Friday, December 18, 2015

The True Meaning of Christmas

A Doubtful Christmas is a story about the value of hard work.  Read this enjoyable, true story and answer the following question:  Have we lost the true meaning of Christmas?  Choose a side and argue it.


  1. Christmas has turned into a holiday that is full of gift giving and receiving presents because over the years stores and businesses have seen the opportunity to take advantage of people. Copious amounts of Christmas advertising, sales, and propaganda are seen across the globe during the holidays. Giving gifts is an act of kindness, but is it more important than celebrating the birth of Christ? People who allow themselves to get too caught up in holiday festivities lose the true meaning of Christmas.
    Santa Claus was initially seen as a religious man, but now he is just a guy who comes down the chimney and delivers presents. Not many people realize that St. Nicholas was actually a saint. He was born around 280 A.D and was famous for helping the sick and poor in Myra which is now known as Turkey. At one point he was considered one of the most popular saints in Europe. Santa only became known in United States by the late 1700's.
    The important aspects of Christmas have been blocked out by modern day society. If a child is asked what the most important part of the holiday is, there is a pretty good chance that they would reply with something unrelated to the birth of Jesus. The true meaning of Christmas has definitely been lost. New generations are growing up not knowing what the holiday is all about.

    1. Zach,
      I like the points you used to support your argument. Including the business aspect as well as St. Nicholas really showed how we have grown away from the religious importance of Christmas.

    2. Zach, I liked how you portrayed what the business does to people. It would have been really cool of you would have explained more on the thought of Jesus and Christmas, but other than that your idea about Saint Nicholas was very important.

    3. Zach, I completely agree with your argument. I too believe the true meaning of Christmas has been lost. I really like how you incorporated the history of Santa Claus (St. Nick) in your blog, explaining he is a religious character too. Good job!

    4. Zach,
      I think you are accurate in saying the important aspects of Christmas have been blocked by modern day society. Also, like Allie said I thought it was pretty neat and cool that you incorporated a little history about Santa in your blog.

  2. The true meaning of Christmas has been lost, and A Doubtful Christmas proves it. Today, Christmas is all about getting, and not just anything, people need the newest and most expensive toys, clothes, and technology. In A Doubtful Christmas, the author's family almost had nothing, except for the help of their family. Even through their family, they had limited provisions and money, yet their mother was able to make them toys and they were thrilled. Today, if a child received a hand made toy instead of an iPod or Xbox, they would have a tantrum and most likely throw out or destroy the hand made toys. This shows how we have grown accustomed getting things, especially nice things. Not only has Christmas turned people selfish, but also marketers have become greedy during the holidays. It might sound crazy to someone if they were told that Christmas was not even about presents, instead it was about the birth of Christ. Selfishness and greediness are not what Christmas is about, and even St. Nicholas has been idolized towards giving gifts rather than being the Saint he is. Nearly everything about Christmas goes against its true meaning in some way and A Doubtful Christmas shows that gifts are ok, but people are too greedy and selfish when it comes to presents.

    1. John, your point was made pretty clearly about how people are greedy theses days but, is it all about the gifts? Also, are people to greedy and selfish or are they pursued into thinking that Christmas is only about gifts?

    2. John,
      I thought that you made very valid points throughout the entirety of the blog. I liked how you tied the story in with the idea that new toys, games, technology, etc. needs to be purchased in order to make a happy holiday. Great job.

    3. Mr. Mader,
      John I also talked about how the children in a Doubtful Christmas appreciated their hand made toys, even if they weren't the nicest or best things that could have been received. I think you did a good job of describing A Doubtful Christmas into your blog. Good Work!

  3. “The magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence.” Christmas is a time to celebrate and commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ not only into the world as its Savior, but into the heart of every human being. People are called to reflect on the past year, invoke change through the power of the Lord, and prepare for the new year with a renewed and cleansed spirit. However, society seems to dissociate itself more and more from that meaning each year.
    Wishing others a “Merry Christmas” has evolved into “Happy Holidays,” and instead of asking questions like “How has Christ's birth into your soul transformed you?”, society asks “What did you get from Santa?” or “How many gifts did you receive?” or “What was the cost of all your presents?”. Companies thrive during this season as they publicize all their products and the substantial discounts associated with them. Rarely will there ever be a Christmas such as the one that Doyle Suit and his family experienced. His mother, despite the fact that she had no money, used God's creation along with her own talents and abilities to hand make toys for all her children. Those are the best gifts, the ones where you can see all the thought, time, treasure, and hard work invested. Why don't we see this anymore? Lifestyles of materialism, rather than spiritualism, have infiltrated the world. Ultimately, it seems like we continually deviate farther away from the path of Jesus, as the technological industry and consumerism flourish to new heights. How long will it take before society realizes the true meaning of this holiday and decides to keep “Christ” in “Christmas” ?

