Friday, January 8, 2016

Are Americans Obsessed with Sports?

Do Americans have a healthy relationship with sports? Why or why not.  What is the article arguing? Do you agree or disagree? Are sports in integral part of a society? Why or why not?


  1. Nowadays, Americans look to sports to flea the busy stressful lives that they are living. Sports provide a getaway from reality. Sitting down to watch a good basketball game is fine, but when people began to get money involved sports begin to become a problem. Instead of using sports as an escape from business, people turned them into one. When Dempsey and Tunney's rematch in 1927 brought in 145,000 attendants, lightbulbs lit up in the heads of those looking to make an easy buck. This superior attendance was outstanding and it opened businesspeople's eyes to the great possibilities that sporting events had. Fans were willing to pay to see their fans.
    The article argues that sports during the roaring twenties foreshadowed the heavy gambling that it would cause years later. I completely agree with the article. People have a natural drive to make money. Gamblers bet on their favorite sports teams in hopes of winning it big. Although they could lose thousands of dollars, that just adds to the thrill of it. Sports are definitely not an integral part of society. Athletic events such as basketball and football are beginning to absorb the lives of people who watch or participate in them. Today, websites and apps like fantasy football and fantasy basketball are teaching kids to gamble and be reckless with their money at a young age. Instead, kids should be learning new things or doing something constructive with their time rather than developing bad habits that could stick with them for the rest of their lives.

    1. Zach, your blog is really good. I too believe sports can get out of hand when you start gambling with them. I also believe fantasy football and basketball can teach kids to become reckless. We need to start developing better habits.

    2. Zach,
      The points you made in your blog are interesting. It is very true that we have become addicted to gambling on and fantasy sports does not help with that problem. It's a shame that a few individuals with money on their mind turned a fun pastime into a gambling ring

    3. Zachary,
      You make some very great points in your blog. We have a similar point about fantasy sports are teaching children to waste their money at a young age. I also agree with John that it is almost a disgrace to our country that people are making sports a business instead of entertainment.

    4. Zach, I like how you discussed business in your blog! ( you actually seem like you would be a great business man! ) I do have to disagree with you on one point, and that is that I believe sports do have the power to bring people together. Also, the example of fantasy football was perfect!

    5. Zach,
      Your blog was very interesting. I like how you brought up kids playing fantasy football because that was the perfect example of teaching kids to gamble. Great job!!

    6. Zach,
      Your blog had some similar points to my own. I agree that gambling will build bad habits that will be hard to break. I disagree with you on the point you make about sports being integral to society. If they were not, why do so many people rely on them for careers. Why do sports rally so much support from fans?

  2. Americans have an unbelievable relationship with all sports, but are they always healthy? Obviously it is not always going to be for the betterment, like almost all things. If someone has too much of something, it starts to invade their life. Practice and game time can be a threat to relationships with God, school, and family. If one does not have time for them, their schedule needs to be reconsidered. Not only playing, but watching and gambling could also began to control someone's life. People stay up late rooting for their teams and end up sleep deprived, and gamblers waste sometimes even hundreds of thousands on betting. Although many people focus on the dark side, sports are also very beneficial. Exercise, entertainment, competition, rivalry, representing, etc. are what make this country what it is today.
    The article is arguing that sports has become all about gambling, fans, and money. I agree, due to the examples portrayed in it. In the 1920's, these three items became another whole aspect of sports. During a boxing match in 1929, 145,000 people attended, and a staggering 40 million listened in on the radio. 2.6 million dollars was made and legend has it, at least 9 people dropped dead from heart attacks at their radios. This portrays the utter commitment and passion that fans have for their team or player.
    Are sports an integral part of society? I do believe so. They are stress relievers, entertainment, exercise, etc. Without them, our country would not be nearly as competitive and athletic as we are today. The only problem, like I said before, is the overdoing or overuse of them. They have become gods in our society and if we can calm them down even the slightest bit, we could have time for productive hobbies such as music, academics, inventing, etc. Sports are one of the biggest aspects in this country and if a correct balance with other interests is found, they can continue to be positive.

    1. Charlie, your blog is great! I really enjoyed how you said that sports can take away our relationship with God. I believe that is true. I also agree with your point of saying that if we balance all of our relationships and sports, sports can continue to be on the positive note.

    2. Charlie,
      I like how you addressed the numerous ways that sports can negatively affect our lives. I also enjoyed the fact that you mentioned the benefit of balancing interests. You did a fantastic job of acknowledging the positive and negative effects of sports.

    3. Charlie,
      I really liked your blog. I liked how you looked at sports in both perspectives, good and bad. I agree with you in saying that sports are good and an integral part of society when balanced correctly.

    4. Charles,
      I like how you connected your blog to idolizing a false god. I think that individuals sometimes do get to carried away when showing their devotion to a sport or sports team. They begin to lose sight of what actually matters thus they do not maintain a healthy relationship with sports to the rest of their lives. Great Blog!

