Friday, February 5, 2016

I Love My Catholic School!

List three reasons why it is awesome to attend a Catholic School.
Make one constructive suggestion about how your school could be even better!


  1. Going to a Catholic school is something that I am so proud and happy about. I am so thankful for my parents being so willing to sacrifice some of what they have to send me to Elk County Catholic. I get to walk through the school doors of ECC and know that I am aloud to openly express my love for God, the unity and bond that's comes from our small classes, and the fact that we have an open chapel where students can go worship throughout the day.
    Going to a school that expresses your own religion is a total blessing. As students of Catholic schools, we can walk into our school and freely talk about our savior Jesus. How incredible is that? Some other schools just do not get that same opportunity. Also, I can converse with my classmates about Jesus, all day! We students get to talk and spread the good news of the lord, just like he wants us to. If Catholics went to a non religious school they would not be able to fury ill their love for God as much, and could even be strayed away from his love. At Catholic schools we have the chance to speak freely about our savior, and I am not exactly sure what could be better than that.
    Even though Elk County Catholic is pushing for more students to come to our school, and that's a great thing, the small classes here bring a loving unity that makes it an easy environment to be around. For example, the junior class at ECC has around 47 kids. With just 47 students in entire grade we are able to know everyone's names, know their birthdays, and even know something about each other. That's what I really love. Knowing most these kids since kindergarten led me to create the coolest and friendliest 47 best friends of my entire life. Bigger schools may not get that chance, but we do.
    Lastly, one of the most brilliant and beautiful parts of our school is our chapel. Words cannot describe the holiness and beauty that is involved with it. As students, teachers are aloud to send us students their to take the time to pray and love our lord. We have the chance to go to mass every Friday and even celebrate Catholic holidays there. Not only do we have the presence of God in our hallways, but we actually have his body in the chapel. Not only can we talk about Jesus at school, we can take to him. We have no room to complain about the opportunities we have to serve and worship Jesus. Catholic school gave us this chance to constant learn about his love and everything he gave to us.
    ECC is a school that gives the students a lot of say in how they run things. I honestly believe that the staff and faculty here are doing their best to make it a very exciting and happy place. One thing that I would prefer to happen is for the growth in school spirit. We are so lucky to go to place that gives us all that it gives us, but I am not exactly sure if we as a body realize that. We members of ECC need to get our spirit amped up and spread throughout the school. We have to make sure everyone loves going to ECC and they know it. We need everyone at pep rally's to be completely and utterly excited and have spirit dress down days to support our school colors. I think maybe we are just going through the motions and pretending or maybe even expecting that we have spirit or love our school. Students need to take charge and make our school experience an even better one. ECC has great faculty and students and we should be proud of that.

    1. You really make a good point about saying that it is our duty as Catholics to go to a Catholic school. If we didn't, we could easily forget about our faith and get caught up in the sin of the world. Catholic schools lead us from the evil of the world.
      I agree that we need more school spirit. This was discussed at a recent student counsel meeting. Over the years, we lost our school spirit. I think we are slowly getting it back, but there certainly needs to be a chance to speed up this process. It was suggested that every Friday we would have a spirit dress down day. I think this would be a great idea. Students would walk through halls of maroon and gold and get feelings of excitement and hopefulness. Hopefully, this idea goes into action quickly.

    2. Reilly,
      I like the point you made about how being in a small school such as ours we develop a deeper friendship with the entire school and not just a select few. I know from talking to kids who go to big school they don't even know half of the kids in their class let alone their entire school. I think that this helps us to have a better atmosphere of learning as well. Great Blog!

    3. Reilly,
      You make many good statements about what our school has to offer to help us continue on to the rest of our lives. You definitely make our religion the center of your blog just as it is in our school. I also think it would be a great idea to create more school spirit with everyone, not just the students.