    1. Jared,
      I found it interesting how you explained what Christmas should be first and then explained how it actually is in the rest of the post. The quote did a good job supporting the arguement and the second paragraph really shows how we have broken away from the spiritual aspect of Christmas.

    2. Jared,
      You had a very well constructed blog, with a very powerful message. I agree with everything you said and Christmas truly is losing its real meaning. You also used great examples to help your argument, good work!

    3. Jared,
      Nice job by beginning your blog with a quote. You have very good points and you backed them up very well. I also include the part you have about taking the Christ out of Christmas.

    4. Jared,
      I really liked the end of your blog when you talked about deciding to keep "Christ" in "Christmas." You made a very strong argument and used great examples to do so. I think you are accurate in saying Christmas has lots it's true meaning and is no longer a time of reflection or renewal.

    5. Jared, this is great. Your points support you perfectly and I agree with you that the true meaning has been lost throughout the decades.

  4. The Christmas season is a time of reflection, welcoming, and loving of your life and the lives around you. Also, it celebrates one of the most holiest days of the year, and that is the coming of Christ. From young ages Catholic children were reminded of the beautiful sorry of Mary, Joseph, and little baby Jesus, the savior of the world. Children are reminded every year after their first Christmas to give and not take, to love and not hate, and to remember Jesus and not just remember the presents. With time and aging that idea starts to fade and we seem to forget about Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. What we start to worry about getting the perfect give for someone or getting the perfect gift for someone. The stress is overbearing and the holiday where everyone should be getting excited about turns into a holiday everyone stresses about. Christmas, mainly for Catholics and excluding Easter, is one of the main holidays were commercialization is not the main reason for celebrating. We should celebrate Christmas for Jesus, but with the growth in culture we seem to only celebrate gifts, candy, and mistletoe. It is estimated that 4.8 million people will go online to shop for presents for Christmas, but only 4.5 million people will go to some sort of church on Christmas Day. This story by Doyle Suit gives a total different look on Christmas. This boy's family had nothing and was going through rough times, but his mother did everything she could do to make her family happy on Christmas Day. This mother made a huge sacrifice, what God wants us to do, and gave to her family. This is what we must do, we must stop and reflect on what we are doing and put the Christ back in Christmas.

    1. Reilly, I really liked your blog. I really enjoy how you incorporated the excitement to stress about Christmas. I too, believe Christmas goes from excitement to stress in such a quick instance. People worry about what presents to give and worry if they have enough presents or not, that is not the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season.

    2. Reilly,
      I thought your blog was great, and I really agree with you. People spen too much time worrying about perfection and stressing about the holidays than actually enjoying the Christmas season.

    3. Reilly,

      I really enjoyed how you began by bringing up Jesus, because he Is why we celebrate Christmas. The entire Christmas holiday is for one reason only, and that is for the birth of our Lord. I also agree about how stressful Christmas has become, and that is not how it should be.

    4. Reilly,
      I really like your last sentence, it gets the point across. Your statistics are a very good support for the rest of your argument. Christmas has definitely become more of a stressful event than enjoyable.

    5. Reilly,
      I agree with Kara. Your last sentence made me chuckle. Our blogs were similar this week and I agree with your points.