  3. Sports today have a remarkable relationship with almost every American. I believe for the most part it is a healthy relationship, but it can get a little hectic. Sports help humans with friendships, sportsmanship, and team work. It helps people escape reality. On the other hand, sports can lose their meaning and healthy relationship with Americans. Sports can override the faces of reality. It can take away too many opportunities to be with friends and family to create stronger and better relationships for years to come. The article is arguing that sports are just about money and exciting fans. I agree with this article. Sports today and even back then are used to get money with roaring fans getting so excited to see a sporting event. Dempsey and Tunney's rematch drew in over a million dollars and over a million people listened, this shows the respect sports had then and have now. I believe sports are an integral part of society. Sports allow people of all ages to have fun and to escape reality. Although it allows people to escape reality, it can draw us apart from friends and family. If you can stay close with friends and family doing sports, your in good shape.

    1. Allie,
      You make some great points that sports can aid sportsmanship and comradery, but I think your points on the pitfalls of sports in excess contradicts those points. You said that sports form friendships, but later you said that sports can keep you from forming relationships and making friends.

    2. Allie,
      I like that you explained that sports can become unhealthy, but only if you let it. Sports are meant to be fun and entertaining, but when people give in to the money aspect, it can control their lives

    3. Allie, I totally agree with you! I liked how you gave both sides of the effects of sports!

    4. Allie:
      Your perspective on this topic is agreeable. I like what you stated about team work and all the lessons that come with sports. Professional sports have a lot to do with gambling and betting, but this is not the case in high school sports. If people want to say that they are all about ticket sales, then is this the same for band concerts or high school musicals? Absolutely not, they are things for people to do and things for people to talk about and enjoy. Your blog was very well done, and I agree with what you had to say. Nice work!

    5. Allie,
      You made some good points in your blog. I liked how you made the point about friendships and family. Good job!!

    6. Allie,
      Your blog is very good! You make good points about sports taking time away from family and friends. I also agree with you that sports are integral and it helps us escape from reality!

  4. In the "Roaring Twenties," sports became a way to celebrate the end of World War 1 and later, a way to escape the depression. Sports gave people something to look forward to and distract from problems in their lives. They still have the same benefits today, however sports have become an obsession and major gambling subject.
    Although sports are a great way for people to escape tragedy or issues in their lives, they can often distract them too much. Like many other forms of entertainment, sports can be taken too far. Productivity suffers greatly in result of such distractions. With proper self-control and moderation, participation or simply following sports can be extremely beneficial. Also, as was stated in the article "American Sports Fanaticism Was Born in the Great Gatsby Era," the obsessive behavior associated with sports has caused an extreme problem with gambling. The mention of the fixing of the 1919 World Series in "The Great Gatsby" exemplifies the magnitude of the situation. Fans can get so close to the situation or invest so much money that it ends up causing serious psychological damage. Anger issues can be a dramatic side effect of an over- attachment to sports. Sports, like anything, should be addressed in moderation.

    1. Jenna,
      I thought your blog was great. I really liked how you mentioned that sports were used as an escape during the Great Depression. I disagree with you saying that sports should only be addressed in moderation though. Sports are a great way to get away from work and school and should not just be something you do every once in a while if you enjoy participating in them.

    2. Jenna,
      I like how you not only mentioned that sports were an escape, but you gave examples for what they were escaping from in this time period. I do not agree though with your statement about moderation. Sports have been a huge part of our country and especially Elk County, and I do not think we should have to only participate in them every so often.

    3. Jenna,
      While your blog points out the way sports can be a healthy distraction, j do not agree with your statement about unhealthy distraction. Yes it can be an unhealthy distraction, but not because "Porductivity suffers". What productivity? Productivity money-wise? Because sports brings in loads of money. I think that the unhealthy distraction is because people lose sight of their values.

  5. Today, and back in the 1920s Americans have very strong, powerful relationships with sports. These relationships, however, are not always healthy. Sports are great, and I personally love them and can not get enough of them. Sports are a great way to build relationships, take part in competition, and experience the feeling of winning. Sports also lead to a having fun and enjoyment, and can help relieve stress or anger. When sports are portrayed as a game they are great, unfortunately sports are not always just looked at as just a "game," but as a way of life. Many people become obsessed with sports, and that leads to them dominating these people's lives. It is these type of people who develop an unhealthy relationship with sports, and this a common recurrence going on day. In Elk County for example, sports dominate many people's lives. It is has gotten to the point that when you attend Sunday morning Mass you can always count of two or three people wearing their Pittsburgh Steelers jerseys, or when you attend basketball games around the county you always here about parents yelling at and disrespecting the other teams players. When it has gone this far you know that sports is no longer just a "game." In Elk County, I believe too many people, including parents want to relieve there so called "glory days" of playing high school sports. Unhealthy relationships with sports is also very common in professional sports fans and players. Professional sports fans take part in all sorts of gambling, just like mentioned in the article. Between fantasy sports, and just casino gambling sports has gone to far. Players of professional sports are the most likely to develop unhealthy relationships. Many players today use performance enhancing drugs, and other supplements to enhance their performances. When players do these types of things they begin playing for all the wrong reasons, and are tarnishing the sports real meaning. Professional sports players also take part in gambling. An example of this is Pete Rose. Pete Rose played professional baseball and had 4,256 career hits while playing which is a Major League Baseball record that still holds today. While playing, Pete Rose took part in gambling, and has been left out of the MLB Hall of Fame do to the fact he gambled. The article is basically arguing that sports has become more of a business, instead of a game. It is saying that sports has lost its meaning of fun and competitiveness, and has become more about money and gambling. As a huge sports lover, it makes me sad to say it, but I agree with the article. Sports are beginning to be to much about the fans, and not enough about the players in many respects. I do think they sports are an integral part of sports though. Sports can lead to the development of new skills and allow for the chance to partake in competitive competition while having fun and exercising. For many people, life would become boring without sports would not be where they are today without them. When approached correctly, sports are great and should always be going on all over the country.

