Friday, January 22, 2016

Switching Sides

Jennifer Fulwiler tells the story of her transition from pro choice to pro life. What is her argument? And be careful. You need to listen to the whole thing before you decide what you think her argument is. What rhetorical strategies does she use to make her argument? And is she successful or unsuccessful?

Be prepared to answer a few listening check questions on Monday.
Image result for Jennifer Fulwiler


  1. I can still remember the first time I hear/spoke of abortions. I was about six years old and some actress on some TV show I watched had gotten pregnant. I was talking about this with one of my friends and said that this actress had an abortion. When I said this, my mom stopped in the middle of a conversation she was having, turned around, and looked at me with hurt eyes and said "What!?". At the time, my mind could not comprehend or understand what an abortion was. All I knew is that the actress was pregnant, but she isn't pregnant anymore, end of story.
    It was until sometime is middle or high school when pro-lifers gave talks that I began to understand. When I first understood what an abortion was, I couldn't believe it. People thought that it is okay to just kill their babies? How? My parents both had strong beliefs on abortion, but they conflicted a bit. My dad always said that he didn't think it was right, but it wasn't his decision or something that concerned him that he needed to worry about. My mom had a view that I agreed more with. She always told me that it's hard being a women, but she would never want to be a man because they can't have babies or get pregnant. She loved being pregnant, of course I was never a witness to this because I was the youngest. She loved having a life inside of her that should knew was her child, her love.
    The theme of the March for Life this year was "Pro-Life and Pro-Women Go Hand in Hand". This was a smart theme because as we hear in the podcast many women have and support abortions because they believe it makes them more free of their bodies. As I watched the March on TV, I noticed a box in the corner that had a number in it that was increasing nearly every second. This box represented the number of abortions that had happened since the beginning of that broadcast. The number was over 17,000 and growing. I had to look away because it crushed me knowing that every time that number increased, there was one less child in the one world, one less kid to go to kindergarten, one less kid to graduate, one less life to make a change. Generations being wiped out every hour. This is what it means to be free to these women. Speakers at the March said "We March because nobody ever had a baby and said darn it, wish I would have had an abortion" or "Wish I would have prevented this child from being born". Doctors are violating their oaths when they participate in abortion-like acts. Doctors are doctors to save lives, not to end them.
    Fulwiler argues that true freedom is when women sacrifice their own sexual desires in order to have in mind what is best for their child. Love is about sacrifice; just look at Jesus. Freedom is defined as having the ability to choose. In the United States we have freedom. We have the ability to chose to murder, steal, and ruin lives. So does this mean that we should go around killing people, robbing banks, and causing chaos? We have to chose the good. How does preventing life make somebody more women? Congratulations, you are the reason there will be one less person in this world! You are a true women! Your ancestors would be so proud! Is that the message we want people to believe? Stopping more women from being born does not make somebody more free or more women. Women argue that abortions make them free over their bodies. These women must know that pregnancy brings another life into that equation. There is life from the moment of conception; a heartbeat within three weeks of getting pregnant. Why is it considered a double homicide when a pregnant women is killed, but it is not even considered a killing when a women ends the life of her twenty week old baby? Why do doctors work to save the life of a premature baby but don't think anything of killing a baby of the same age that is inside a woman? Is the location of a baby the deciding factor is whether it lives of dies; if it's life is worth saving?

    1. Throughout her podcast, Fulwiler asks many rhetorical questions to herself and her listeners as she tells the story of how she convinced herself to be pro-life. She makes people see the wrongfulness is their views. She makes people rethink their stances on this issue as she talks about how she rethought her views. She compares what she used to believe and why she believed it to her current views and the logic and facts behind them. She uses logos, pathos, and ethos. She uses the Catholic Church to back up the ethics or lack there of for abortion. With all talks with the topic of abortion, she uses emotions to make listeners understand that abortion is murder. She pulls out facts from a Planned Parenthood to put the issue of abortion in perspective for people.
      Without a doubt she is successful. How better to convince people to be pro-life then by telling the story from a person with the background of pro-abortion? She tells the story as if she is telling it to somebody who supports abortion and women's "freedom". It clearly points out how her views changed and why. It takes all the arguments of abortion supporters and refutes them with evidence from multiple sources. She brings this all back to sexual morality and the selfishness of abortionists women. She helps people go redefine what it means to be women and to understand what sex is. If you don't want a baby, don't have sex. Simple as that. She helps listeners to understand the true meaning and purpose of sex through the teachings of the Catholic Church.
      Now, I went a little off in this blog, but if you managed to make it through the entire thing, go have a piece of cake, you deserve it. As you eat your cake, pray for and remember all the babies that are being killed in the time it takes you to eat that piece of cake.

    2. Justin, I loved this! I loved how you completely let go of all your thoughts and wrote it down. I kind of did the same thing, and our blogs are quite similar on views! This inspires me!! It is very well written as well! Even if someone does not agree with your views, they cannot deny the fact that this is a well written piece!

    3. Justin,
      I can't even put into words how this makes me feel, you stirred up so many emotions and opinions, ones that I wholeheartedly agree with. You are so passionate, and I love the personal aspects you incorporated. I feel like I can hear you ranting about it as I read, and your argument is so well put. This might be my favorite blog I've read all year, great job Justin!

    4. after reading your blog you can obviously tell you spent a lot of time on it, and did not just do it to get it done. Like we have been talking in class, you engaged in the assignment and it really showed in your blog. Your voice and tone is excellent in this blog. You asked many questions throughout your blog, just like Fulwiler did in her podcast. Unfortunately I am not able to have a piece of cake right now, but I will pray for and reflect on all the innocent lives of babies killed through abortions

    5. Justin,
      I think you did an excellent job on this blog. Your tone and word choice throughout your blog shows you have a burning passion for this topic. You discuss the issues that abortion cause and how this appealing subject is ethically and morally unacceptable. You really put into perspective what truly happens when an abortion takes place. The excerpt you included about the number of babies being victims of an abortion on the March for life broadcast was just sickening. You did an excellent job discussing how Fulwiler used the rhetorical strategies and devices to not just convert people from pro-choice to pro-life, but also open up their eyes to truly see just what they are supporting by being pro-choice. Excellent Blog!