  5. I believe we have lost the true meaning of Christmas. Today, we struggle to see the meaning of all holidays especially Christmas. We focus more on the gifts, surprises, and ourselves more than our own Savior King, who was born on this day. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" Isaiah 9:6. Our Savior King died for our sins, and He is the reason we are still on Earth today! Since the holidays have approached us, instead of worrying about getting gifts and making sure everything is perfect, we need to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, and He is why we celebrate this blissful holiday. Every year, the true meaning of Christmas seems to get lost more and more. Little do we know, people see Christmas as a competition; seeing who gets their children the most gifts and seeing who spends the most money on gifts. The elderly in this generation seem to realize what the true meaning of Christmas is because in today's generation, the effects of TV and other peers destroy the real meaning of Christmas. Back then, life was not like this for the elderly today. People don't realize the what the process of Advent is either. Advent awaits the coming of Jesus, it prepares us for His coming. As this feast is celebrated next weekend, we need to let it remind us of the true meaning of the holidays; celebrating the joyous gift of our Savior and our own life within him.

    1. Allie,
      Your blog this week is excellent. I believe the verse you used from the Bible really added to the logos in your argument. I also enjoyed how you discussed the importance of Advent and the preparation for Christmas.

    2. Allie, my blog was very similar. I agree with all of your points and I really like how you put emphasis on how Christ is the reason we celebrate this holiday. Great job.

    3. Allie,

      The fact that you called Christmas a competiton made me realize that we had the same point in that regard. I just presented the information differently, through questions rather than statements. I talked about how people always ask "How many gifts did you receive?" or "What was the cost of all your presents?".

      I enjoyed your unique comparison between today's generation and the elderly. I can relate to it because my grandparents always tell me, "We didn't get phones and iPads and computers and all that stuff for Christmas that you guys get."

    4. Allie,
      I really enjoyed your blog. You did a very good job and you had very good points. I also liked how you put that quote in your blog, it really helped your argument.

  6. Throughout the years, the true meaning of Christmas has been lost. In today's society, most people only care about gifts and what sales are going on. In the story by Doyle Suit, he describes a Christmas that most people today could learn from. Most of us take everything for granted and we are unable to appreciate the effort that others make. Even though his mother had no money, she dedicated all of her time and energy to giving her children the best Christmas. Even though Suit was apprehensive about what was to come, he truly appreciated everything his mother ever did for him and her efforts for the upcoming holiday season. To this day, Suit claimed that he never had a better Christmas, and I believe that if we could all learn to appreciate the effort instead of the actual gift we could find the true meaning of Christmas in Christ once more. God sent us his only son so that we could be saved from sin, and while Jesus was on Earth he spent all of his time helping us to understand the importance of caring for others instead of ourselves. If more people believed that Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas then we would no longer worry about the perfection of Christmas morning, but the perfection of the Advent season when we prepare for Christ by giving to the less fortunate.

    1. Hailee, I never really thought to relate my blog to the story. That was a good idea that I wish I would have had. You point out that effort is more important than the actual gift. That was my favorite part of your blog. Keep up the good work!

    2. Hailee,
      I really enjoyed your blog. I liked how you related the story to your argument, it really made your argument stronger. Good job!!

  7. Throughout the past couple of decades, christmas spirit has been completely dwindling down. It is not prevalent because younger generations do not recognize its true meaning. Instead of recognizing Jesus's birth, many people only value receiving presents for themselves. It has become too commercialized. A model of these ideas are exemplified on Black Friday. People wait for hours upon hours in front of stores to get the greatest deals. This year, a video was released that showed a young boy get pushed and his toy was taken by an adult consumer. The true intentions have been torn apart by the thought that we have to buy people want they want. In past years, Christmas was about seeing family and friends that you may have been distant from. It was about giving to the less fortunate and the poor. Another huge reason that the spirit is slowing down is because of the weather. Christmas needs snow. Around here, the average temperatures for the past month have been in the mid fourties. This lack of snow has been a major setback because when many people look outside, they don't even realize that it is December. Like I previously mentioned, Christmas spirit is really about the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Many people have been idolizing Santa Claus instead. They take the simple favor of Saint Nicholas, and completely inflate it. We should instead be celebrating the coming of our King, the one person who has changed the world for eternity. The spirit of Christmas has not vanished, but instead has become more self-centered and close minded.

    1. Charlie,
      I think you made a great point that Christmas has become close minded and about Saint Nicholas. I also agree the true meaning of the season is gone. Good blog!!

    2. Charlie,
      I agree with you when you stated that Christmas has become to commercialized. All people worry about is "I need this and I need that and why didn't you buy me this?" They have lost their sight of what it truly means to celebrate this season of great rejoicing. I also think your last line sums up the entire season people now live. Christmas has become a time when people are self centered and closed minded. Good blog!

