on the poster. These posters are often depicted with great athletes, and like you said any athlete becomes interested in the advertisement when they see some of their favorite players.

    5. Gabriel,
      I think you did a great job in finding the ethos, pathos, and logos of the "got milk" add. I especially liked how you used logos in your blog. My favorite part of you blog was when you talked about becoming great athletes. Loved the blog!

    6. Gabe,
      I think you did a very good job at finding logos, pathos, and ethos. I liked how you got deeper into it and talked about how kids would get the idea that if they drink milk they could look like the athletes in the ads. You explained everything very well too. I really enjoyed this.

  8. This ad establishes ethos by saying dentists recommend it. It also establishes ethos by telling us that it has prevented 523 million cavities. Having dentists recommend a toothpaste makes the toothpaste look recommendable and shows that people in the health care would use it as well. It is important for consumers to know that something is approved by something in the industry it was made for. Not many consumers would use Crest if they did not think that dentists would use it themselves. By telling us that Crest has prevented 523 million cavities shows that by using it, it will prevent cavities and also keep the consumer from getting them.
    The logos of this would be that since it has prevented so many cavities it would prevent your cavities. Logically speaking, it would make sense to use the toothpaste that prevents the consumer from getting cavities. By giving us the number 523 million cavities it makes us as the consumers think that it is logical to use Crest as our toothpaste.
    The pathos of this ad deal with the teeth shaped like dice and by saying "Their are some things you just can't afford to gamble with." The teeth shaped like dice and the quote makes you think that by not using Crest you could lose your teeth. The appearance of the teeth makes it seem even more real that you are gambling with your teeth. They want you to think that you could lose your teeth, which you could if you do not use the toothpaste they are telling you. Which is what they want you to think anyway. You will not know if what the advisement is true unless you try their product and trust it's repetition. This as clearly established its ethos, logos, and pathos, but as the consumer we have to decide if we think it is true or not.


    2. Makenzie, I really enjoyed your blog! I really liked how you stated a good quote from the advertisement. I also liked your end sentence. We really do as an individual need to see if these three appeals are true or not within the product.

    3. Makenzie,
      This was a good advertisement to pick. I agree with you that this advertisement uses logos,pathos, and ethos very well. This ad's most powerful device would be the logos as it states that 523 million cavities have been prevented due to this toothpaste. If that number doesn't impress you, I don't know what will. Overall, nice job.

    4. Makenzie,
      I think you made a great appeal to logos, pathos, and ethos. I like that you used specific quotes from your source. You did a fantastic job of addressing that the consumer needs to decide whether the appeals are true or not.

    5. Makenzie,
      I think you did a great job at bringing out the logos, pathos, and ethos. I liked how explained your ad that you chose. Also you explained each, logos, pathos, and ethos very well and you brought in quotes from the ad to support them.

    6. Kenz,
      I really like your advertisement and your appeal to ethos. I especially like how you pointed out the statistical information like preventing 523 million cavities, and how dentists recommend it. I also like your appeal to pathos and how the teeth are shaped like dice.


  9. We see ads everyday in places like on billboards, on the radio, television commercials, computer ads, and many more. While we think these ads may be innocently showing us the product or message being sold to make us more aware of it, there is more science behind it than that. All ads that you see will appeal to either logos, pathos, or establish ethos; and better engineered ads will appeal to all three. For example, this hummus ad appeals to all three. To establish its ethos, the ad states that its product is obviously the best there is. The phrase "The Caviar of Hummus" Implies that there is no better hummus, so if you were to buy hummus at all, this would be the best type. This ad also appeals to pathos. The bandwagon technique is used here by saying "You're either a member or your not". This appeals to the emotional need of almost all humans to fit in. If eating this hummus will make you be part of the crowd, then it's only a small sacrifice to pay for social acceptance. The ad appeals to logos in a less obvious way, using the picture and the words that it doesn't say. The picture looks delicious, healthy, and well worth any price. The ad seems to reply to the question of why with the answer why not. The advertisement says to the consumer that if it looks healthy, looks delicious, is the best of its kind, and everyone else is eating it, then what's stopping you from eating it too? This advertisement appeals to logos and pathos and establishes ethos. While we may not realize it, many other ads use the same techniques to convince us to buy their products.