    1. Frank,
      I love how you say that sports are okay as long as they are seen as the game they are. I agree that sports have become about money. Also, I think when sports players lose the ability to be humble and take on the role of hero they can lose sight of what is actually important.

    2. Frank, I like how you discussed major league athletes using performance enhancing drugs. I believe that because these athletes are so idolized that they feel the need to continually produce positive results. So, one way to do that is to inject yourself with perormance enhancing drugs. This too, takes away the aspect of living healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while still supporting a team or player. Great Blog!

  6. The 1920's saw a rise in prosperity and an increase in spending. Sports was a big contributor to the increase. People watched sports for fun or something to do, but some idolized it. With idolizations, persuasion became easier, as shown in the article. A select group of greedy individuals turned a fun past time into the gambling ring it is today. The article explains how men, like Arnold Rothstein, used sports to make money. It shows how people persuaded others to bet their money on an outcome of an event, or the successfulness of an idolized athlete. The relationship America developed with sports in the 20's marked the beginning of an unhealthy relationship. The fixing of events and placing of bets in the 20's turned sports into another gambling business. Instead of being a fun, enjoyable pastime, sports have turned into a money making industry for individuals who can convince others to place bets through them. It has become unhealthy as people have become addicted on gambling their money on sports, and continue to do so even when they lose large amounts. Sports are not an integral part of America, the country survived without them before people could listen on the radio or watch on the tv. The only thing sports have done for the country is provide entertainment for some, and a way for certain individuals to make money from other people's interest in whatever sport is bet on. Although many enjoy watching or playing sports, it has created greediness and addictions to gambling, even ruining the lives of some individuals through debt.

    1. John,
      You really stressed the greediness of our sport society, which is really evident in our society. I think it is really interesting you thought the 1920s began the unhealthy relationship that continues today.

    2. John,
      I grew with your statements of how greedy America has gotten. I especially like how you pointed out how we were fine before listening or watching sports on radio and tv.

  7. I think Americans have a great obsession with sports that not every country has. Although over the years, this relationship has become quite unhealthy. Sports have been the great escape for not only American children, but even for adults. They have been an exciting, competitive way to get away from the normal stresses of life. To find out that there are theories that professional sports are being "rigged" is very upsetting. America is not only known for sports, but also money. Billionaires who hit it big from gambling on who was going going to win were more than willing then to spend money to fix the results only to draw in more audiences and money. In basketball and football, there are fantasy leagues being open for children teaching them to waste their money at such a young age. In Elk County, sports is a huge aspect of everyone's daily life. Students are playing the sport, coaches are leaving their full time jobs to teach these kids how to play the sport, and parents and other people are attending. If they cannot attend, fans listen on the radio. We live in such a small town and we need something to keep us busy so we turn to sports. We do not have professional sporting events, but even high school sports draw numerous supporting fans. The fact that Americans are playing with each other's money all for sports is sort of ridiculous. I have loved the sport of gymnastics since I started at 3 years old. I thought this was an individual sport, and that only you, yourself could change your own results, but thinking of all of the ways this sport could be rigged is absurd and disgraceful. Sports have always been an escape and entertainment, and hopefully some day our own beloved small town sports do not become a business instead of a playful competition.

    1. Morgan,
      I really like how you talked about your own communities sports and not just about professional sports. I agree with your entire argument, and working in your love for gymnastic made it more personal.

  8. American people have a greater love for sports than any other country has. America has television programs, huge arenas in almost every state, and even social media websites for every team and every sport. Athletics is just a daily occurrence in the lives of Americans, until it becomes to much. Watching and partaking in sports is actually very important to our culture. It helps shapes America into what it is by uniting a people. For example, personally sports have always been a major aspect of my life. As a child, my usual day was wake up, play backyard baseball with neighborhood boys, go watch my brothers football game, and than go to basketball practice. Athletics have always been a major director in my life. I have reached many opportunities, new friends, and new appreciations. That is what sports due, they have the power and ability to bring people together. This article was imposing the negative sides of athletics, which are very true. Sports are sports until you push it to a limit, like anyone can with anything. Obsession, bets, and cheating can all be involved with sports. This is where it crosses the line. Some Americans base their whole lives on if there favorite football team wins a game, and that can lead to fighting or separation which totally defeats the purpose as to what sports is actually doing. Here in Elk County, athletics are a huge deal. Elk County could be an example of an example of being too obsessed with sports. While sports are suppose to combine a group of people to have fun, rivalry spreads people apart. For example, D9 sports has a website where people of all ages goes on to talk about different kind of athletics that are held here in District 9. This website is what one may call "unhealthy" because of a lot of hate and arguing that are discussed over teams discussed in District 9 alone. So, imagine what is going on for professional athletics. Americans can have a healthy relationship that brings everyone together to have a good experience, but just like everything else, Americans can push it to far to make it unhealthy through even extremes like gambling. Sport gamblers turn a fun filled sports game into an unhealthy business full of lying, using, and cheating.