  8. Charlie, Jesus is the reason for the season! I had not heard about that little boy's toy getting taken from him. That definitely goes to show how selfish people are getting around the holidays. The way that some people act during a holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus is disgusting. Good blog Chuck!

  9. Charlie,

    Your argument about Christmas being too commercialized was strengthened through the Black Friday example, particularly the anecdote about the young boy. I don't know what state of mind one has to be in that would lead him or her to take a toy from a child!

    In addition, you went outside the box by claiming that the weather was a major factor. I could not agree more. I'm used to seeing nature and all the trees covered in the white snow. I don't remember the last time it was this nice in December; at least it snowed today.

    The only issue I found with your blog was the fact that the opening sentence and concluding sentence seemed to contradict one another. The first sentence basically said that "Christmas spirit was dwindling down", but the last sentence said that the "spirit of Christmas has not vanished."

  10. As far as I can remember, my mother constantly reminded me every Christmas the real reason we celebrate such an important holiday. I can remember a time when my mother really explained the true meaning of Christmas as my siblings and I put up the nativity. We would unwrap each piece carefully but quickly because we always had a competition as to who would find baby Jesus first. That year I found him first. As I began to put Jesus in his manger, my mother stopped me. I was curious as to why she didn't want me to put Jesus in his designated spot. She then explained to me that Jesus had not yet come, and we only put him out on the day of his birth, Christmas Day. She explained to me Jesus was our Savior and that he is the reason for the celebration of Christmas, not presents. This was one of the first times I truly remember getting taught why we celebrate Christmas, and ever since that day I relive that memory each year reminding myself why we celebrate Christmas. It is not about the presents, but about spending time with your family thanking God for everything we have in our lives. Celebrating the birth of Christ, and remembering all the sacrifices he gave for us. I hope everyone's Christmas can be as special Doyle Suit's, because he realized what the season was about and not to get caught up in material things. Presents don't matter, but celebrating Christ's birth with your family is.

    1. Brad,
      I thought adding in that personal experience made you blog really good. I also agree that celebrating Christas birth with your family is the true meaning for the season. I really enjoyed your blog this week!

    2. Brad,
      Nice blog and nice touch with that little story!

    3. Brad,
      I really liked your story. Although I understand the reason of not putting Baby Jesus in the manger set, I always have OCD problems.

  11. Christmas is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year. Some may realize the celebration that is taking place, while others only think of presents. Christmas is a time to rejoice at the birth of Jesus, not focus on the presents that are to come. Over the years the true meaning of Christmas has been lost and forgotten. On television the stations are overflowing with commercials about Christmas sales. Even Thanksgiving has been affected by the need to get in line and purchase things on Black Friday. People do not even acknowledge what should be celebrated on Christmas Day, only that it is the day when presents from Santa are to be opened. Children are always asked "What do you want for Christmas?" or "Have you been naughty or nice?" Not once are they asked "Did you set up your nativity?" or "Are you excited for church on Christmas?" This is where our young generation is steered wrong. In a Doubtful Christmas, the mother instilled values into her children. This needs to be the case for all children. The world today is becoming so conceited and self-absorbed that they cannot see what Christmas has lost. It is such a significant holiday that is being changed into something completely different. Without the birth of Jesus, we would not be able to go to heaven. That is truly the best gift that we could receive, and we need to realize that.

    1. Kara:
      I think the statement about Black Friday strengthened your argument, and I agree. The part about the questions all of the children receive about Christmas is something I never really thought of, but I'm glad you included it in your argument. Finally, your concluding sentence was excellent, as the sacrifice and gift of eternal life given to us by Jesus Christ IS the best gift we will ever receive.

    2. Kara,
      I think our blogs are very similar this week, I am glad that someone has very similar opinions about the subject. It is a shame that our religion, the main reason Christmas exists, is pushed aside to make room for sales. You did a very good job!

