Thursday, December 10, 2015

Talk Much?

Find a quote that embodies your tentative thesis. Then, tell us your plans for your paper. This weeks blog will be short, but sweet. You need only provide the quote and a 2-3 explanation of your plan. Work hard on your research! And be ready with that on Monday.


  1. "Of course it is the person behind the gun. Guns don't kill people."

    This quote is from Ben Carson with regards to shooting at the Oregon community college, where 10 students were killed. My research paper is going to encompass Muslims and gun control, with how these two things are related to each other. I want to begin my paper with 9/11 and how fourteen years later Muslims are looked at in America. I want to research the context of Muslims, jihadists, and ISIS, and if the media interfere with how people perceive these three words. In my paper I want to answer if language is driving the debate on Muslims, weapons, and political unrest in the United States.

    1. Elise, I really like the quote you picked, it really relates to what you are going to talk about. I really like your topic for the paper. I think it's going to be good because it really relates to our world as of today!

    2. Elise,
      I can tell this topic and quote mean a lot to you. I remember you using it in creative writing and I like how you have a connection to it. Your paper sounds like it will be very interesting, your idea is fantastic and really deals with what has been happening recently. Good luck with your paper!

    3. Elise, i was excited to see the political paper you were going to throw at us and I think this is going to be exciting. The quote, I personally think, is very strong and very true. I'm excited about yours!

    4. That sounds like an interesting paper. Your a very political person!

    5. Elise,
      With your political knowledge I'm sure this paper will be good. The quote you picked goes great with your topic.

    6. Elise,
      I like the quote you chose for your topic because the quote itself is so true. I think you are going to write a great paper on this topic Because of your passion for politics.

    7. Elise,
      I'm not at all surprised by the quote that you have used. As a future political/representative, I think you have the most authority to write this paper effectively and resourcefully.

    8. This will surely be an interesting paper because of your interest in politics. You will be sure to do the research needing to make a good argument.

  2. "Learning another language is not only learning new words, but another way of understanding and thinking of things."
    This quote is by Fiona Lewis and it depicts how every language we learn can always advance us in a new understanding and thinking on things and not just teach a new foreign vocabulary. What is my plan? My plan for my language paper is to explain the concept and establishment the Latin language still has just like languages that are taught more commonly in schools today; Spanish, German, and French. I want to argue the ongoing vital importance Latin still has even though it is considered a "dead and frozen" language.

    1. Allie,
      The quote you chose is really good and makes me think. I really like your topic, and am excited to see what you come up with. I think this topic is really relevant because of the new Latin classes in the elementary school. I am really looking forward to what you come across, I hope everything works out!

    2. Allie, I love your quote!! It's just so true! GO LATIN!! I like what your talking about, and I think your going to learn a lot about languages in this paper!

    3. Allie,
      I think your argument sounds very unique and interesting. Many people do believe that Latin is a dead and frozen language, but I believe it is still very useful in many different scenarios today.

    4. Allie,
      I really like you quote. It fits your topic well and I think your topic will make a very interesting essay.

  3. "We are not talking here about 87 percent of Americans lacking the skill to write a scintillating article comparing foolish liberal with wise conservative viewpoints on education. We are talking about 87 percent of adults being not quite up to the task reading a couple of editorials and getting the point."

    This quote is from Christopher Chantrill, a writer from American Thinker. It encompasses a main theme in my paper. The lack of reading in our world today is keeping people from thinking. Everyone is so used to living in the world where everything can be summed up and told in a few sentences that our society is becoming incapable to think and come to our own conclusions. I plan on talking about how language test scores and reading levels are declining and making a big impact on our whole view of literature and language in general.

    1. I believe that books do make people think and that always having everything summed up in 140 characters or less is poisoning us. This is certainly affecting tests scores and intelligence. It will be interesting to see how you connect this to language and its importance and impact.

    2. I think your essay is going to be a great one because the lack of reading is making test scores go down a lot. People are just so lazy in today's society. Good luck on the essay I believe it is going to be a good one.

  4. Rachel, I loved the quote you picked and your paper sounds like it is going to be great!! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

    1. In my opinion, books are a bit overrated. I think that people spend too much time trying to interpret things that were not even written to be interpreted. "The boy read the white book." Does the boy read the white book because he is dirty and wants to seem clean? I do not know, but I would have to guess the author just wanted to tell you that the boy was reading a white book. I think that if books were summarized people would read more. I look forward to reading your paper.

  5. "The greatest obstacle to international understanding is the barrier of language." Christopher Dawson. Language can set a barrier between people that can ruin relationships and lives. I was interested in writing about this topic due to the fact that language barriers brought me great anger. I believe that a language cannot define what a person can or cannot do. In my paper I want to address the problem and where it arose from. Then, I want to extend on my thoughts by explaining the struggles people who cannot speak the language in the big picture. There is a lot that immigrants have to face coming into our country, and this can only cause problems rather than fixing.