    6. Justin,
      This week's blog is one that is powerful. You took this to a whole new level and really exceeded the potential it had. Reading your views truly mixed up my emotions and made me angry. Your rhetorical questions are excellent and fit perfectly into the passages. I completely agree with every aspect of this blog and I hope that others, not only in our class, are able to read this because it truly deserves to be acknowledged.

    7. Justin,
      Your blog this week is so empowering. I love the personal connection on the subject and your points on Jennifer's argument. I love how you talked about her strategy of rhetorical questions. While reading her podcast, I never realized the strategy of rhetorical questions. I loved the passion and faith you put in your blog, standing up for what you believe in. I agree with your whole blog, but it also changed the way I look at things.

    8. Justin,
      Like the many people above me, I thought that your blog this week was very powerful and convincing. I liked how you put your personal thoughts into the argument, and your story well pieced together. The rhetorical devices and strategies that you found in the speech are spot on. Not only was this blog a strike against abortion, but I think that it also changed changed how many of us think on the topic.

  2. I remember, from the time I was a little girl to now, that abortion was always wrong. I knew that abortion was killing babies. I knew that killing babies, even though other did not think they were babies, was wrong. When talking to people who believed in abortion I was always left with thought, that those babies who are killed could be the next president, the next Martin Luther King, or even the next Mother Teresa. How could people support abortion, they weren't aborted? These thoughts tackle my head every single time someone claims that they are pro choice.
    One of my mothers closest friend was one of the most spiritual and pro life woman I have ever met. She taught my mother, who than taught me that babies have a full and total right to life. This women goes on trips and peaceful protests to try and help these women and babies who need to be educated on what they are doing. I bring up this women because she never hated, she never downgraded any women or family who chose abortion. She only prayed. This women prayed for people like Jennifer Fulwiler who, at first, was blinded from the truth, but than came to know that abortion was wrong from the grace the God gave to her.
    Jennifer Fulwiler was a complete atheist who believed that abortion was the right choice and that God or any other supreme ruler was not even a thing. She was too shallow to believe in anyone's thoughts other than her own. Jennifer was undereducated, and she made that apparent in her speech. Jennifer talked about the women who believed that not allowing abortions was against women's rights and an endless amounts of other reasons why abortions are logical. I, myself, could sit here and type out all the reasons on why abortion is bad and how awful Jennifer Fulwiler was in the first half of her life, but I won't and no one else should because that's not God's will. To find peace with no just abortion, but everything in life, we must create loving environment to where we may all find the truth and justice that everyone deserves.
    Jennifer talks about her switching sides from pro abortion to pro choice. While doing that, she makes her argument logical. Her argument is that women must accept it is not just their rights, but the babies right as well. Jennifer discusses that that sexual desire should be less important than the baby. Jennifer uses experiences and tells story's that establish logos, pathos, and ethos. Also, rhetorical questions are asked through the her speech describing the thoughts of many. She progresses her argument through a life story that many people could possible relate too. Jennifer Fulwiler is the type of person we need in our world, especially in struggling times. We need to look at her as a beacon of hope, and that everyone can come to find terms with God and pure thoughts. We must let go of our judgements, or biases ideas, and remember to love and serve others as God wants, as people like Jennifer will figure out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Reilly,
      I can really sense your personal connection with this, and I like how that shows in the piece. You bring up the point that Jennifer was not taught what the proper attitude is about sex, and I like that you included it. I should have included it in mine but I forgot. I can really feel your voice in this blog, good job Reilly!

    3. center of your piece about how people should not hate those who have abortions. After all, this is the year of mercy. The only thing that can end hatred is love, which they can find through the prayers of others. Silent no more is a group of women who have had abortions who have converted to pro-life after realizing their mistakes. They turn their faults into a message to save lives, and I think at that point, that's the best thing they can do! And we did have very similar blogs, which means that yours is obviously a masterpiece.

    4. Jennifer was educated wrongly, and was blinded of the truth, but did eventually find the right path. We can learn valuable lessons from Fulwiler, some that do not even relate to abortion, but just our faith. You seem to have very strong and good opinions on this topic. You should use them to make a difference, just like your moms friend made a difference in your moms and your own life.

    5. Reilly,
      Your blog is really good this week. Just like Rachel said in her comment, I like how you pointed out Jennifer wasn't taught properly on the views on sex. I love how you incorporated how your moms friend made a difference on your family. Your voice in this blog is very inspiring and made me think differently on Jennifer's podcast.

    6. Really,
      Everyone seems to have a very similar opening sentence this week. They all talk about how they were taught that abortion was wrong as a child. I think that this is a big problem, not because we are teaching that abortion is wrong, but because other people have to be telling their kids that abortion is not a bad thing. Parents influence children more than alone else, and that is a problem. People believe in abortion because they have been brainwashed by others.