  12. The true Christmas spirit was lost a long time ago. Now it is too hard to relax and have a great Christmas because everyone is too worried about buying presents. Young children are growing up in a society today where Jesus Christ is hardly ever mentioned during the holidays. This holiday has become centered around Santa Claus coming to give gifts to good children. Santa Clause is not what this holiday is about. When you go to someone else's birthday party you do not get gifts for each other. You get gifts for the birthday boy/girl. The greatest gift we can give Jesus is our love and that is all he wants for Christmas.
    Even in the is short story by Doyle Suit the eldest son was worried about what his mother was going to provide for his siblings. Although this story was heartfelt, some people could misinterpret this as him being selfish. This holiday is about our savior being born, not what is under the tree. In the past century we have gradually lost all true meaning for the holiday and unless we change it in a hundred years children might not even know that Christmas is really Jesus's birthday. This holiday allows us to be thankful for family and all that God has sacrificed for us, it should not matter what is under the tree, rather what is in our hearts and who we are actually celebrating.

    1. Mackenzie,
      I love how you bring in the birthday analogy! This blog is very well written and thought out. I disagree with how the story could be misinterpreted as selfish, as I believe that he just wanted for his siblings to have a good Christmas.

    2. Kenz,
      The birthday analogy was perfect! I never thought of it that way, but that really brought things into perspective. I do agree that some people could interpret Doyle as being selfish, as he was only concerned for the quality of his gifts. However, I believe that "selfishness" may exemplify today's children's reliance on gifts.

    3. Makenzie,
      I really like how you interpreted the reading this week, you took a different view point than many other people. I also like how you developed your argument, it is organized very well and gets your message heard. Great job this week!

  13. Since the development of technology and many new material objects used for enjoyment people have wondered if the true meaning of Christmas has been lost. I believe this statement to be true. I have come to the realization that a majority of individuals who celebrate the Christmas season do so in the wrong manner. They have lost the true sight of what it means to celebrate this season of rejoicing. To truly understand the meaning and magnitude of this season it is imperative that people put the material objects aside and rejoice in the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    This feast of the birth of Christ has become a time when department stores and shopping plazas thrive because of peoples attitudes in needing to receive the most gifts. Kids of today's day and age think that if they do not receive numerous amounts of gifts during this holiday season then they are being cheated. Instead of worrying about how much we receive during this time we should be worrying about how much we give. God sent His only son to free us from sin and allow us to get to Heaven. Both of these divine beings gave so much for everyone even if those receiving their thanks did not acknowledge their actions. We can learn a thing or two from the hardships that the writer of A Doubtful Christmas went through. He valued the time and energy his mother put into the gifts they received at Christmas. She was willing to sacrifice even more than she already had to give her sons the best Christmas she could provide. Though they may not have received a plethora of gifts under their Christmas tree, they still cherished each and everyone of them. The author understood the true meaning of Christmas. He understood that their was a lot more to relieving the material items, and that was learning how to give even when you have nothing left, that is when you truly realize what sacrifices Jesus performed for us so that we may be saved.

    1. Dan:
      Your blog contained very true points. I like how you mentioned that kids think they are cheated if they don't get enough presents, and we should be concerned with what we give. We hear this a lot: "The world is full of takers, we need givers." I think that is a quote that is appropriate to use on this topic. Nice work Sun Tan Dan.

  14. Christmas time is celebrated for the brith and coming of Christ, or at least that is what is supposed to happen. The first thing that comes to mind for most people is not the coming of Christ, rather gifts and presents. People tend to forget the true meaning of Christmas as they surround themselves with the never ending idea that Christmas is about getting presents and in some cases giving them. Is this a bad thing to do? Absolutely not. A Doubtful Christmas gives the perfect description of what a small present can do for someone and how happy it made the children feel when they received their present. This also can refer to the "Elk County Gifts for Kids" organization that provides families with presents for their children who cannot afford to buy them. Giving and receiving presents is not a bad thing to do, as in most cases it makes people feel good, as anything in moderation is okay. When the present giving becomes the main priority and the true meaning is lost, that is when the line is crossed. Advent is the perfect time to prepare ourselves for the coming and birth of Christ, and using this time of preparation can draw us to the true meaning of Christmas, Christ Jesus. "Jesus is the reason for the season!"

    1. Gabe,
      I really enjoyed your point that gifts, in moderation, are acceptable. You provided some really good supporting examples for that point. I especially think that giving during this season is important, especially to the poor. The Elk County Gifts for Kids Organization definitely shows Christian spirit.

