Saturday, January 30, 2016

That's Not Really True

Identify a common misconception about the Catholic church and defend it. Make sure to use at least one quote from the bible and one from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Read every single entry. Comment on two.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Switching Sides

Jennifer Fulwiler tells the story of her transition from pro choice to pro life. What is her argument? And be careful. You need to listen to the whole thing before you decide what you think her argument is. What rhetorical strategies does she use to make her argument? And is she successful or unsuccessful?

Be prepared to answer a few listening check questions on Monday.
Image result for Jennifer Fulwiler

Friday, January 15, 2016

What is Your Path?

Read the essay, Walking the Path Between Worlds by Lori Arviso Alvord.  What aspects of her community did she have to leave behind, and what was she able to hold on to? Discuss specifically how Alvord conveys these aspects of community using ethos and pathos appeals, figurative language, imagery and shifts in tone.

Additionally, put yourself in her place. When you move on to your post secondary life, what aspects of YOUR community do you think you will have to leave behind? And what things do you hope to hold on to?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Are Americans Obsessed with Sports?

Do Americans have a healthy relationship with sports? Why or why not.  What is the article arguing? Do you agree or disagree? Are sports in integral part of a society? Why or why not?

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Fitzgerald and Dorothy Parker

Scott Fitzgerald was born and raised Catholic. He eventually denounced his religion, but died running from it. A good friend of his, Dorothy Parker, at his funeral said, "The poor son-of-a-bitch. What he knew was true hounded him, no matter how much he believed that he had ceased to believe it."
How is this evident in The Great Gatsby? Are there characters who exemplify this quote? What is the "moral of the story" in regards to this novel.