  3. One time that sticks out in my mind when it comes to the topic of abortion, is when I was in fourth grade. We had a mock election in school of who the students thought would win the 2008 presidential election, Obama or McCain. Back then I was not big on politics or really knew what they were even talking about, but I distinctly remember checking off John McCain's name of the ballot. When asked why, I answered that Obama was "pro-abortion" and I would not vote for him for that reason. As a fourth grader, the thought of approving the killing of babies made me despise Obama and I could remember that a specific John McCain campaign commercial said he would make abortion illegal. Since that time I have always been pro-life, but I haven't really done anything about it. Listening to the stories of these women, it made me angry of what is happening and at myself for not trying to do something about it. Jennifer Fulwiler's story really spoke to me, I can't quite explain it, but she made me sort of wake up and realize what I should be fighting for.
    Her argument is that the blame is being put on babies and not the way society looks at sex and contraception. She talks of how people are dehumanizing babies and making them the enemy. She discusses how pro-choice activists are fighting for women's freedoms by giving them the choice, when in reality they are not giving people a choice at all. People are pushing women, like Linda, to have sex and use contraception, but then when that fails they are pushing them to get abortions and making it seem like they made their own choices. Jennifer discusses Sex Ed classes growing up and how they were encouraged to have safe sex, but acted as if there were no other options for example abstinence or natural family planning.
    Some of the strategies she used may have completely passed by me because I was so engrossed in what she was saying I did not stop to think about anything else. She used ethos, pathos, and logos throughout. When she referred to the court cases and gave statements from certain boards and organizations she was appealing to logic. You could just feel it in her voice that she knew what she was talking about, with her personal experiences, sacrifices, and struggles she went through with the topic of abortion. The strongest of all was probably the emotion, I felt for her and for Linda on the message board, just the way she spoke of her experience, you could tell it was hard for her and she had many feelings on what happened. She spoke in a story, I felt as though she was reading right out of a book, but also being genuine at the same time. The fact that she told it as a story really drew me in and caught my attention right from the very beginning and held it until the end. She asked many rhetorical questions throughout, many that still are circling around my brain. She was trying to stir up the thoughts of listeners and get them to truly realize what the true problem is when it comes to abortion.
    Just from my experience of listening to her, I would say she was successful with her message. I was pro-life before, but sort of in the same way she said her husband referred to himself as a "Christian." She said her husband was a Baptist but never prayed or went to church, I knew I was pro-life, but other than that I did not have a particular opinion. Just listening to her speak, made me stop and think about my view on the matter. I have already been researching and trying to find information about being pro-life and what that truly means and what I'm completely opposed to. The results have changed the way I feel in general, I feel like I was just being led blindly, following because the other was simply bad. Now I feel like a door has opened me to lead me to the truth.

    1. Now we can go on the March for life next year (that is if Obama doesn't make up rumors about a snowstorm or whatever)! Her goal was to get people to better understand abortion, and clearly it has worked on you! You always made a good point by saying how women aren't free if everyone is pressuring them into a certain decision. The podcasts also helps people releaze how pro-abortionists view abortion, which helps pro-lifers tell them why they are incorrect. The real problem is sex. Basically, if everyone could get their hormones under control, abortions would not exist. But really, babies are not the enemy. Why do people blame the baby, when they are the ones who created the baby? Again, sex is the problem. So let's hope the next president is pro-life (obviously it wouldn't be Trump)!

    2. Rachel,
      I remember when I was in fifth grade and we voted for Obama or McCain. McCain won by a landslide in our elementary school, if I am remembering correctly. But then Obama won the election and here we are today. I was a totally confused fifth grader that he lost in our school but won the nation, now I understand he won Pittsburgh and Philly. I am so glad this speech gave you information to back up your opinion, it makes fighting for your beliefs so worth it. Good job!

    3. And I agree with Justin... the next President will not be Trump. Hopefully.

  4. As a Catholic, I have always been familiar with the topic of abortion, but up until my freshmen year of high school it never really dawned of me what it meant to be "Pro-Life," or "Pro-Choice." In my freshmen year English we read a novel called "Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes." In this story there is a constant talk about the topic of abortion between high school students in a debate class. During my sophomore year of high school, we had an academic assembly and a woman came in and talked about abortion. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the woman's name, but I will never forget her message. The woman told us her story, and shockingly revealed to us that she had a baby of her own aborted. This woman has to deal with that reality everyday, and explained to us that is was easily the biggest mistake of her life, and would do anything to change her decision if she could. My parents, also Catholics, are strongly against abortion, and live their lives as "Pro-life" members. Although I have always been Catholic, and have parents who are "Pro-life," I really never made a decision for myself on the topic of abortion until after reading "Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes," and hearing this woman's speech. I realized that I was in fact completely and totally against abortion, just like my parents, and just like most other members of the Catholic Church.
    Jennifer Fulwiler in this podcast tells us the story of her life, and how she switched from being an atheist and "Pro-Choice" supporter, to a Catholic and "Pro-Life" supporter. Fulwiler explains that she was once at a March for Life, and had met eyes with another woman, a woman who was "Pro-Choice." Fulwiler says that the woman looked at her in such a way that it was if the woman was looking at her and saying how could you take away the freedom of women and not allow them to have an abortion. Fulwiler tells the audience that if she could meet up with that woman someday for coffee, she would tell the woman about her story. Fulwiler's argument is that embracing the truth about sexuality is not easy and that it requires a lot of sacrifices, but without it women will never really be free. Woman are not free when they decide to have an abortion. Freeing yourself from not having a child is not true freedom. Fulwiler talks a lot of about contraception, and how her and her husband use theology of the bodies natural family planning method instead, even when Fulwiler has a serious blood clotting disorder. She explains why she was originally "Pro-Choice," saying that you are not killing human life, but rather just a fetus. She then discovers the truth, and finds out that a 9 week old fetus can swallow and make a fist, so you are in fact killing human life. Fulwiler uses rhetorical strategies such as asking rhetorical questions. She also uses antithesis and counterpoints when talking about the dehumanizing of babies when the topic of sex is brought up, and has a common theme, being what she would say to the woman she met eyes with at the March for Life. Lastly Fulwiler uses ethos, pathos, and logos when making her argument of what it really means for women to have freedom. Personally, I think Fulwiler makes a very successful argument. She provides many personal examples, and backs up her argument with Catholic Church teaching. After hearing the story of someone who has switched from "Pro-Choice" to "Pro-Life," it is almost impossible to contradict her argument, and say she was unsuccessful.