  15. Christmas began as a major religious holiday. For many, it marked the birth of Christ and a time to prepare a space in their hearts for their Savior. However, through commercialization, the religious side of Christmas has lost all meaning.
    In the past few years, wishing people a "Merry Christmas" has become "Happy Holidays" so as to avoid offending other religions. Instead of writing "Merry Christmas" across cards and banners, it has become "Merry Xmas" to cut down on its length and, quite literally, take the Christ out of Christmas. Such a sacred religious holiday is feared to be shared because of petty religious barriers. Also, commercialization makes Christmas revolve around gift giving and receiving. Christmas has become one of the largest times for profit in large companies. Children expect to receive the biggest and best presents unlike the children in "A Doubtful Christmas," who were happy with heartfelt, homemade gifts. Then, they whine and complain when they are told they must go to church on Christmas morning. Instead of reinforcing traditions of receiving countless gifts during the Christmas season, Catholic families should be using that time to teach their children why they celebrate the holiday.

  16. Christmas today has lost so much meaning, people do not even think about the true meaning of Christmas anymore. People today only care about getting gifts. Children only want the best and newest things out there. They do not think about other people and I do not care about given to other people. Also people do not even think about Jesus at Christmas and that is the most important thing at Christmas. This holiday should be spent loving each other and praising Jesus. Parents should be teaching their children that Christmas is not all about receiving gifts, but giving gifts and loving one another because that is what Jesus would want. Christmas is a day to spend with your family and loved ones and realize that being with friends and family is more important than gifts.

  17. "We" is a very broad statement. I think some people still know and understand the true meaning of Christmas, but most people of today have lost this true meaning. For most, Christmas has become all about gift giving and parties. That's okay, as long as these people understand what Christmas is all about. It's not all about Santa, or candy, or parties, or gift giving. It's about us receiving the greatest gift that we have ever received and will ever receive. It's about our greatest gift of Jesus becoming a man and eventually saving us. But this extraordinary gift is often overlooked and forgotten during the Christmas season. When I was younger, and I'd run to open the presents, my mom would always make me sing happy birthday to Jesus before I could open any presents. That's one way that always helped me to know the true meaning of the holiday.
    The more and more you look around during Christmas, you realize that Christ is being taken out of the Christmas holiday. One very literal example of the Christ being taken out of Christmas is how people have begun to say "Xmas" in place of Christmas. And today's society is so worried about offending people that "happy holidays" is beginning to become the new greeting instead of "Merry Christmas". All theses little things don't help people to understand the true meaning of Christmas. And with kids growing up seeing and hearing happy holidays and merry xmas, they never learn the true meaning of Christmas. They just learn about the presents and the parties. Without a Catholic faith, it's hard for people to keep Jesus in their Christmas festivities.

    1. It's good that you used your own personal experience to support your claim. In my blog, I also talked about how people can't say Merry Christmas without somebody getting offended. You explain how Christmas is compared, to how it should be celebrated. You then explain why Christmas is important and why we should rejoice in it.

    2. Turcey, I can relate to your blog very well because like your mom, my mom made me say happy birthday to Jesus before I could open any gifts. Excellent blog!

  18. "A Doubtful Christmas" by Doyle Suit is a short story that proves we have lost the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas should be centered around the birth, or coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Instead, Christmas has become a "greedy" holiday, in which people are only concerned about giving and getting the best presents. TV commercials, along with lots of other forms of media showcase and display different sales on the newest and best presents. This leads to Christmas as becoming a "media Holiday," in which the media has taken over its real meaning. "A Doubtful Christmas" is about a mother who sacrifices everything for her children. The mother was unable to afford to buy her kids presents, so instead put loads of time and effort into making them homemade presents. This mother is a perfect example for what Christmas should really be about. She sacrificed everything she had for her kids and provided them will all that she could, just like Jesus would do. The real meaning of Christmas has been lost, but is not gone. We must get back to adoring the coming of Jesus, and trying to serve others just as he would, instead of worrying about getting the best presents and falling victim to the media.

    1. Frank,
      I agree with you when you say that the true meaning of Christmas is not completely gone. I think Catholics as well as other believers of Christ will fight to keep the holiday alive, starting with us.