    1. Reilly,
      I love how you brought your personal experience with sports into you blog. Social media especially became a source to bring out the hate in our county, as you mentioned.

  9. Allen Barra argues that sports became popular by scandalous methods, and that it only represents Americas ability to conform to its materialistic values. While it may seem that sports obsessions have started with Americans, they actually started in Rome as early as 122 BC. Gladiator fighting was very popular at this time, and millions of people went to watch the bloodbaths. The Latin phrase Panem et Circenses, translating to Bread and Circuses, was used to describe the means of control the Roman emperors had on their people. As long as the Romans had entertainment and food, they were pacified. It was not the actual entertainment and food that was evil, but the willingness of the people to give up their freedoms and rights for something as simple as "Bread and Circuses".
    This pattern repeats itself in modern America. Sports themselves are not evil, as they provide safe controlled ways to have fun and a way to be physically healthy. In fact, it is the way that people allow themselves to be controlled by sports is evil. For instance, to get our money, the media convinces us that sports are the most important things in our lives. When we believe this, we fall victim to being controlled by Bread and Circuses. Once we are addicted to sports, our values can become distorted. So in fact sports are not evil, as long as one is aware that they can be used to control them and distract them from more important moral issues. Allen Barra suggests in the article that sports emerged from materialistic needs and is therefore corrupt. However, having fun is not wrong unless one allows it to corrupt their values.

    1. Catherine,
      I liked how you incorporated Roman culture and values into your blog. You made numerous, valid points that were backed up with facts. The only fault I saw is that you forgot to talk about if they are an integral part of society. Other than that, great blog.

    2. Catherine,
      Your connection to the Roman culture is amazing. I didn't even think about comparing the practices of early Rome with the United States. I also completely agree with the point that you made about the media controlling out thoughts and forcing us to believe that sports is the most important thing.

  10. Being an avid sports fan and someone who spends a majority of their life dedicated to sports I feel as though sports are an integral part of society. People live busy lives and are continually stressed out over their jobs and other aspects of their lives. Sports are their escape from this stressful environment. Sports allow them to relax and be at peace for as long as an event is taking place. Without sports I believe society would be a much gloomier place to live because people would be less happy and have rotten attitude all the time. But, when people become so engrossed in watching a sports event that it becomes their life then I think they have overstepped the healthy aspect that sports provide. To maintain a proper relationship with sports individuals must temper that they are only watching the game. No matter how much they yell, scream or pout during the game they still have no say in what happens in the end. Unless, they are powerful enough to fix games by betting on them, just like in the 1919 World Series. During that game, the Black Sox began intentionally throwing the game because people made large bets predicting the outcome of the World Series. One of the most infamous gamblers behind this scandal was Arnold Rothstein.

    Throughout the article we saw the parallelism between The Shady business in the Great Gatsby and that during the 1920's. Americans began taking advantage of sports by gambling, thus changing the outcome of some large scale events. What the article was trying to tell us is that people are so obsessed with sports and money that they combined the two, to gain a financial advantage. By doing this Americans are not developing a healthy relationship with sports and are turning it into something which it was not meant to be. I agree with the article solely on the fact that sports should be events that are observed for enjoyment and not something that may become detrimental in the long run of things. Sports have been and always should be performed on the basis to provide the public with an event that they can go and watch without any distractions or stress placed upon them.

    1. Dan:
      I like what you had to say. I agree with you that sports are an escape from the stressful lives we live, and this is so so true in our lives as high school athletes. There are times where sports get intense, but I love it and think sports should be that way becuase of our competitive nature as humans. I think in your blog, discussing the article a little further in terms of gambling would have helped it. Overall, you did a nice job, but learn to compete.

    2. Dan,
      I liked when you started off with stating that sports are stress relievers and an integral part of society because they alter the mood of the country. Your statements about gambling and competition were backed up with facts from the article which was great. Good blog

  11. In today's day and age, sports play a big part in society. There are so many different types of sports and many fans. In todays society many people will do anything to watch sports. Also there is so much gambling involved with sports that it impacts peoples lives. All the gambling causes an unhealthy relationship with sports, it causes people to miss work, school, and many more things. Sports should be a good thing that people enjoy to watch or play, but it should not effect their daily lives.
    In the article they talk about how sports and money are both the main things people want. The main point of the article was to show how people will combine the two and turn it into a business. Sports started off to be something people could enjoy and became a way to escape stress and work, but people started gambling and then it became a business. That is what society today is like. I agree with the article purely on the fact that sports should be something people can relax and enjoy not another business. Also sports are not an integral part of society, people do not need sport and we could live without them. People just need to learn to relax and be happy with what they have and not always try and get more then what they need.

    1. Kira,
      You took a different spin on this and sort of related it back to the book with the aspect of gambling, good job!

    2. Kira,
      I agree with your opening statement saying sports play a big role in society. Also gambling does take away from the true way sports should be appreciated. Although, i completely disagree with your statement saying it is not an integral part of society. It most definitely is, and will be forever. Sports give people everywhere a chance to be someone and something, we need them in our lives.