    1. Frank,
      I believe you, as always, invested a great deal of your time into doing this assignment. You learned many new ideas about abortion just as I am. I am in the same boat as you are. I have never really looked into the details and ideas of what it really means to be pro-life or Pro-choice. That has always confused me. I know now just from reading everyone's entires so far what it means to be pro-life. I still have to watch the podcast and write my blog but I think after reading your blog and the other classmates blogs I am learning just what it means to be pro-life. I think it is important to give the people facts about abortion because these staggering numbers scare people. You gave us the example that a 9 week old fetus can swallow and make a fist. How can anyone have the heart to kill this innocent child's life. It's heartbreaking. Great Blog!

    2. Frank,
      You bring up the book "Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes" that is an excellent example of the abortion controversy. I never would have thought of that, so great connection there. You also bring up examples of antithesis, which I did not notice until I read your blog. I feel that it was important that you included those facts about abortion, such as swallowing and making a fist, as it made your argument eye-opening and strong. Overall, your blog showed the horrific truths of abortion and great analysis of Fulwiler's story.

    3. Frank,
      Great job on including the story that we read in English class and the speaker at school. This way, I think we can all relate to your blog. Your explanations of pro-life and pro-choice have really cleared up what it means to be either one of them. The foundation of rhetorical strategies that you use in your blog really complete it. Great job!!

  5. Today, the most controversial problem that challenges our government, political leaders, and population is abortion. Life is about having responsibility for your actions and accepting the consequences. The problem today is that getting pregnant and having a baby are seen as consequences of sex. Teenagers and even young boys and girls are being taught that you do not have to take responsibility for the actions you perform. They are being taught to enjoy life, and not to worry about tomorrow. In the case of pregnancy, they are taught to have sex and just hope that your contraception will do its job. As Jennifer Fulwiler says, Sex Education classes tell about how only unprotected sex results in pregnancy and nothing else. A big issue is that this pregnancy problem can be solved quickly and easily. Contraception and abortion seemed like the perfect solutions to solve the baby "problem." From a young age, we Catholics are taught that sex should be open to life, not closed. The media today disregards this truth. Many argue that America is a free country and that our choices cannot be made by anyone else other than ourselves. They argue that pregnant women should have the right to decide what happens to their body. In this statement, they are saying that they have a right to decide what happens to their body, but does this apply to the body of their baby? Don't the babies get a choice? This is the issue that I struggle with.
    As for Jennifer Fulwiler, God sent her the grace she needed to see the truth. The goal of her argument is to show that being pro-life means to care about other people. That being pro-life means to put others before yourself, especially an unborn child. Fulwiler establishes ethos throughout the whole piece. She started the journey of her life as an atheist who was pro-choice. The only reason that she was pro-choice was because everyone else was. Everyone was against the Catholic Church and their "crazy" followers. The only people who got in the way of women's freedom was the Catholics with their outrageous ideas that a fetus was a baby. Their ideas that from the moment of conception that a fetus was human. There came a breaking point in Jennifer's life when she began to ask herself when a fetus became a real, human child. She could not answer this question. Jennifer, after much consideration, realized that being a pro-life member of the Catholic Church was not really that bad after all. She brings in several accounts of her experiences with abortion, one being with a woman on an Internet message board. This woman, Linda, was facing similar health issues that she was. Linda was left in a situation in which she had to choose a child with birth defects or to have an abortion, as suggested by many people on the message board. Seeing this post appalled Jennifer and opened her eyes to the reality of the world. By using this strategy, Jennifer appeals to the pathos of the listener. Fulwiler strongly relies on the rhetorical appeals to make her argument. By doing this, I believe that her argument was extremely successful. She was able to provide solid support for her argument, especially being persuasive to those who are pro-choice

  6. I always remember talking and learning about abortion at St. Leo's, even here at ECC. At a young age when I first learned about abortion I knew right away it was an awful thing and it truly is. Abortion kills the life of an innocent baby. My whole family is "Pro Life" and we truly need to the alter the whole world to become "Pro Life". Jennifer Fulwiler's story is awakening and so inspiring. She is very successful displaying her message across. Jennifer didn't believe in God and was completely "Pro Choice". She was willing to go to war to protect women's rights over their bodies. She truly meant it. Jennifer changed her life completely around. She converted to Catholicism and "Pro Life. Her friend circle didn't even talk about God or Christianity, they were completely over it. While she encountered talking about women religious rights, she couldn't get away from the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was all over it. A year after she was married, things started to change. Jennifer and her husband set out to find what was true about God. The Catholic Church and God were finally clear to her and her husband. She wondered when a fetus, became a real human. After closer thought, she realized the answer to the question and finally knew being Catholic and "Pro Life" was not bad at all. In her Sex Ed class, she learned unprotected sex created babies. As she got older, she also realized the imagery of sex and babies had no comparison. A big life changing event for Jennifer, was the story of Linda. Linda was a Catholic and posted on an Internet board what people thought about contraception. The internet board was filled with contrasting views on the topic. A couple months later, Linda used contraception and it failed. Linda became pregnant and had to decide between having an abortion or keeping her baby that had birth defects that would ruin her whole life. She opened Jennifer's eyes and views on the subject. Jennifer's argument is very successful. She argues for "Pro Life" and how everyone will have to make sacrifices no matter what the case is. Jennifer establishes pathos through the whole argument. Her emotion on the subject is empowering and life changing. She also uses the strategy of a counter argument. She talked about how she was atheist and non Christian and thought women should have the choice to decide for their baby. Although I am already "Pro Life", I think Jennifer would be easily able to convert a person "Pro Choice" to "Pro Life

    1. Allie, I think that you did a good job with summarizing all that she did but I think you have too much "they say" and not enough "I say". I did not think of this as counter argument when I was listening. I agree that it is a counter argument. I think to make your blog better you should add more of the stuff that you think about the topic.