  19. The true meaning of Christmas has been lost for years. Christmas should not focus on how much money you spend or what gift you give someone. Unfortunately this outlook has taken over the meaning of the Christmas season. Christmas is supposed to be the celebration of Jesus' birth. When I think of my experience of Christmas as a child I think of spending time with my family, going to my grandparents in my pajamas Christmas Eve to celebrate together, attending late night mass, and making Christmas cookies or cards to send out to distant relatives. Some of these traditions still stand, but Christmas has become so commercial that it is barely recognizable. Shopping starts well before Thanksgiving, but the frenzy begins the week of Thanksgiving taking meaning away from that holiday as well. Christmas is known as the season of giving, but that does not mean giving presents that cost a fortune. It can mean giving someone your love and time; spending time with someone during the holidays can be the best gift of all. The meaning of Christmas has been decreasing more and more as the years go on, I hope that I am not alive to witness what is left of the true meaning of Christmas disappear before my eyes.

    1. Shopping and presents are taking over the holiday more and more every year. The world is making it harder every year to know the true meaning of Christmas. It really is about giving yourself to others, as Jesus did for us. You could have talked more about the first Christmas, but you did a nice job of expressing what Christmas means to you.

    2. I agree that materialism is taking over Christmas, but I do not agree that the real meaning will ever completely go away. I think the fact that we are writing this blog and caring about Christmas shows that people will fight for what they believe. Also, all practicing Catholics (which is a lot) will defend their holiday as well. While no believers may have adopted our holiday, they will never change it.

  20. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11).
    Have you gotten done with all of your Christmas shopping yet? Are people struggling to find gifts for you? What will happen if their are not enough presents? These are the questions associated with Christmas in modern times. We are all guilty of getting caught up in the material things during the Christmas season. Perhaps the biggest culprit of all is business. We all have been receiving the countless advertisements and magazines about Christmas sales for the last month or so. The official start of the shopping season was Black Friday, which has been controversial for the last few years as it has been starting on Thanksgiving night. The kickoff was followed by Cyber Monday and many other "biggest sale of the year" promises. All the advertisements focus on just how fast and easy it is to get all your Christmas shopping done. Everybody stresses over getting and receiving the perfect gift. In reality, we just want to be with the people we love and be thankful for the true meaning. It is much more difficult to be missing your family than to be missing a few gifts. For teenagers, most of us know most, if not all, of the gifts that we will be unwrapping. Some of us even struggle to think of things we want and just ask for things we will probably almost never use. This is the manipulation of business, they make consumers buy things they truly do not need and will not ever use. It's all just about the money. In fact, Valentine's Day is just a made up holiday by businesses to have a holiday money making season between Christmas and Easter. Other than being the feast of St. Valentine, businesses are the only reason for the holiday. By why do no other Saint have a big celebration for their feast day? It it because businesses have better marketing techniques for all the other times. We have been brain washed into what the Christmas season is about for many years.
    As the quote says, Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. It is about celebrating and being thankful for the sacrifices that his father and mother went through to have and protect him. It is about learning the history of the holiday and the faith. It is appreciating that Jesus came into the world to save us from ourselves and to start the Catholic faith. It is sad to think that by saying "Merry Christmas" some people get offended. Without the birth of Jesus, he would never have been able to die for us. Jesus gave us the best gift of our lives: his.

    1. Justin,
      I get your point which Christmas has become a marketing ploy. But I always enjoyed giving as much as receiving, didn't you? I think it is stupid people get offended with Merry Christmas as well.

  21. Christmas time has always been described as a time of joy and a time of thankfulness. However, many critics now say Christmas is an excuse to fuel consumerism and greed. I, however, disagree. While it may be harder to celebrate Christmas correctly now due to the way the holiday is advertised, it does not change the Christmas traditions that are still going on today. Giving and receiving gifts is not a form of greed, and just because money is involved does not mean that it is not right. Additionally, advertisements are not the say all be all, and whether or not the spirit of Christmas is lost is only relevant to the individual asked.
    For the spirit of Christmas to be lost, Catholics will have to disappear, and extra kindness because of Christmas will also have to be gone. It cannot be denied that for some Christmas has now become a holiday of greed or popularity, but for others it is still the same Christian holiday. Buying and receiving is not necessarily a bad thing, because if it is done in a way that is supposed to make others come closer to God it embodies the true spirit of Christmas. If there is still a few people left to appreciate Christmas for what it really is, it is not lost.
    The determination that is required to keep Jesus in Christmas could have easily caused the meaning of Christmas to be lost. However, since there is still the fight to continue the true meaning of Christmas, it makes that meaning worth even more. Advertisements do not reflect the heart of the nation, they try to change it. And so far, advertisements have not succeeded in this. There has always been bad people who take advantage of good things, and that does not stop in modern times. So while it may seem that the spirit of Christmas is completely gone, it has only become less popular. Christmas will always live on in the heart of Catholics everywhere, and as long as we believe in what Christmas really means, the holiday is saved

