Saturday, September 12, 2015

Logos, Pathos and Ethos

Select one of the following rhetorical situations, and in a well developed entry,  establish your ethos and appeal to logos and pathos as you construct your argument.  (250 word minimum)
When commenting on classmates blogs, address their level of success in establishing ethos and appealing to logos and pathos. 
     You are trying to persuade your skeptical parents that a "gap year"-taking a year off between high school graduation and college- will be beneficial. 
     You have been asked to make a presentation to your school's principal and food service staff to propose healthier food choices in the cafeteria at a time when the overall school budget is constrained. 
     You are making the case for the purchase of a specific model and make of car that will best fit your family's needs and resources. 
     You are the student representative chosen to go before a group of local business peopleto ask them to provide financial support for a proposed school trip. 

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