    1. That's pretty neat! I think you need to write about Google translate also. It would be cool if you did an interview with Val about this. That would be interesting.

    2. Reilly:
      That is a good topic. I think that since you have personal emotions towards this topic as you said you were angry, I think that it will make the paper even better. Good luck with your paper.

    3. Reilly,
      This is a very interesting topic. I think if you can fully express your thoughts and emotions in the paper, it will be fantastic. I'm looking forward to reading this.

  6. "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."

    I decided to use Nelson Mandela's quote because my paper is going to be about government communication. In the government, it is crucial to maintain good relationships with people from all around the world. To do that, they need to be able to communicate in a way that the people they are interacting with are comfortable with. I plan on talking about language affecting international trade, the connection between the government and the people, and immigration. I am also going to write about PLAIN, which is a federal program that regulates government information that is announced to the public.

    1. This sounds cool Zach! I like the quote too. I never heard about this "PLAIN", should be interesting to hear about.

    2. Zach,
      The topic seems interesting to me as I've never really thought about how important language really is for government, foreign policy and so on. I think you could write a very interesting paper on this topic, good luck!

    3. Zach,
      I really like Nelson Mandela and his life story, and thought your quote was spot on. I also really like the topic of your paper, and feel government communication is essential to our world. Can't wait to see how your paper turns out!!

  7. The greatest obstacle to international understanding is the barrier of language. - Christopher Dawson
    I chose this quote by Christopher Dawson because the topic of my paper is how immigrants should learn the official language of the country they are immigrating to. And the language barrier is sometimes a very hard barrier to break, so if newcomers are required to know the language of the country, then there won't be as many barriers. More people can communicate with each other.

    1. Ben:
      I think this sounds like a cool paper, but very hard to do. With the numerous amounts of languages in the world, isn't it going to be tough to decide what language goes with each country? Some percentages are very close. This makes for an interesting paper!

    2. Ben,

      This might be a challenging paper to write and I am interested to see how It turns out. It is a interesting topic and I am curious as to how you are gonna put this into an argumentive paper. Good luck!!

    3. Ben,
      This paper will be difficult because the United States does not have an official language. I am interested in how your paper turns out.

    4. Ben,
      Like all the other guys mentioned this paper is going to be tough. However, I think you are the right man for the job and feel you can write a very successful paper!!

    5. Turcey, I agree that this paper will be difficult to write but you can do it little buddy.

  8. ❝One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.❞
    ‒Frank Smith
    I plan on writing my paper on the importance of learning Spanish in America in school starting in the 1st grade. Not only is Spanish the second most spoken language in the United States, but learning another language helps your brain grow to a whole new level. If you think of having doors in your brain, then the quote makes sense becuase once you are bilingual your doors start to open rather than the locked doors a monolingual brain contains.

    1. Gabe,

      Our papers are very similar and without looking at your blog, I managed to pick the same quote. We also have similar ideas as to how to approach our papers, and I am looking forward to seeing how your paper turns out.

    2. I agree with your argument and like how you tied it in with your quote. However, I'm not sure how you will agree this. It's common sense that learning another language will be beneficial. It's also a proven fact that it's easier to learn a language at an early age. Your argument makes sense, but anybody who disagrees with it is just ignorant and needs to look at the facts.

  9. "Everyone should know how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think!"

    This quote is by Steve Jobs. For my paper I plan to discuss about how programming should be considered an actual language. I also plan to argue that schools should give a language credit for taking a programming course.

    1. Zac,
      I love how different the topic of your paper is. I think that will make for a very interesting paper. Good luck!

    2. Zac,
      The topic of your paper sounds very interesting. It would be quite different having programming as a language class. I think it could be regarded as a language of its own, good luck on the paper!

    3. Zac,
      I would have never thought of this topic. It sounds like it will be very interesting. I share the same viewpoints as I believe that programming is a language.

    4. Hey bud, I would be all for this because I hate language classes! Great topic. Should be interesting.

  10. "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way."

    This quote by Frank Smith, a contemporary psycholinguist who is known for his contributions in linguistics and cognitive psychology, surrounds the main theme of my paper. Speaking two languages is said to be extremely beneficial opening new doors in life which leads to a path of success. My plan for my paper is to prove just that using my quality sources showing the benefits of dual language and research what benefits it can bring. My main focus is to find the most beneficial age to begin this second language, and focusing on Spanish being the second mandatory language spoken in the United States because it is the second most spoken language already in the U.S.

    1. Brad,
      I completely agree with your ideas that everyone should speak a second language, especially Spanish. I think you will find that the optimal age for learning a second language is quite young because the human brain is more open to such absorption at those stages. I look forward to seeing what you find. Good luck!