  22. The actual meaning of Christmas has been lost. The birth of Christ. Christmas for almost every American citizen has not been lost because they are all looking forward to the gifts and family. This is good but they usually forget about the savior. Yeah I remember as a child making a list of stuff I wanted just like everyone else but my mom always made sure that before we even moved a present we wished Jesus a happy birthday because he is whole meaning of the holiday.
    It seems that every year more and more people forget about him because all they think about is the gifts. They hear about it for months because businesses are advertising and presenting the gifts to the kids. As a child you typically do not truly pay attention in church or the gospel so they would not realize what is actually going on and if the parents do not tell them, they won't truly understand the real meaning of Christmas.
    So, yes, I believe the spiritual and true meaning has been lost but I also believe for the children the Santa part will continue for years.

  23. We as a nation have lost the true meaning of Christmas, it is more about gifts than the coming of Jesus. Even the traditional Merry Christmas is being replaced by Happy Holidays, to be more sensitive to non-Catholics. The true meaning of Christmas is being overshadowed by the economic opportunities that it provides. A prime example is that of thanksgiving is becoming overrun by Black Friday deals for the holiday of Christmas. The plastering of advertisements in the beginning of November has lead to Christmas being celebrated as a commercial holiday instead of the spiritual holiday it should be celebrated as. A Doubtful Christmas proves this, because everyone automatically assumes that you need to spend lots of money to show how much you care about them, when homemade presents show what money can not. These homemade toys show what Christmas is all about, and how it should be celebrated.

  24. I'm doing my blog late today because I just finished making cookies with my mom, aunt, and cousin. Small, kind, generous, and fun activities and events are what make Christmas special to me. As I read down through others' blogs I noticed a trend, everyone thinks the true meaning of Christmas is lost. I have asked numerous people this holiday season if they are excited for Christmas, about 90% of the time I have gotten the answer 'no'. To me this was shocking. Christmas was always the best time of year in my family, and still is. It's one of those days you wish lasted forever. My papa never had a large Christmas growing up, a small tree and few presents. So, my papa made sure my mom and her two sisters always had a Christmas to remember each year. Because of the wonderful memories my mom had, she passed the joy of Christmas down to me as well. We always watch the old Christmas movies and It's a Wonderful Life became my favorite. The movie is from 1946, and is about a man who looses sight of what is important. My favorite quote from the movie is, "Strange isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" Christmas is about touching others' lives. The true meaning of Christmas isn't lost. The true meaning of Christmas just needs to be found in those who still hold in close to their hearts.

    1. Wow Elise. Your blog had such a personal touch. Although our blogs do not technically agree, I clearly understand your points.

  25. The true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus, has most definitely been lost. This piece talked more about the giving side of Christmas. I do not believe that there is no more Christmas spirit, but just maybe the wrong kind. Black Friday shopping for Christmas presents has become a bigger event than Thanksgiving the day before. The ironic thing is that people are pushing and shoving, and causing actual violence for the season of "giving". The Christmas commercials on TV are more about the deals and hottest new toys. This year I noticed it took fifteen minutes to decorate the Christmas tree, when before it was a family event with Christmas movies on replay. I feel as though the Christmas season is becoming more stressful. What happened to making a fire, drinking hot chocolate, and telling stories? It might be a fantasy to some people. But maybe it's what everyone needs. Christmas could be an escape. It could be a way to leave work and school behind. It can give time with loved ones you see once a year. Christmas is about being with family, and celebrating the birth of our Savior. People who are not Catholic celebrate Christmas. They receive gifts from Santa. They do not even realize they are celebrating the day that Jesus Christ was put on earth by God to save all of us. No matter who, celebrating the Christmas has lost its magical feeling all around.

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