  7. I would like to start my blog this week with a story I encountered a couple of years ago; A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said: 'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.' So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?' She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.' The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.' You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.' The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!' 'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.' The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.)
    This story really relates to the point that Jennifer Fulwiler throughout her speech; Sexuality is being taught wrong, which leads to women fighting the wrong enemy. Society has portrayed, on a foundation of lies, that pro-choice is needed everywhere in order to allow women freedom over their bodies. It is a instant fix to the many complications and hardships that could be encountered if the woman were to follow through. Throughout her life, Jennifer realizes that abortion is a scam. She searches and finds truth and knowledge through the Catholic Church and looks back on her former life of non-belief. Fulwiler speaks of her public school education in a grave tone. In sex-ed class they learned not that sex created babies, but unprotected sex does. They talked all about when they will be ready, when to act, who to act with, etc. Not once did they mention the baby. Thoughts like these lead women onto fighting the wrong force and ruin the natural, God-given gift of creation.
    Fulwiler uses rhetorical questions, imagery, and appeals to pathos and ethos in the introduction of her speech. She remembers being a life-long atheist who was pro-choice when she went to her first March For Life. Although she wasn't expecting anything more than just a small experience, she made eye contact with a girl with a "cute pixie haircut and pretty blue eyes" and in that split second, her thoughts were changed for the rest of her life. Written in her eyes was the expression; how could you betray women like this? How could you restrict and ruin the freedom that we have over our bodies? Fulwiler also uses a fair amount of similes in her speech. She says that the Catholic Faith and the Bible are owners manual to complete knowledge, and open up the soul to the light of truth. The last rhetorical devices that I found in the speech were the anecdotes. She uses them to prove her points and give the audience an ethos feel. She speaks of how she almost puked when she read the Carheart case, her school education, her first match for life, etc. Everyday, the fight against this terrible law is growing larger but the only question is, are the number of abortions decreasing?

    1. Charlie, I think the story that you started with shows that you have thought about this topic before, it shows your roots in ProLife. I agree that her talk was packed with ethos and pathos. Sexuality is being taught wrong, I agree with this; I also used this in my blog. I think you found a lot of the rhetorical devices.

  8. I am going to follow the same pattern as those who entered their blogs before me did. It seems to me the reoccurring theme that was used was to give a personal experience on when and how each of us learned about abortion. When I was in the 6th grade I remember seeing people walking around with sweatshirts on that said "My mom is pro-life, are you?" And when I read this I was so confused I was like, what does that even mean? Pro-life? I though it had something to deal with a sports team or club that these individuals were in. So I didn't really think anything about it. Another scenario like this one occurred to me around the same time period. I was sitting in a parking lot of a grocery store and I was looking at all the cars while I waited for my mom to run in and grab a few things we needed. On the back of one of the cars a bumper sticker said, "Impeach Obama, supporter of legalized abortion." Again I found myself saying, Abortion?! Why would someone want to legalize Abortion?! I didn't have a deep understanding of this topic, but I knew what the basis of this act was, the killing of an unborn child. How can anyone have the heart to kill their unborn child. The key word there being "their" child. Each year an appealing number of children are killed through the act of abortion. These staggering and sickening numbers are the result of people who believe in "pro-choice." They feel as though it is a women's right to do with it whatever they may please. They say by making abortion illegal, they are taking away the woman's right to do with her body whatever she may please. Are people so blind that they cannot see the disheartening acts they are supporting?

    Jennifer Fulwiler is a women who, since kindergarten was an atheist denomination. She did not believe in God or any high powered spirit. Jennifer was a long time pro-choice supporter. She believed, just like all other pro-choicer's that woman had a right to their bodies and deterring them from being able to do with their bodies whatever they saw fit was illegal. Fulwiler portrays to us her conversion from being an atheist-pro-choice individual to someone who whole-heartedly believes in pro-life. How Fulwiler does this is through a empowering speech about the negative effects of abortion as well as the repercussions that come from receiving this ghastly procedure. She starts out her speech by introducing us to a women she saw at a March for Life event. This women she maid eye contact with, was standing with a group of pro-choice individuals, and she looked at Fulwiler with such apathy and hurt that Jennifer knew she was wondering how she could support such a cause. Fulwiler then goes on to tell us the story based on what her dialogue would've been if she was able to talk to that women that day at the rally.

    1. Through the use of many rhetorical strategies Fulwiler is able to appeal to the audiences emotions and draw their full attention from the beginning to the end. She establishes her pathos all throughout this piece. The entire this is an appeal to provoke emotion inside oneself. When establishing her ethos, she discusses how she did research and spent countless hours and days on the topic of abortion. She arises many rhetorical questions throughout her conversation as well. One that stuck in my mind was when she felt sick to her stomach that she had almost agreed with the same ideas that Nazi's in Hitler's Germany would have applauded. All throughout her speech Jennifer Fulwiler is trying to establish in the minds of all her listeners that abortion is wrong one hundred percent of the time. There are no if's and's or but's that go along with it. One must always remember that if you do not want a child then the refrain from sexual desires and actions. Use the Catholic Churches, Natural Family Planning, and avoid entirely the use of contraceptives and other means of preventing pregnancy. After listening to this speech I feel as though anyone, pro-choice, pro-life, or pro-freedom, can not disagree with the statements made by this women. She has the perspective from both sides of the wall. She knows all to well the pain and hurt that abortion inhibits and by converting to become pro-life Jennifer hopes to make an impact on the lives of all those who have doubts or are against this March for Life.