    1. Catherine, your blog is great! I really liked how you grabbed the audience in the first sentence by stating where we can find advertisements. I also like how you stated that the logos is present in a less obvious way, not all advertisements show the three appeals easily.

    2. Catherine,
      I liked when you talked about how you are not part of the crowd if you don't purchase this Hummus, which is like peer pressure. Although the product really appealed to ethos and pathos, I just did not think that logos was there, which you pointed out. Great Blog overall!

    3. I really enjoyed how you explained how to find ethos, logos, and pathos in this ad. I also loved your opening statement it grabbed my attention and your wording throughout your blog was fantastic.

    4. Catherine,
      I really enjoyed your blog post. I like how you bring up the bandwagon and how it makes people want to belong and wants them to feel like they are included. This ad is a great example of the rhetorical strategies.

    5. Catherine,
      I think you did a great job bringing the audiance in and I think you did a fantastic job finding the ethos of this blog. Great job appealing to all three especially because this was a little bit harder of an ad.

  10. There are many ads that establish ethos, pathos, and logos in their covers. They display these key elements in a variety of ways. I believe that Vitamin Water establishes ethos, pathos, and logos within their advertisements. The purpose of the Vitamin Water advertisement is to show us the energy, good feelings, and performance quality that the water has. I believe that the author successfully shows the three appeals to persuade it's viewers. The advertisement shows good ethos by obtaining good trust by stating that Kobe drinks it too. The creator is showing a good role model for their audience. The creator uses persuading pathos too. The advertisement is filled with emotion by stating it has the "most valuable power". The advertisement images Kobe too, playing a forceful game of basketball. The Vitamin advertisement also tells it's audience what the performance of the water can do. It displays Kobe playing basketball, in the game. The advertisement gives a good sense of the third appeal, logos. The Vitamin Water creates good logic and reasoning. The Vitamin Water right off the bat gives us a good reason to buy the product. The product is water filled with all sorts of vitamins, proteins, and essential needed for good performance quality. The name has very good reasoning, even without the overall aspect of the advertisement. Overall, the Vitamin Water persuades greatly throughout the three appeals. The advertisement has good trust, authority, emotion, logic, and reasoning to persuade its audience for a good essential and healthy sport and energy drink.

    1. Allie,
      You provided some great examples of logos, pathos, and ethos in your ad. I like that you pointed out a few appeals that were not necessarily concrete and written in the advertisement already. You read a little more into the advertisement to get some of your appeals. Not all advertisements show their logos, pathos, and ethos obviously You did a great job of finding them.

    2. Allie,
      Great job on establishing your point. I thought how that you appealed to logos, pathos, and ethos was spot on. I especially liked how you talked about Kobe.


    This "Got Milk?" advertisement, featuring Meredith Viera, exemplifies logos, pathos, and ethos incredibly well. It makes use of these rhetorical strategies to instill healthy values in consumers and to sell a product. The ad uses several strategies to establish logos, pathos,and ethos.
    From the start, the advertisement establishes ethos by depicting Meredith Viera, a famous host of a morning show. In the ad, Viera states that she always makes time to drink milk. This tells the reader that if a famous person can make time for milk, so can they. The ad also uses the ethos from the reputation of the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association has a clean reputation for presenting health statistics.
    Next, the advertisement makes an appeal to pathos. The advertisement is obviously geared toward women that wish to lose weight. "Got Milk?" Uses Meredith Viera's thin figure to show their consumers that drinking milk can make them fit like famous people. Also, the glass of milk shown in the picture seems to have a shape reminiscent of the coveted "hourglass" figure of a woman. A woman looking to lose weight or become healthier will likely feel motivated after viewing this ad. The advertisement uses people's need to be like everyone else to its advantage. The pathos of the advertisement can make the consumer experience a wide range of emotions, each emotion producing a beneficial effect on the consumer.
    Lastly, the advertisement makes an excellent appeal to logos. "Got Milk?" uses logical statements and statistics to give the consumer confidence in the advertisement. At the top right corner of the ad, there is a statistic presented from a study that states that drinking milk contributes to weight loss. The confidence obtained from logic helps contribute to the ethos of the ad. In turn, the reputation of the American Heart Association aids the logos of the ad because it is only logical to listen to a source that is experienced in the subject.