    3. Kira,
      I totally agree with your blog. I do believe that sports are still an integral part to society, however, I believe there are things that are far more important than sports.

  12. As a huge sports enthusiast, I believe sports are a huge part of life, and help make people who they are. I like to look at this argument of sports being an obsession in a unique way. Anyone who is any good at the sport they do, obviously put hours and hours of hard work into that sport and they deserve to be talked about. If a baseball team has a pitcher that can throw 99 MPH and this kid worked his butt off in the off season to get where he is then he should be all over social media and have people talk about it. His game should be sold out and the fans should be going crazy. This is what every athlete dreams about, playing in a game filled with people and excitement. The amount of hard work put in by athletes playing at a high level should be acknowledged and another reason why sports are flat out fun. I guarantee that anyone who attended this years Elk County Holiday Basketball Tournament, whether as a fan, coach, scorekeeper, referee, or player, had fun because the atmosphere was awesome and the hard work of the student athletes was displayed for everyone to see. To answer the question, are people obsessed with sports? Yes. Do sports matter this much? Without a doubt. When someone has a passion then they should work as hard as they can for that passion. For many people, especially in our area, sports are their passion. This passion isn't just a thing to do, as for many it is an escape and. Sports can clear a mind for one better than any medication, and it's a way to just let everything go in their life and just have fun and do something they love. Are they obsessed with it? Yes. Is this obsession unhealthy? Absolutely not, this obsession is a passion and a huge part of life. An example of a different passion someone would have would maybe be math. This person would enjoy to do practice math problems in order to be the best mathematician that they can be. All of this practice to accomplish their goal could be made this person "obsessed with math", but is that bad? Can this passion and obsession of sports get ugly? Well of course, just like anything. People go to far in life with anything, and we all we can do is lead by example and keep it in moderation.
    In the article, it talks about how the athletes personal life was personal, and the media did not report things. Many of the players did some things they would not be thrilled for people to know about, as Babe Ruth would visit speakeasies frequently and no one reported that. Today, anything that an athlete does off the field is reported, just look at Johnny Manziel. This is what is great about sports, as it challenges the student-athletes to be great on and off the court/field. Even as high schoolers, our coaches are always reminding us that our decisions off the court are just as important as on because if someone sees you doing something dumb, that gives your team, school, and program a bad reputation. The article discusses that sports really got going whenever the gambling was huge. I absolutely agree with that, and I still think it still occurred today. Think about how many people you know that participle in fantasy football, or some type of fantasy league. I'm sure we all could name at least 5 and probably way more. This is what makes professional (and even college) sports entertaining for those who don't exactly understand the context of the game, or do not care to know. Fantasy football gives people a chance to enjoy sports and root for their players as they try and win some money. Is this healthy? Yes and no. It is a source of entertainment for some, and it gives people things to talk about, watch, and in many cases argue about. It can get ugly though, as some people will pay an outrageous amount of money for their league. I do not think that participating in any type of sports gambling is unhealthy as long as it is in moderation. When it turns to an addiction, then yes it is unhealthy and needs to stop.

    1. Gabe,
      Your blog is outstanding. This is great blog this is just amazing. I agree with what you said about he Holiday Tournament.

  13. The Roaring 20s began with a downfall in American sports because of the 1919 World Series. But throughout the decade, specific men transformed the American sport society to an obsession. People get very worked up over sports, look at the Bengals fan the camera went to after the Steelers beat the Bengals Saturday night, the woman in the stands was crying. Sports figures are looked up to many people, so they should try to always keep a prime example. These athletes should be held to the same moral and ethical standards as the rest of humans. This article states about Bill Tilden, a well-known tennis player, “His sexual orientation was well known to sportswriters, but he played at a time when the private lives of athletes were left private. Babe Ruth, for one, frequented speakeasies owned by the real-life Woldsheims and Gatsbys, but his fans never read about it.” The 1920s was a time without social media, so the lives of these adored athletes were only seen on newsreels. The idol of these athletes was left in the public’s imagination. Athletes were viewed as more human that super human of today.

    We need sports in our society. What would we do in high school and college for extracurricular activities? What would Americans watch on television? We would loose so many jobs in American if we did not have sports. Think of how many people have jobs that deal with the professional sports agencies, coaches, players, agents, and merchandise sellers. I think sports are a crucial part of our American society especially because it enhances the belief that Americans are passionate people.

    1. Elise,
      Your blog is really good and I agree with everything that you said, great job

  14. America and sports fit like puzzle pieces. Without sports, America would not be the same place that it is today. Although sports are integral in our society, they can sometimes get out of hand. People start to make "watching the big game" more important than daily priorities. They begin to invade our lives and push out the essential and meaningful activities. Sports have also become a ring of gambling and money which lead down a dangerous path. It can be developmentally hurtful to children who start early in these acts. They know nothing other than these fantasy leagues and pools because they are constantly surrounded by it. As they grow, these people will continue to do this for the rest of their lives, which is a large consumption of their time and energy into something non-beneficial. To a certain extent, sports are a healthy activity to watch and be involved in. They make life exciting and entertaining, and also can provide relaxation. Many Americans turn to sports to unwind from their stressful lives. In the 1920s, sports were becoming extremely popular and were turned into a business. The article explains how these sporting events were a center of gambling and money. People became absorbed in the thrill of making money. I definitely agree with the article in how our society has turned sports into a form of financial benefit. Sports play a crucial role in our world today, especially football and basketball. Many Americans rely on sports for their job and income. This is also a reason why sports are so integral in our country. On the contrary, I believe that we have built on the engrossment of our ancestors and changed the purpose of professional and college athletics. But without sports, America would not have the same flare that it does.