    2. Dan,
      You went to town on this one. Once I read your blog I wished that I would have mention her comment about the Natzis, but that's alright. You did a very thorough job of summarizing what she had to say. You also made a good point at the end. Nobody disagrees with what she has to say. They just try to make exceptions when they are in a bad situation that could end in an abortion.

    3. Dan
      Yours like zachs point out the most obvious fix to abortions. Quit messing around. If people can have sex whenever and not worry about a baby then they are happy. This is pro-choices view on it and is so disturbing.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Jennifer Fulwiler tells her remarkable story of conversion. This story of hers is all about her conversion from atheism to Catholicism. Her main argument in this is not to be Catholic or even to be ProLife, but that human sexuality has become a lie to women. This lie has been lead to the destruction of the beauty of creating a life. She is arguing that society has enslaved women with the ideas that it is okay to kill a baby. She is arguing that it is not entirely women's fault that they have fallen to less then perfect standards. It is so hard for women to be ProLife when the are not even aware of the other options that are available like adoption. I agree that Jennifer Fulwiler has a point that human sexuality was founded on a lie.
    Jennifer Fulwiler established her ethos by talking about how her family did not necessarily raise her as a atheist, but as. Abstract thinker that sought for the truth. She decided to be atheist after looking for her truth. Her family moved around a lot and she did not know many families that had many very few kids. None of her best friends had any siblings. She established pathos when talking about the court case and how a person who was anti Catholic converted slowly and skeptically towards ProLife. She discusses how upset that it made her to find that the doctors were looking for a more convenient way to remove the fetus's head. That fact made her feel sick to her stomach just as it made all the people listening feel sick to their stomachs. She establishes logos by illustrating her path to Catholicism and ProLife. There is no bigger critic to the Catholic faith than an atheist who is ProChoice. The biggest rhetorical strategies that she uses I think are to appeal to the emotions of her audience to help her cause. She was using this strategy in the hopes of changing the hearts of others just like hers was changed.
    I think that she is very successful in making her point that the fault is not on just the people who are getting abortions. Contraceptions prevent the "burden" of having a baby. When having sex it should not be about the bond and not worrying about if a child will be conceived. The whole notion of sex and the true meaning of it has been lost. Jennifer Fulwiler started to feel the true meaning of it and "sealed the deal" when she was in her second pregnancy and was diagnosed with a blood clot. The drugs that her doctors wanted her to take required her to use a contraceptive or remain from sex and this was when she fully accepted all of the teachings of Catholicism. She gives us hope that many more will join the ProLife movement and put an end to all the misbeliefs surrounding the topic.
    This narrative had so much emotion and truth in it that made the story so powerful and has the power to convert other people just like it had the ability to convert Jennifer Fulwiler. By spreading this story we are all helping to fight to end all the horrors that go along with abortions.

    1. Makenzie,
      I also went down the path describing misguidance on sex and sexuality. I like how you incorporated the court case she mentions into your blog, as well as the drug she took and her battle against resisting contraception. I think you did a great job explaining her argument and the rhetorical strategies used, but similar to Zach's blog, more of your own thoughts would have really ties the blog together.

  11. Abortion is a topic that is often put on the back burner, but everyone comes out full force to express their opinion durning the "March for Life." When people hear the word killing, they automatically know it is wrong. People are torn between what they think are two important aspects of their lives: having sex and living without babies. They do not want to make any sacrifices, and they have an option. If the option of abortion was not their, there would not be any temptation, and people would approach sexuality in a completely different way. Jennifer remembers a girl when she was at a protest giving her a glance that said "why would you take away women's rights to their bodies." Jennifer wanted to talk to the girl, but the crowd would not allow it. From then on Jennifer was an atheist, looking for answers regarding abortion. She found that the Catholic Church covered many of the questions she had. This was intriguing to her, so she dug deeper. Upon reviewing many of the teachings of the Catholic Church she converted from pro-choice to pro-life. She argued that people that were pro-choice were afraid of the consequences that would arise as a result of sex. That is another issue, children are seen as a consequence instead of a gift because of how reckless people are these days. She really pulls apart the issue into questions that she ends up finding the answers to. She argues with herself and expresses that argument in her podcast. She ended up having a rare blood clotting disorder which required her to take a very potent drug called Coumadin. This drug would cause a conceived baby to have birth defects. She knew that she could not get pregnant while she was on this drug. She was also aware of the uncertainty that came with contraceptives. She now realized why abortion was an issue. Abortion allowed for a temporary solution to a bigger problem. The problem was that women were unable to make the necessary sacrifices that went along with sex. She knew that the only two solutions were abstinence and natural family planning, and that worked well for her and it gave her control over her life. She is now living with her husband as a devout Catholic. I think that she conveys her argument well. Although she does not use much pathos, she is phenomenal at supporting her argument with ethos and logos. All that it takes is a bit of logic to come to the conclusion that abortion is a terrible thing, and she uses that to her advantage.

    1. Zach,
      I noticed you did not follow the theme with expressing your beliefs. Which is totally okay. We disagreed, I said she strongly used pathos in her speech, but we both agreed on the logos within. I wish you would have spoken more of how you felt, but you did a good job summarizing.

    2. Zach,
      I agree with Eilse that you did not include much of your thoughts, but we did focus on the same thing, how society presents sex, contraception, and babies. I liked how you mentioned the drug she had to take, I only mentioned it but I did not explain it nearly as well as you did. Overall, you did a good job explaining her podcast and its argument, but a little more of your thoughts would have been nice.