    1. Jenna,

      I like how you demonstrated the use of logos, pathos, and ethos in the got milk ad. However, some of the claims made seem too strong for their support. For example, Saying that a women looking to lose weight will become motivated to be healthier from looking at the ad seems unrealistic. A women will not make the necessary lifestyle change to lose weight just from looking at the picture, but rather just drink milk. Also, all the emotions experienced may not all be positive. The effect is the same for the company advertising, but not the consumer. Otherwise, I loved your thoughts and ideas.

    2. I loved how you located ethos, logos, and pathos in the ad you chose. You made several great points. However, I do agree with Catherine. I don't believe that this advertisement will necessarily help women to change their lifestyle and become more healthy. I also don't believe that the need to fit in with celebrities will promote the thought of drinking milk.

    3. Jenna,
      I think you did a good job appealing to logos and ethos but I'm not sure about ethos. I agree with Hailee and Catherine with the fact that when women are trying to lose weight they don't typically reach for the milk carton. I thought you did a great job!

  12. Almost any advertisement that you encounter in modern day society appeals to either logos, ethos, or pathos, and sometimes even all three. I have come upon a great example that establishes these elements. The ad is called, "smoking kills... so why bother starting?"
    The biggest appeal in this advertisement is to logos, or logic. Written down the side are twelve great examples of why it could potentially ruin your life. Some statements include, major cause of stroke, reduces stamina, wrinkles your skin, may cause gum disease, etc... The ad is telling us, in a very logical sense, that smoking is a hazard to just not you, but also everyone around you.
    This ad also appeals to pathos, which deals with emotion or beliefs. It depicts a man holding a gun, loaded with cigarettes. The viewers will realize after looking at this ad that by smoking, they are shooting themselves, as well as others. When they smoke, the cigarettes move around and have a negative effect on their relationship with family and friends, and also with themselves. Smokers tend to smell bad, get wrinkles, and ruin their teeth and fingernails. This terrible habit could very well send your life in a downwards spiral.
    Last but not least the smoking advertisement, in a very small manner, also appeals to ethos. Why should you not bother to smoke? The picture says it all. What looks like an ordinary man is holding the gun. This means that the negative effects of smoking could take toll on any average man or woman. The overall message that this advertisement is trying to tell us that smoking is a lot worse than what it seems and be a hazard to your relationships with yourself and others. The price you pay for smoking is not only thousands of dollars per year, but a whole part of your life.

    1. Charlie,

      This was a great ad to use which clearly appealed to logos, pathos, and ethos. Logos was obviously the one most clearly represented when it shows you what smoking can do to you. Ethos is also visibly shown with the guy with then gun loaded with cigarettes. It truly is a great representation because smoking can truly kill us. You explained ethos well just by saying the picture says it all.

    2. Charlie, I almost chose this ad for my example, but I chose a different ain't-smoking ad instead. The picture of the gun well represents that smoking is essentially a slower suicide. The facts on the ad clearly show it's easier to not start smoking. In my ad, I also found that logos were the most prominent rhetorical strategy. You supported the application of pathos, logos, and ethos very well.

    3. Charlie, this ad was a great find for this weeks blog. The ad really grabs people's attention because it has a gun in it. My interpretation is that guns and cigarettes don't kill people unless you let them. This add is persuading people not to let them.

    4. Charlie,
      I really like your appeals to logos, pathos and ethos. I really enjoyed your appeals to pathos, the man holding a gun with cigarettes. It is a very persuasive appeal in this ad.

    5. Charlie, I agree with your opening statement. I feel like you asking questions and using examples helped me to understand your reasoning and it made your answer appealing.


    The Humane Society of the United States establishes it ethos quite clearly here by stating that they promote the protection of all animals. This advertisement appeals to logos because it only makes sense that in a violent family anyone could be a victim, including the pet. They also state in a small paragraph to the side that animals also need a safe place to live, and that it is a serious problem. Finally, this ad mostly appeals to pathos, and emotion is written all over it. It is pictured with a sad dog, and any animal lover is surely attracted to this advertisement. Even people who do not care for pets very much have to feel bad for any animal who is being abused. They speak of violence in the family which may cause abuse to a pet. It really brings out the readers emotion towards any animal abuse. The purpose of this ad is for communities to create "Safe Havens for Animals" programs that provide temporary shelters for these animals. Another point is for people to give these animals a better home. The Humane Society does a great job of appealing to the reader, and persuades them by using mostly emotion like a sad dog for their picture. In my opinion they used a dog here because many people have dogs as their pet of choice. They used the most popular pet as an example to appeal to a larger range of people. Any animal lover would defiantly be persuaded to help in some way.