    1. Kara,
      I like how you gave an opinion on both sides but still supported your main message.

    2. Kara,
      I liked your perspective on this and still managed too put your point across.

  15. American have a healthy love of sport, which proves Americans with a great pastime. The following of sports gives Americans and escape from reality, and help them have a better day. Sports also are a major industry, which helps the American economy. The American society has accepted the sport industry, and has made stars to be their role models and heroes. There is nothing wrong with this, also long as the star is not a terrible and lives a live with high morals. It most importantly gives Americans a healthy relationship with sports that allows them to have a great pass time. Observing your favorite team and player preform to their greatest ability is exhilarating, and this feeling makes sports a big deal in America. Professional sports are not the only important sports. High school sports also play a huge role in almost everyone in our high school. Our student-athletes spend at least two hours each night practicing and preparing for games on weekend and during the week. They sacrifice sleep to practice and get homework done on a daily basis. Their is also a darker side to athletics, gambling can be a major issue to the integrity of sports at any level. The Great Gatsby highlights this with the he mention of the fixing of the World Series. This event in history has been clouded with uncertainty and speculation, and has lead to some great players being accused and surrounded with accusations. These great player have consequently been accused of being cheater and their careers being tossed into uncertainty. Overall, sports are a major part of society and it is healthy and benefits America.

    1. I like how you looked at the argument from every perspective and angle. I agree with your interpretation of the article. For the rest of your blog, there is a few things I don't agree with but overall the blog was good.

  16. Sport hold a large part in the hearts of many Americans. Like almost all things there are both positives and negatives, in some aspects I believe that the relationship is healthy and others, unhealthy. Keeping up with a certain sports team or catching a game from time to time, is perfectly okay and one hundred percent normal, but many fans take it way too far. March Madness brackets, football pools, fantasy teams, etc. the list goes on and on, like I said before, not all people get out of hand, but a few can ruin it for the rest. I am not the biggest fan of sports, but I do enjoy to watch a game every once in a while. With the past few I have seen, some of the fans get out of control. Fans running out on the field during the game, only to get thrown out of the stadium for life, throwing garbage at players from above, and cheering when someone gets hurt, those are things that should not be happening. The piece is saying that back in the day, sports were more controlled. They were still a major source of entertainment and were important, but the world did not revolve around sports, yet. It was around this time when people got more and more involved in sports. With the world today and social media sports figures are constantly being thrown at you to promote something or to draw more attention to sporting events. I understand the excitement and the thrill, but I believe most of the time, it can be blown way out of proportion.

    1. I agree with you that there is a fine line between having a healthy relationship sports and one that is way out of line. In a way, I think that sports are like music. They are meant to help you in difficult times and a method of entertainment and relaxation, but if it's all you can think about and you take it to a crazy extreme than it's not healthy anymore. I slightly disagree with your interpretation of the article. I believe it is more about the beginning of corruption and obsession than how sports were controlled.

  17. Sports have been an iconic image in the United States for a long time. Being an avid sports player and fan, there is no doubt in my mind I am obsessed with sports. The perfect definition of an obsession is something that we cannot live without. We cannot stop doing something we are obsessed with. Without sports in my life, I would be lost. Any sports fan can clearly see the passion players give for their sport. Although I think their is a fine line between passion and obsession. An athlete who works hard in the offseason and during the season puts in a lot of hard hours training to become a better player. As someone who tries to do this, I have a lot of passion for my sports. Not just because I am obsessed, but because I worked so hard to not care. In my eyes I don't think players are just obsessed with the sports they play, they are passionate about the sport. Therefore being obsessed to work hard at your game is not a bad thing, but something that makes you a better athlete.
    Oh the other hand, every obsession of sports is not just from players. Fans can be completely out of control when it comes to their favorite teams winning or their least favorite teams losing. Just look at last nights game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cincinnati Bengals. Obsessive fans go completely crazy about the outcome of the game, and social media is blown up with fans opinions. The question "Are Americans obsessed with sports?" doesn't even have to be answered with words. The answer can be resolved just by looking at social media the very second after a game, just like it was yesterday. Some people might say it isn't healthy to be so obsessive, but I love sports with a burning passion and I will never stop.
    The article is arguing that sports have been turned into a gambling center. Money has become the most important thing in sports, and sometimes I don't disagree with that. People often just care about the money and are completely obsessive over winning the big bucks after the outcome of a sporting event. Sports are clearly an integral part of our society when done correctly, especially in my life. They give people a chance to be passionate who something while receiving good entertainment. Being a competitor is in my blood, an sports give me that chance to bring that out in me with my closest friends

    1. Brad,

      As a fellow tri-athlete and teammate, your blog really resonated with me. I would agree that I'm obsessed with sports and that you made a really good point defining a fine line between passion and obsession as well. In addition, I like how you alluded to the Steelers-Bengals game last night. Some of the things that went on were ridiculous. Here We Go!