    3. Zach
      I like how you stated that without the possibility of abortion the urge for sex would cut down. People just think that they can have sex and whatever happens happens because they can go get the abortion. Which is completely wrong

  12. I am going to begin my blog today with a quote from Albert Einstein; as my blog will be filled with quotes from people because I cannot express how I feel justly. This blog will be all over the place, just like my mind is with the topic of abortion. “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” I do not have a side in this issue; I am in limbo even though I believe there really is not limbo on this topic. Last year around this time, a teacher showed my class videos and gave us handfuls of articles on topics of pro-life and pro-choice. This teacher showed us a video stressing pro-life, a persuasive argument pushing for the viewers to believe the information. Nothing against this teacher, as she was just trying to show us her viewpoints, but I was deeply concerned, people our age need to have both sides of the story to make a decision. I asked her if we were going to watch a video on pro-choice and the response was no because we are in a catholic school. I was outraged because I believe whole hardily, to do the right thing and think for yourself, both of these actions taken away by the demonstration. I push for my friends to watch Fox News because I say the other news outlets are a bunch of crap, so kind of the same situation. People want others to believe what they believe; it is human nature.
    Ever since I was little, I always believed the death penalty was completely and utterly wrong. “You can’t reconcile being pro-life on abortion and pro-death on the death penalty,” said N. T. Wright. I noticed the parallelism between abortion and the death penalty. I am totally against the death penalty but find myself in limbo about abortion.
    Statistics are the devil when it comes to matters such as this. In Justin’s blog he stated “17,000 and growing”, to me this was very confusing. When did this number start? Last week, two months ago, or ten years ago? Possibly it was me misunderstanding, but numbers are taken advantage of when proving points, especially in abortion topics. While I was scrolling through Facebook I noticed a pie chart, with all the deaths from wars comparing to the deaths from Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade completely took over the pie chart, clearly leaving me questioning. How is that even possible? Well, Roe v. Wade came into affect in 1973, forty-three years ago. So compare that to if we were in a forty-three year war. Would those numbers be the same?

    1. Do politicians lie and say they are pro-life so they do not have to put themselves through character debates? Hilary Clinton seemed to have been for the kids in the article we read, but she is still pro-choice. That is not the only thing she has lied about, just so you all know that. In one of the first Republican Debate, Planned Parenthood was a major talking point. During the debate, Carly Fiorina emotionally talked about the horrifying video, which was released about Planned Parenthood graphically describing a fully intact fetus to be sold. I never watched this video because it would make me sick. But why do people choose pro-life or pro-choice. I asked my friend what he thought of the topic of abortion. He said, “I’m pro-choice but mainly because I don’t think the government has any right over that.” We live in America, the country where we have the freedom to choose. That is what my friend did; he chose what to believe because it is his God-given right.
      Jennifer Fullmeirer is an atheist turned Catholic. Her dad told her, (8:05) “to seek the truth, question assumptions, and the prize intellectually consistency above all.” I truly believe people today believe blindly, listening to peers, relatives, social media, and celebrities. Her dad also told her not to believe something just because he said it, which I am scared many people do. She brought up the term, pro-freedom, our ability as Americans to choose. If you are pro-freedom, are you not both pro-choice and pro-life? You have the ability and right to choose what to believe. I always think of today’s current issues, and gun control always comes to mind. If you are against gun control are you for abortion because you want freedom to choose? Now this does not go for everyone, and someone could easily argue that, but if you do not want your second amendment right to be taken away, then do you believe the “right” of abortion should be taken away? (Right being used loosely.) Jennifer’s argument is for her audience to understand her transformation from pro-choice to pro-life, on regards of the Catholic Church. She uses pathos strongly to engage the reader to understand the complexity of her transformation. She used logos in a sense, but it was not affective enough for me.
      I am going to end this blog with quotes, which contradict with each other, but are valuable to the topic of abortion. “However much I dislike the idea of abortion, you should not criminalize a woman who, in very difficult circumstances, makes that choice,” said Tony Blair, Prime minister of England for ten years. Scott Klusendorf, “Abortion isn’t a preference issue like choosing chocolate ice cream over vanilla. It’s a moral issue.” The last quote is from an unknown source, “If they make abortion illegal, they should make men deserting women who they got pregnant illegal as well. Because if a women can’t back out of a pregnancy a man shouldn’t be able to either.” Chris Kyle once said, “It was my duty to shoot the enemy, and I don’t regret it. My regrets are for the people I couldn’t save: Marines, soldiers, buddies. I’m not naive and I don’t romanticize war. The worst moments of my life have come as a SEAL. But I can stand before God with a clear conscience about doing my job.” Chris Kyle killed people for a living. This may be questionable to compare a sniper to abortion, but Chris Kyle did his job better than any other SEAL. It is for God to judge our actions as individuals on this Earth. We can express our beliefs, but we have no say in whose beliefs are right or wrong. On a final note, no matter if you choose to be pro-choice, pro-life, or in limbo, you are no less human, religious, or American.

    2. I had no idea how to spell her name, I totally guessed.

    3. I think it's cool how you quoted me in your blog! But I do think you misunderstood, that 17,000 was the number of abortions that had taken place since the beginning of the broadcast of the March for life. The number increased by one at least every two seconds. While I already posted my two comments for this week, I'm going to make a third. I like people who challenge the norm and challenge accepted ideas, it should interest and that they care. You had a quote about men deserting pregnant women being made illegal, well men have no say in a women's abortion. And just because a man abandons a women, does that give her the right to end the life of her child? Just because the situation is difficult doesn't mean the women can have an abortion. If I am in a difficult situation with someone, do I have a right to kill them? I have the freedom to kill other citizens, so should I exercise that freedom? How do you justify ending life? I talk more about the issue of freedom in my blog!