    1. Brad,
      This add uses logos, pathos, and ethos the best of any ad I could think of. It's use of pathos is amazing it makes anyone feel bad for abused animals.

  14. Many advertisements use ethos, logos, and pathos to make their product or service more appealing to buyers. Coca Cola and the Heart Truth Campaign, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, have created an advertisement that uses ethos, pathos, and logos to make their product more appealing to consumers, along with promoting awareness for heart disease. This advertisement demonstrates ethos in many ways. It shows the consumers how important the Heart Truth campaign is and how much authority they have on the subject. The campaign tells the readers that they do much more than just providing awareness on the subject of heart disease. They say that they also help women take action against heart disease. They also state their authority by allowing those reading the ad to be aware of their sponsor. This makes them seem more impressive and that they should be able to be trusted since an institution is sponsoring them. The advertisement also contains several appeals to pathos. It tells the readers that heart disease is a serious disease that kills many women. It also gives readers hope to find ways to lower their risk of heart disease. The advertisement between Coca Cola and the Heart Truth campaign also provides several appeals to logos. The use many examples of logic and reasoning in their advertisement. They give examples that heart disease does not just effect many women, it is the number one killer of women in the United States. Advertisements make many connections to ethos, logos, and pathos. The use of ethos, logos, and pathos may help the company's ad appeal to many other people.

    1. You do a great job of appealing to logos, pathos, and ethos. The ad is very effective in raising awareness for heart disease while at the same time sponsoring Coca Cola. I agree with your arguments that the ad displays rhetorical strategies very well.

  15. Smoking may very well be the worst possible habit someone can have. This advertisement clearly highlights the benefits of quitting smoking to all audiences. Th advertisement also shows the risks and problems that come along with smoking.
    This advertisement establishes ethos by having a picture of a normal, everyday guy who looks to be relatively young. The man looks harmless overall, but has an almost worried look on his face. The advertisement appeals to everyone as shown by the originality and normalcy presented. The advertisement was authorized by the Australian government, and therefore must be at least a little trustworthy. After all, nobody today really questions whether smoking is healthy or not. The advertisement presents a reality of the harmful effects of smoking through its ethos.
    The advertisement applies to pathos mainly by its slogan "Every Cigarette You Don't Smoke Is Doing You Good". It shows that the more and longer you smoke cigarettes you smoke, the shorter your life will be. It's very scaring and emotional to think that one of your habits could kill you. The advertisement outlines the risks and dangers of smoking. The advertisement shows what you will get back when you stop smoking, such as your sense of taste and smell.
    Logos are the most powerful and prominent rhetorical strategy. The main argument of the article is the facts and statistics it includes involving the benefits of stopping smoking. The article is logical, as it makes sense to not purposefully endanger your health. The article shows how the body will "repair" itself after smoking is stopped. The article encourage non-smokers to not start by showing the effects of smoking and the difficulty in quitting. The facts in the advertisement will help smokers to stop and realize how what they're doing is affecting their health.

    1. Justin,
      I think that this add works really well appealing to all ethos, logos, and pathos. I particularly like how you pointed out that the fact the the man being normal is an appeal as well that it is for everyone.

  16. Direct TV uses different people and an odd counterpart to show their superiority over cable companies. Direct TV uses football starts to show their ethos. The commercials focus on a past or present football star and that person explains what parts of Direct TV are better than cable. Some football stars include Peyton Manning, Randy Moss, Tony Romo, and Andrew Luck. They use the football players to show their authority, and a way to appeal to football fans. Direct TV uses the authority of the players to convince people to leave cable, but they also show a counter personality which applies to the pathos of fans. The counter personality appeals to pathos, because it shows a nerdy personality or a a personality that is the opposite of the athletes main physical characteristic. The commercials appeal to logos, by showing the best parts of Direct TV and how cable does not have these features or the quality of the features is not as good as Direct TV. Direct TV uses the star athlete to represent to point of view of Direct TV, and they use the counter personality to represent the point of view of cable. The counter personality always has problems based upon the unique characteristics that they have. The star athlete is always with a crowd of people, and they are always is a very nice, clean house. The counter personality is always in a dirty, crappy house and is alone. This tries to show that people with direct TV have friend and a nice house, while people with cable are alone and have a crappy house.