  18. First of all, I do believe sports are a positive thing. They help people to stay healthy, while learning life skills such as teamwork, hard work, and discipline. I enjoy sports, but I believe that the majority of people are completely obsessed and addicted to sports. Sports are meant to a hobby or activity people occasionally enjoy. They are not suppose to consume people's lives and be the only thing they can have a conversation about. People idolize athletes and put them over the people in life who should be more important. Some people miss mass on the weekends because they are busy playing or watching sports. Sometimes sports causes people to loss sight of what is important in life. In the end, in the big grand scheme of things, sports will not really matter. Recently I had a conversation with somebody about how I hate to see the basketball team lose. Not because they did not win the game, but rather because of the sadness and pain in their eyes on that day and the weeks the follow. It seems like that lose is all they can think about for a while. This sadness over a lose is something I do not think I will ever be able to understand. I'm one of those people who as long as you did your best, it does not really matter if you win or lose. The article is arguing that Americans are becoming so obsessed with sports that for years they have been gambling and corrupting the system. Americans become so addicted to sports from the beginning that needed to have the outcome be a certain way. They want to be more involved. So are sports an integral part of society? Sort of. They have a place, that is they are a pastime, a stress reliever, and a source of entertainment. They should not be a necessity that without somebody could not live without because they do not have that high of importance.

    1. Justin,
      Your blog brings up good points, but I do not agree with your view that people are obsessed and addicted to sports. I can agre with people being disappointed after a loss, but that is a major lesson in sports, that you need to always get up. It is a very good blog

    2. Justin,

      You made a good point about how people miss Mass and other important things because of sports. I am a victim of that. I was thirty minutes late to Confirmation once because of the longevity of the Steelers game. Also, it was important to note that sports will not matter in the entire grand scheme of things. Lastly, what you said about winning and losing and trying your best is not a bad lesson, but I disagree. As James Harrison suggested, sometimes giving your best isn't enough.

  19. The tradition of sports and athletics have been a major part of entertainment and socializing for centuries. However, these traditions are beginning to get out of hand. In modern day America, most citizens are far too interested in sporting events. In my opinion, Americans do not have a healthy relationship with sports because they are beginning to deny the existence of anything else. The issue with sports began to become a problem when the arts were left behind. In today's society, most people only care about athletic stars, games, and competitions. Many Americans have forgotten about the beauty of the arts and how each form of art contributes to the growth and development of a culture. Sports are a form of entertainment that is an important part of society, however music, art, and dance can relate to any human being on a much deeper level. The sports craze of present day America has caused the relationship between man and art to begin dwindling, causing the deterioration of the entire culture to begin.
    The article argues that sports have taken the spot of a top priority in the lives of too many Americans. The article also makes many points about gambling beginning to arise from the overly passionate love for athleticism. I agree with both of these statements. Sports have, in a way, become too serious. They have lost their entertainment because too many people only look to sports to make money and earn fame. Many people have allowed sports to be the only thing in their lives, causing them to forget about the importance of education in art. It's one thing to love sports and the game, but it's another to ignore the existence and importance of culture and its development.

  20. Sports have became Americans favorite past time through many years. This article is focusing on all the negatives. Although sports have because a lot about money there is a genuine love for the thrill of the games; wether it is football, baseball, basketball, etc, there aren't many people who do not love at least one sport. Sports across America brings together all of us. Just because the World Series was fixed does not mean that all of the sporting events have been, or that the only real focus on sports today is the money. Sports are rooted into so much more than money and gambling. Professional sports started to rise at a time when people needed an escape. Th Great Depression was when professional sports started to take rose into being something more and more popular. It gave Americans a break from all the stress and hard things going on, that presence and feeling that it gives the spectators is still there today.

    The rigging of the World Series just showed that there were people out there that were willing to gamble and make money. I think that our youth today are being lead to gamble by things like fantasy football and the brackets for March Madness. I do not think that these are bad things however, I think they add to the fun and excitement and engage all ages into professional sports. I do not think that America has become to obsessed with sports, I think that it makes our country unified for the love of all kinds of sports.