  13. Abortion to me is an swell thing that I am strongly against. Until last year around this time I didn't know much about the topic and unfortunately I didn't truly care. I believed it was the mothers choice. I didn't agree with the killing of a human being but I think it was the mothers choice because when the abortion occurred I thought it was right away before the baby had physical features. For example like Jennifer stated in her talk, "before the fetus had a heat beat". This was my view on the subject and I didn't realize the impact it had on many young men and women, especially the teachings of the Catholic Church.
    Last year a lady came to our school to express her view of pro-life. Her son I know well and he promotes pro life. She was first talking to us about the March for life and what an impact it has on many men and women. This lady is the one person the taught me about what actually occurs in the process of an abortion. I was morally disgusted because of the ways it was done. Jennifer also expressed her thoughts and how she thought the process was corrupt. She showed us the size of the baby at most abortions. The baby had to have been at least 4 pounds. Big enough to be prenatal and under treatment in the hospital. That's crazy that a person would have the heart to end there child's life, just that easy.
    Jennifer Fulwiler expressed her life story from an atheist that believed in abortion to an active, faithful Catholic. She was afraid to believe the truth about abortion. She is successful in her argument of the fact that everyone can change from pro-choice to pro -life. She is because she uses ethos in giving examples so she is on the listeners level and she can use strategize because she has already made the switch.

    1. Doug,
      I thought that your blog was very good. I agree that the way abortions are performed is awful. The process is disgusting and makes it that much worse. Taking the life of a baby is horrible. This talk also helped me realize that abortions occur when a baby is really a baby. I didn't know that before. Great job!

  14. Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in the United States, mostly because of misinformation and misguidance, which is what Jennifer Fulwiler focuses on in her story of conversion. I was in a similar position to her except that I was surrounded by people who were pro-life rather than pro-choice, so as you might expect, I was pro-life. I have been pro-life, but until I learned more about the topic, through speakers, theology, and other programs or presentations, I did not really know why I was pro-life or why it was important. Similar to Fulwiler, as I learned more about the topic, the more I understood why it was wrong. Fulwiler does a great job explaining why abortion is wrong, and why so many are for it in the speech she gave on her conversion.
    Fulwiler was an atheist and pro-choice, but after she converted to Catholicism she began to realize what was wrong with it. She researched the topic but it only confused her as to when it was okay, until she finally realized abortion is wrong as soon as the egg cell is fertilized, she then moves on to explain how sex factors into abortion as well as the story of a woman with a similar condition to her. Through out the talk, Fulwiler focuses on how abortion is immoral, but I think her main argument is that misinformation and misguidance is what leads people to become pro-choice and have abortions. Fulwiler really focused on how sex leads to abortion, people forget about the life creating aspect and then don't know what to do when God surprises them with a baby. She focuses on how society portrays the message that you can have sex whenever and with contraception, you don't have to worry. The story of Linda backs her argument as she could not conceive but people told her to use contraception and she would be okay. Linda was not okay as the contraception failed and she felt forced into and abortion. If people were properly educated on sex, abortion would not be nearly as big of an issue, people would know when it would be appropriate, or how to naturally prevent a baby. In the end, I believe that the argument is on education and the significance it has on pro-life and pro-choice people, rather than focusing on how abortion is evil and against the church.
    Fulwiler strengthens her argument through questions, she is constantly questioning ideas and beliefs, like contraception and freedom. She also established logos pathos and ethos. She focuses on logics through out the podcast, why people feel abortion is necessary or why people think sex is always okay. She establishes ethos by speaking of her atheist AND Catholic viewpoints she has or had on abortion, as well as including stories of others. Pathos is used through the emotional aspects of abortion, sex, and freedoms. The quotes and facts Fulwiler uses, from sources like PlanedParenthood, the Catholic Church, and even court cases also help strengthen her argument.
    I think she made a great argument, it really touched me. After listening to her story, it made me feel as if I'm not doing enough to stop the madness that is killing a defenseless life. I agree that education is key, yet we are not doing enough to warn people that baby are not a surprise, they do come from sex. If people realized this, they would avoid sex, giving them the freedom to have a baby instead of forcing them into an abortion of a "surprise" that resulted from sex at an inappropriate time.

    1. John,
      I thought that your blog was very good. I agree that people need to do a better job educating people about sex. It would be better if people weren't surprised by their babies. If everybody knew what the consequences of sex were, they probably wouldn't expect to not get pregnant after they had sex. Great job!

  15. Jennifer Fulwiler's argument is that women are fighting the wrong battle, instead of fighting pro-life or pro-choice they should be fighting society's misconception about sex. She makes the argument that sex today is viewed by the world as a act of pleasure and the whole act of making a baby is a side note. However sex is supposed to be for creating life. Women should be fighting to correct this misconception, that this is the basis of the issue.
    She continuously makes appeals to ethos throughout her argument. She talks of her personal life and about her past as an atheist and member of the pro-choice movement. This gives her argument credibility, she has been on both sides of this argument. It convinces some pro-choice people to give her a chance. Compared to other pro-life arguments, where they come from religious fanatics, she has been an atheist and a member of the pro-choice movement. She also cites experts and court cases. She repeatedly uses statistics to make appeals to logos.
    Throughout the argument she repeatedly makes hasty generalizations though the form of using the words everybody, nobody, and all. This undermines her argument because it leaves no room for exceptions. I think this really damages her argument, it makes the argument less applicable which was the opposite of her intention. By making everyone fit into one category she takes away the diversity of human life.
    Throughout the argument she also uses anecdote. She tells stories to help support her points. These stories give background to her ideas. They show why she thinks the way she thinks. Her conversion story is also very powerful and proves that people can change their minds about certain issues.
    I think Jennifer Fulwiler is successful. Her argument is developed very well, and she makes good appeals. Her use of rhetorical strategies helps support her ideas. The fact that she was on both sides of the argument at some point really makes it better.