    1. Here is the link

    2. Mitchell,
      You did a great job showing how the advertisement used logos, pathos, and ethos to persuade the viewers. I really like your example of ethos, the use of football players to appeal to football fans, encouraging them to get Direct TV

  17. In St. Mary's, the majority of families have a truck. They handle well in the snow, you can haul stuff in the back, and they are good for some of the driveways people have around here. Which truck is the best? The ad that I took a look at is advertising a Chevy Silverado Half-Ton pickup truck. It is hard to tell, but Chevrolet sure does sound like a good truck.
    The Chevy Half-Ton has the best in class V8 engine under the hood as mentioned in the ad. That is what people like to see. GM has put a reliable engine in an unbelievable truck which is also stated in the poster. People look for reliability in their vehicles. They also have Active Fuel Management which gives the truck the same amount of power without guzzling the gas. Any family that is on a budget would realize that this truck is the practical choice. The Silverado on the poster is pictured cruising down a dirt road toward a mountain. This would appeal to most of Elk County because the majority of people love to hunt, fish, and explore the outdoors. Chevy had done all that they could to design a mechanically sound truck with great power capabilities, and a sleek look that will be sure to impress.
    GM didn't miss anything when they released this poster. Without even realizing it, anyone who sees this poster will automatically take a Chevrolet pickup into consideration when they are looking for a new vehicle regardless of what the other trucks have to offer.

    1. Zachary,
      I think this was a great add to pick that established ethos, pathos, and logos. I also how you chose a product useful to the environment we live in. Great job!

    2. How did you find the ad? He didn't post the link. Or am I missing it?

  18. The second photo on the site:

  19. The whole business of advertisements is built on persuasion. The most powerful and successful ads appeal to out logic, emotion, and trust. A line of ads by uses ethos, logos, and pathos to bring equality to people's attention. The ad shows a woman and a search bar of derogatory online searches about women. This ad appeals to our logos by showing real internet searches. It makes people think about how this is really happening and those are actual results. By showing these negative comments about how women need to "be put in their place" and "be controlled," it speaks to people's emotions. Many people feel for these women and are sorry that they face these discriminations. Pathos is the most powerful argument in this ad, the emotion makes people want to reach out and help these women. Appealing to ones emotions are the most popular way to get people to buy a product or contribute to a cause. The fact that in this particular ad the women is from a different culture and is wearing a head covering is a use of ethos. Women in other countries tend to face more discrimination than women in the United States, this woman shows that she knows what it is like. It makes you trust her because she has been discriminated against she has the proper facts and is telling the truth. This particular ad campaign is all about gender equality. It is trying to bring this problem into the light in a way that most people will understand. It is targeted at the middle age people or younger, the use of the Internet speaks to the younger generations and draws their attention to the advertisement. Advertisements are a big business, everyone sees them, but only the ads that speak to the main parts of our brains are successful.

  20. Many different companies display logos, pathos, and ethos in advertisements for their products. Personally, I think Snickers with their "you are not you when you're hungry" campaign is one company that does a great job using these rhetorical devices. The "you are not you when you're hungry" is an example of logos. Snickers is very simply saying that you are not yourself when you are hungry. Many people get cranky and uncomfortable when they become very hungry, so I believe that Snickers does a great job using logos in this advertisement. Snickers also does a great job of displaying pathos in this ad. Snickers displays different feelings or emotions in the background on this ad such as being vicious. These different feelings and emotions you become when you are hungry is an example of Snickers using pathos. Snickers also very effectively uses pathos in their "you are no you when you're hungry" ad. Snickers states that their product is very satisfying and you can count on it to fill you up when you are hungry. This is an example of pathos being Snickers is saying that they have a trustworthy product that will fill your hunger when you become very hungry, and "not yourself." The purpose of this Snickers ad is to state that their product will satisfy your hunger and make sure you are yourself. Snickers takes a comical approach in their "you are not you when you're hungry" campaign, but they successfully use logos, pathos, and ethos in advertising their product.