  11. "I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap.”
    -- Ani DiFranco

    This quote by Ani DiFranco embodies my thesis of the unifying aspects of diverse language. In my essay, I plan to address languages as they bring us closer together in community, education, religion, and in America as a whole. It has been said that diversity alienates and subdivides cultures more than it unites them, but I plan to address the ways differences in language and culture consolidate populations. I plan to include research about community cohesion in the UK to exemplify success in diverse communities. Also, I will be researching topics on identity and defining factors in language as well as language's role in religion and education. I would like to integrate some opinions about diversity from "Mother Tongue" and "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" into my essay.

    1. Jenna,
      I think your paper sounds very interesting. I think it is also interesting that you are planning to incorporate the messages from "Mother Tongue" and "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" into your argument.

  12. “Swearing doesn’t make your argument valid; it just tells the other person you have lost your class and control.”
    ― Shannon L. Alder
    I chose the quote by Shannon Alder because my paper will be on the in formalities of the English language. I will be arguing how slang, swearing, meaningless words, dying metaphors, and other informalaties are taking away from the class and eloquence of the English languag. The plan I have in mind is to explain how these words and phrases are responsible for tainting our language.

    1. John,
      This is a very broad topic. Im looking forward to reading this paper because I want to see how your tie all the information together. Good luck with the paper!

  13. "Slang is a language that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands and goes to work."

    This is a quote by Carl Sanburg, an American writer and poet. Slang is a language in which people express how they really feel, and say what they want. This quote is saying that exactly. Personally, I think our country consists of people who are afraid of being informal and saying what they really feel, and instead only speak out when it is politically correct to do so. For my research paper I plan on explaining what slang is, and where and how it started. I also plan on talking about who is in charge of slang, and why so many people find it to be informal.

    1. Frank,
      I find this topic very interesting as slang can be broken down into many things. I look forward to seeing what you discover about the history of slang!

    2. Frank,

      I am a fan of the quote, as it was basically an analogy like mine was. This topic is going to translate into an interesting paper because as you stated, so many people see slang as informal. My advice: make sure you address a controversy, and try to incorporate Walt Whitman's Slang in America as a source.

    3. Frank,
      I like the quote you chose because it is relating slang to the everyday hardworking American. I like your ideas on what you are going to write your paper on, but I feel like it would be hard to determine just exactly where and when slang originated. Like Kara said slang can be broken down into many subdivisions. But, I still feel like you should write a good paper on this topic. Good luck!

    4. Frank,
      I really like this quote that you are using. I think it embodies slang, and personifies it to allow people to relate to it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way."
    This quote is written by Frank Smith, a psycholinguist. In my essay, I am arguing that the right time to learn multiple languages is in the years of early development. I plan to write about whether or not this has an affect on overall intelligence or not. I will also talk about the differences between gender intelligence when taught a foreign language at a young age.

    1. Kara,
      I really like the topic that you chose and I think that it has the potential to be a really good paper. I think learning a language at an early age can open up the minds of the students.

  16. "Texting spells the decline and fall of any kind of serious literacy, or atleast writing ability, of young people in the United States, and now the whole world today." My paper will start with an introduction of how language is constantly changing for the betterment. I will proceed to counter argue this quote by providing various reasons as to why texting, as well as all technology, is helping, rather than hurting, our languages today.

    1. Charlie,

      I like how you found a quote to counter argue instead of finding one that embodied your paper. I am looking forward to reading your paper because I think that the language of texting inhibits writing ability due to all the abbreviations. Perhaps you will be able to change my views...

    2. Charlie,
      I liked how you use this quote as a counterargument. It shows that your argument has a strong controversy to overcome. I, as do many others, that technology is both a blessing and a curse, so your paper will be very interesting to read.

  17. “There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. They wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic.”

    As for my paper, I plan on proving that language, in fact, is used to manipulate and capitalize on the emotions of people. I will discuss how its manipulative effect can range from politicians to businessmen to financial advisors. I intend to invite George Orwell to my "dinner party" because he can help explain how to detect deceitful language. Several, perhaps controversial, questions will be addressed as well: Is using manipulative language ethical? Does it deprive language of its beauty? Are there specific cases where manipulative language can be justified? As you can see, my paper will feature a wide variety of ideas, and I hope I can compile these aspects to create a successful essay.

  18. "Rhythm and its entrainment of movement (and often emotion), its power to 'move' people, in both senses of the word, may have had a crucial cultural and economic function in human evolution, bringing people together, producing a sense of collectivity and community."
    Oliver Sacks

    The quote by Oliver Sacks relates to my paper because it explains how vital music is to human evolution and society. In my paper, I will discuss how music and language affect each other. My paper will also include how a dying or dead language affects music. When a language is no longer spoken and dies, the music and culture begin to die as well.