  21. Without a question, sports are an essential part of society. They provide constant, unpredictable entertainment and competition that usually brings out the best in athletes and the values they represent. In the movie "Concussion" one of the characters describes the NFL as "a business that owns a day of the week." Evidently, the sports industry, not solely the NFL, is a huge component of American society. The problem with this is "business," which is what I think the article's main focus is on, and I concur. What is the primary goal of businesses? To make profits. Today, people don't enjoy sports for what they really are. Rather, they enjoy making or winning money. I think it is important to note the ridiculous salaries of some athletes. Recall Giancarlo Stanton's contract of thirteen years, $325 million or the fact of Floyd Mayweather making over $179 million in one fight. These statistics are a by-product of what fans want as well. They will pay unbelievable amounts of money to see Stanton hit a baseball over five hundred feet or experience Mayweather's knock-out punch. As a matter of fact, just today a Minnesota Vikings fan was shown on television without a shirt in subzero temperatures. That is absolutely insane. Fans will go to extreme lengths to show their support. Sometimes that is acceptable, but certainly not under these circumstances. The article also discussed how, in the 1920s, the private lives of athletes were not disclosed to the public. It was never revealed to fans that Babe Ruth attended speakeasies. That is not the case today. Everything that athletes do, whether it is personal or not, is usually talked about. I think it should be. If professional athletes are viewed as supermen, role models, and people that are worth so much money, they should be required to live up to high moral standards. The final point I intend to address, one that depicts yet another unhealthy relationship, is fantasy sports without virtuous spending. Risking huge amounts of money that depends on the performance of an athlete is not particularly something to be proud of. I'm not talking about leagues that involve five to twenty dollars, but leagues that entail thousands of dollars. This betting takes away from the nature of the game and with significant amounts of money on the line, so many things can go wrong. Just look at the recent scandal with DraftKings and FanDuel. I do not know the details but I am aware that a federal investigation began as a result. Regardless of all the unhealthy connections that have developed between sports and Americans, its industry will continue to be the top priority because of the unprecedented excitement produced. As human beings, we continually have the need to be satisfied. Sports, which consist of such unique passion and entertainment, will always be there to fill that void.

  22. I think that sports have become so integrated into our society. You can not go to a clothing store without encountering some type of sport paraphernalia. Although sports are such a large part of The United States as a whole, I think that sports have become largely worshipped and praised. I think the players are largely over payed. If one player gets into legal trouble, he will probably be given a lighter sentence than a normal person who commits the exact same crime. The American pastime of sports has centered holidays such as, thanksgiving, around them, and call thousands upon thousands of people to become focused on their TVs, like brainless robots. I also get very angry about the emotional side of sports. Young women and teenagers are made fun of and mocked for crying over bands that they like, while grown men cry over their sports team loosing. It's such a double standard, and it's appalling to even have to say that. I hate the glory and fame the players get for something that high school and college level students do. I think the pay is too great, and they need to realize that the world does not revolve around sports. I know some people would like to disagree with this, and I'll let you. I never grew up in a house of people who watched sports like football and basketball. My family was just never interested in that, so I guess it kind of rubbed off on me.

    1. Emily,
      I love how you pointed out if a sports star commits a crime and someone else commits the same crime, the sports star will get the lesser sentence. I agree entirely with you blog, Greta job!

    2. Emily, like Zachary that is very interesting and I've never thought of it that way but you're right. Good job!

  23. Are sports essential to society? What exactly qualifies as something to be "essential" for a society to survive and thrive? Sports have been around since the Greeks with the Olympic Games, and since then people have gathered for all kinds of sporting events around the world. In my opinion, sports are not essential of society. Technological and scientific advancements still would happen regardless of sports being around. These advances are far more important than sporting events. Sports are as much of an essential thing as a television is; it is a form of entertainment. America is known for being crazy about its sports. Americans tend to "worship" or idolize their sport figures. This unhealthy relationship with their sport teams seems to replace the cultural norm of spending time with your family. In other counties, for example Mexico, they spend more time and value their families more than Americans do. Sports for some families is a "family activity," but this sort spending time with family is far different than these other countries. This article argues that sports has turned into being about gambling and money, and I completely agree. A super ball halftime ad for thirty seconds cost 4 million dollars. Sports have turned into a business compared to what it used to be. If there is a way for money to be made, there will always be people to seize the opportunity.

    1. I like how you point out the idolizing of players. This is very true because some people will change their look just to be like their favorite guy or girl. Good blog

  24. In today's society, sports are extremely overwhelming by at least one member or every household. Sports are Americas past time. We all focus around the sports we play, watch, teams we pick, best players, and money put into drafts. It has been like this for years. The super bowl and the World Series are some of the most entertaining nights of sports around. Many wages are placed on games like these, for example, Meyer Wolfsheim. Meyer was said to fix the 1919 baseball World Series, this would allow him to gain unbelievable profits. This is what sports were about in the early 1920s for some but like today many people used them as family events to just get out and watch the game. Overall these are American entertainment and create a healthy relationship with citizens.
    The article foreshadowed how the gambling was a major part of sports at the time of the great Gatsby. The rich were looking to be richer and I agree completely with placing wages on the favorite team but not using money to pay players and coaches to purposely lose.
    Sports need to be part of society because it passes the time. Sports allow Americans to look forward to watching on their favorite team say on a Saturday night. Then on that night the couple has some friends over and drink a few beers! Yes Americans need sports.

  25. Sports are a very important piece of American history, whether it's years ago or today. It's also doesn't only effect the sports world, sports are apart of the stock world, the the business world, and the gambling world. Many people that don't know anything about sports will bet on big games and be in polls for the World Series, Super Bowl, etc. sports effect almost everyone in America. Most clothing stores are packed with jerseys of local professional sports teams. And another example of sports effecting people that know nothing about sports, is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving football games are watched by almost every American during the celebration of Thanksgiving with turkey and football. I do think, though,mthat the amount of money produced in sports is rediculous. Athletes are paid millions of dollars every year just to play a sport that many of America played during high school, and some sports teams are worth over a billion dollars. Sports are good for America, but the money could be better used elsewhere.