    1. I think this ad perfectly describes logos. It very simply shows the logos of how people react when their hungary. The ad is a great example to use for logos pathos and ethos.

    2. Frank,
      I like the company that you chose to work with as I never thought about Snickers in this way. It does show logos, pathos, and ethos and you brought up good points.

    3. Frank,
      I think you did a fantastic job presenting how snickers used logos and pathos, the examples of how you are not you when you are hungry and how the candy bar is satisfying are great ways to appeal to logos and pathos


    Many advertisements that try to persuade us into buying their product use appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos. Advertisements are everywhere nowadays, and each one trying to persuade us more than the other. The Advertisement of Heinz Ketchup shows that Heinz Ketchup is made from freshly grown tomatoes. Heinz statement, "No one grows Ketchup like Heinz," along with the imagery of sliced tomatoes making a Heinz Ketchup bottle is an excellent use of logos, ethos, and pathos. The biggest appeal in this whole advertisement is the appeal is ethos. Heinz's use of ethos alone is fantastic because Heinz is the most famous and popular ketchup producer and manufacturer. They have authority when it comes to ketchup. When people think ketchup they think Heinz. The logos presented in this ad stands out right in the imagery, the tomato bottle. Ketchup is made from tomatoes, the representation is right in the picture showing the bottle made out of tomatoes. For the Ethos in this ad you need to look deeper. Ethos can be found in the combination of the text and imagery. The statement, "No one grows Ketchup like Heinz, can appeal to someone's ethos if they believe that all food and food products should be natural. Heinz stating that their ketchup is "grown" makes people believe that the ketchup they are buying, Heinz Ketchup, is all natural. Heinz's advertisement is very effective in persuading a consumer into buying the ketchup mostly because of the appeal to ethos, more than pathos or logos.

    My example of ethos, logos, and pathos comes from a surfacing Presidential candidate ad, Carly Fiorina. In this ad Carly is directing her voice towards a comment Donald Trump made saying, “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president.” After this comment, Carly fired back with this strong ad, aiming at the women in America.
    The video ad begins by saying, “Look at this face”, with the words on the screen. She continues to say, “..the face of leadership”, aiming at the people in the crowd and viewers of the video, majority of them being women. Carly makes the reference that the Republican Party is the party of “women’s suffrage”. Throughout the video, you see a wide range of different women, from young to old and from every race. This part of the video shows pathos, a strong sense of emotion, especially to women.
    “We are the majority of the nation.” Carly makes this comment relating to women and their impact and leadership in America. This would be example of logos.
    The whole ad appeals to ethos because Carly Fiorina is a woman in the Republican Party running for President of the United States for 2016. She shows leadership, independence, and courage. The ad is aimed to give women a sense of trust for her, and even men will give her their trust and respect. I think Carly did a wonderful job in using ethos, logos, and pathos in her political ad.

    1. Elise,
      I have been pursuaded to Carly's side after the debate, and this pursuaded me even more! People underestimate her because "women aren't meant to lead a country". Well look at Queen Elizabeth. She's doing just fine. This is a great example of logos, pathos, and ethos.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. A lot of commercials try to persuade people into getting their product, but they may not do it in detailed and advanced ways. In a commercial that Always by Infinity airs, that is called "Like A Girl", it shows examples of pathos, logos, and ethos. This commercial is more than selling a product it is important. In this commercial it describes to people the importance of how women can do anything men can do; maybe even better. This commercial shows its pathos in saying that not all women are created equal, and that women need to come to understand their strength and power. The logos and logic behind this very strong and important message is that strong women are as equal to a man, which would lead to sweat, and then lead to needing this kind of deodorant. The ethos that is surrounding this commercial is that it makes you trust them. It brings in men, women, boys, and girls to tell the thoughts and make you think and agree with their distinctions. When you think and decide if you agree you can trust yours and their thoughts. The purpose of this is add is to remind people of the importance of quality of the genders, and to show that everyone works hard. Working hard can lead to sweating and that's why I believe they used this example for deodorant. The creator of this commercial can successfully get people to buy this product because it isn't just "another add." It is something that makes you think and agree or disagree. It puts ethos, logos, and pathos together to combine an intellectual thought.