  19. "Ebonics - or black English, as I prefer to call it - is one of a great many dialects of English. And so English comes in a great many varieties, and black English is one of them" -John McWhorter. In my paper, I plan to write about African American English, mostly known as Ebonics, and how it is being considered becoming its own language. I will use the history of how it was spoken and the information needed from sources to back up my argument that it should be considered it's own language.

  20. "The handicap of deafness is not in the ear; it is in the mind."
    This quote is by Marlee Matlin, a deaf American actress. The quote expresses how deafness, like all disabilities, is only a limitation if you let it be. Deaf people struggle at communicating with others, especially hearing people. I plan to write my people over the controversy about whether deaf people should have to learn to speak and be excluded from sign language or whether they should be allowed to use sign language. In simpler terms, what is the language of the deaf? I plan to argue that sign language is as much of a language as English and how it compares to English. Also, what role, if any, do cochlear implants have in this discussion? The quote relates to my topic by stating that deaf people need to overcome their obstacles and communicate with everyone, while keeping their pride and heritage through their language.

    1. Justin,
      I think this is a really good perspective and will be a great paper. It is very controversial and has many different sides which will require a lot of research. Goodluck!

    2. Justin,
      Your idea to explore the language of the deaf is a great idea, be issue it expands on the idea that language is talking, and shows that it is in fact not just talking, but communicating.

  21. "I can't relate to lazy people. We don't speak the same language. I don't understand you. I don't want to understand you." -Kobe Byrant

    I chose this quote because there is much laziness in both English and Spanish. These forms of language effect the way we interpret each other, the unauthentic language Spanglish, ebonics, and acronyms are all effecting the way that we communicate with each other. I think that all this should stop because it is making our language harder and harder to understand and taking away the beauty of our language.

  22. Acts 2 5:12
    5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. 7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? 9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,[b] 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”

    This quote comes from the bible, and it talks about at Pentecost when the disciplines speak every language that is know to man. This universal communication is the heart of my paper. If the world spoke the same language, then everyone could talk to anyone.

  23. "For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice.”-T.S. Elliot
    I think this quote pertains to my topic on the sole fact that language never remains the same. It always advances and changes. That is what happens in military, you always advance and work to obtain the most knowledge possible.
    I plan on discussing how the military uses language. My paper will include ideas on the relationship between the military and media, and the barriers that are placed on what can and cannot be released for public viewing. Also, I will be discussing why it is important to national security to properly train military translators and linguist to maintain language proficiency. It is important to understand that these people who work as translators and linguists take on the role of converting language that is foreign to some to a language they understand. What I hope to gain by writing this paper is to show the importance language has on our lives because we are untrusting in the military to provides the necessary skills needed to keep our national security unscathed, and to properly teach translators and linguists the information they need to keep their language proficiency up to date.

  24. If I have to sit in the corner for sayin it, at least you could tell me what it means. - Dennis the Menace.

    In my paper I plan to discus the meaning of curtain words and why people find them bad. I also would like to to bring to attention the censoring of swear words in tv shows or on the radios. I believe the quote is perfect because people are punished for saying certain words when there is not a reason to make them bad.

    1. Doug,
      I think your topic fits you perfectly. I would like to know why a swear word is a swear word. Good luck!

    2. Doug,
      I am really looking forward to what you have to say about profanity. I'm sure it will be interesting!

  25. Thesis
    Language itself is a basic function of all humans that develops independently of ones intellect, however, the ways in which intellect is developed and expressed relies on the ability to use language, and can increase as linguistic abilities increase.

    This paper will discuss the ways intellect and language are connected. It explores why language influences intellect and changes ones brain in a physical way.

    "Our study shows that bilingualism, even when acquired in adulthood, may benefit the ageing brain"
    Dr Thomas Bak, University of Edinburgh

  26. "The tie language is perhaps the strongest and most durable that can unite mankind"-Alexis de Tocqueville

    English speakers in America have become overly comfortable with a solely English speaking country, although that is not the actual truth. Many ethnicities and languages find themselves rooted in the foundation of this country.

    Language is the the glue that keeps a country together. By uniting a country in language, you unite a people. But you can also exclude a whole mass of people by doing this.

    1. Emily,
      We have talked about this many of times, and you know how I feel. Language makes a country. America would not be the country today if we did not have the many languages! Make sure it's good for Bill!

  27. Thesis:
    Nonverbal language is essential to communication because we use it all the time in many different scenarios.

    This paper will discuss the ways nonverbal language is used and how it is essential to communication. Also it will have different examples on where and how nonverbal language is used.

    "The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said."
    - Peter Drucker