    1. Reilly,
      I love this commercial. I think it is so powerful and our blogs really go well together. You did an awesome job explaining each example of ethos, logos, and pathos.

    2. Reilly,
      I love this commercial. I was going to choose this for mine, but you beat me to it! Even if you aren't with feminism, this commercial can show someone just how important women are. Great blog!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Without advertisements, companies would be nonexistent. Advertisements have to appeal to a consumer's logic, emotion, and the company's credibility in order to serve their purpose. An ad can be found almost anywhere, at anytime. Advertisements are a way that big companies can prey on the pathos, logos, and ethos of a person without them even being aware that it is happening. They can make a connection with something deep internally and superficially Specifically, makeup companies are most frequent with the constant commercials, magazine articles, and billboards. They draw women in to fill their desires. The promise of looking younger, diminishing wrinkles, and smoother skin is an appeal to pathos. The constant internal want of just a few of these promises made by companies triggers an emotional spot. Covergirl is a company that targets ethos as well by being endorsed by scientists, actresses, and other famous people who testify that the product works as it says. Ellen Degeneres is a popular icon of Covergirl that helps establish the ethos of the company. It gets people thinking,"If Ellen uses it, it must work!" Other people such as Sophia Vergara and Jennifer Aniston also support this product, which make it the "trendy" thing to use. This marketing technique is a concrete way to project the credibility of the product and company. The logos is established by the support of scientists, magazine ratings, and other critics. This makes the product look logical to buy to the consumers. Marketers know just what to do and say to allow these appeals to be exemplified in their ads.


    Every advertisement has one goal, for you to buy the product or side with someone over an issue, I think The Real Cost's commercial about smoking does a great job of presenting logos, pathos, and ethos. The purpose of the add was to encourage teens for avoiding smoking and join the fight against smoking. Who better to use for an anti smoking add for teens than an actual teen. The advertisement appeals to ethos by using a teenage girl, it shows teens that it can happen and is a problem. The use of a teens shows us that anyone can become hooked on tobacco and it should not happen. The ad appeals to logos in several ways. Through the metaphor of rumors about a guy(which takes the place of cigarettes), The Real Cost presents issues with cigarettes, their addictiveness, harmfulness, and amount of money wasted on them. Pathos is also appealed to in the advertisement, as stated before, the advertisement uses a metaphor, this metaphor appeals to pathos. The advertisement gets their message across in a way the we understand and can relate to, an over-attached boyfriend or girlfriend. It shows us how addictive and costly cigarettes are but it appeals to our emotions because it presents a problem that high-schoolers and middle-schoolers deal with instead of lecturing us on the facts about cigarettes. The advertisement presents a good argument on why we should not smoke and convince others to stop, and through the use of logos, pathos, and ethos, the present an almost refutable argument. The did a great job with the ad and I think it is successful in reducing the amount of teen smokers and preventing teens from starting in the first place.

  28. Advertising is the way for businesses to get people to buy their products. Therefore, the companies need to connect to their buyers by getting on their level, by being informal and personal. They use logos, pathos, and ethos to make them want to buy their product and keep coming back to buy it. What is one thing that no one could resist? Puppies and a good love story! Budweiser uses both of these to connect to their buyers on an emotional, personal level. Everyone knows about Budweiser, and that they are a large beer company, which is how they have used ethos to already build up their name. Budweiser uses pathos to connect to the people's feelings to give them what they want. They use a Budweiser horse and a golden retriever puppy. The two are separated, but will do anything to stay together. The puppy crawls under fences and escapes to keep coming back to the horse. The last time, the puppy seems to be getting taken away for good, but then the horse breaks free, and jumps the fence to run after the puppy. They are then reunited for good. The company uses logos in a very weird manner. They do not even mention the word beer in the commercial. They are logical by using where they got the name of the company, and appealing it to their customers, rather than being like the other companies and repeating their commercials all about beer. This beer company has built up their name so well that they do not even have to state what they are selling in the commercial. They are different which will probably attract more customers.

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