  2. Many people will say things like, "catholic schools are too expensive," or "having mass and theology class is a waste of time," but they are wrong in saying this as mass makes Catholic schools unique and that "expensive" tuition is what allows the schools to remain open for students. People are not wrong in saying Catholic schools are expensive, but every penny spent is worth it for a number of reasons; theology and mass bring us closer to God, teachers take time for individuals, and everyone knows everyone. These reasons are why I am glad my parents make the sacrifices necessary for me to attend ECC.
    Weekly mass and theology class every day are one of the awesome things about our school. People say why take theology when you could have another math, science, or other class important for college or the workforce, but why would you not take theology, theology gives us a chance to learn about God and his teachings everyday instead of going to a weekly class or not learning at all. Theology also gives us time to think about God and pray to him. Mass every week is another awesome feature of our school. Mass in any other type of school would be unheard of, as many schools try to force God out. Mass gives us another opportunity to bring ourselves closer to God, and for some students, it is there only chance to go to mass.
    Another reason I believe our school is awesome is that teachers are willing to take time to help students. I have yet to see a teacher at ECC that was not willing to stay late or come in early to help a struggling student. I believe that the teachers are more connected with the students as they are not following a rushed state curriculum, they can take the time to make sure the students understand the material.
    Finally, I think our Catholic school is awesome because we all know each other. Classes at our school are very small compared to many public schools. With about 48 kids in our grade, I know everyone. As for the whole school, I know at least most people's names as there are only around 300 students in the school. I believe this makes school more fun for everyone because most people like each other, which creates a better learning experience. I can't speak for everyone, but I enjoy going to school with my classmates and knowing them makes my day even better.
    Not everything can be perfect, and our school can fit into this category. One thing I think our school can do is bring back certain fun days that were removed because of a change in academic focus. Becoming focused more academically was a right move but I disagree with removing things like the activity day during Catholic Schools Week. I do get that we want to "raise the bar" and challenge ourselves academically, but the activity day during CSW was one things I looked forward to, it was a nice break. I'm not saying we should have fun days all the time, but things like the activity day every once in a while are a nice break and change of pace. Other than a few small issues, I think ECC is a great learning experience, both academically and religiously, and I will be proud to be an alumni after I graduate.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mr. Mader,
      Having theology class on a daily basis and going to mass on a weekly basis is what separates our Catholic school from surrounding public schools. Having the ability to publicly speak about our faith in the classroom without being ridiculed or harassed is what separates us from the surrounding public schools. I think you did a great job discussing these two points in your blog and I agree 100% with the fact that these are what makes our school awesome. Great Blog!

  3. Growing up in a Catholic School environment has taught me many more life lessons than just the Pythagorean Theorem and the story of Caesar. I have been taught how to earn respect by respecting others. Our teachers are trustworthy, as they are people right from our own community. Attending a private school, I have grown up with the same people creating life long friendships. Every school has its drama, especially in middle school. It was hard to tell whether our drama was worse or better because of our small numbers. Once we got to high school it seemed to become a complete unity. We still have some "cliques" as does every high school, but our cliques do not restrict friends. We are friends with everyone, and over the years our grade has become a family. What I love about our school is our extracurricular activities and sports programs. Our school has to offer almost every sport that is played around our area. Not only do we offer the sports, we do very well. We have district titles, state titles, and many more. We have other activities such as band programs and musicals. We also excel in these activities. Almost every student that attends our school is involved in an extracurricular activity. Being involved helps us create friendships and sometimes to stay out of trouble. Most importantly about our school, is how faith based our education is. In every subject, not just theology, God is always at the center. I have always grown up in a Catholic school, so I never knew how important our faith was. When other schools talk about how much they wish they had more opportunities to come closer to God. We have the freedom to pray and practice our faith whenever we want. We attend mass once a week every week. We can freely worship God as we choose to do, which is not allowed in other schools.
    One thing I wish our school would change for the better is accepting people with disabilities. We have kids attending our school with slight mental handicaps, but we do not accept those with true disabilities. Part of the reason is that we do not have an elevator to transport some of these students from floor to floor. Instead of building an expensive building for the band, we could have put in a small elevator. I have nothing against the band or their program, I just think we could have used the money for something beneficial such as helping those who need it. Also, if an elevator is out of the question, the students with handicaps could have their classes on the main floor that way the stairs would be of no threat. My question is, if we as a Catholic School, accept people who are not Catholic, why do we not accept people with disabilities who need a little extra help?
    Overall my school is a wonderful educational system, with a healthy environment. Our small town friendships, sports and extra curricular activities, and our faith-centered environment are some of the things I love most about my school. When I graduate, I know I will be more than happy to have Elk County Catholic as my alma mater.

    1. Morgan, you make some good points. I like how you start it off and prove your point. It was would be awesome if you would have really expressed more about God, but awesome ideas!

    2. Morgan, your blog was really good. Right from the start you grabbed my attanetion from stating the Pythagorean Theorem to the story of Caesar. Our school is definitely more than just teaching that. I think an elevator would be beneficial for students who want to attend that are handicapped. Maybe in the next couple years they can make that happen! I too am proud to say Elk Catholic is my alma mater.

    3. Morgan,
      You and I have specifically talked about most of the points you made in this blog. Our cliques have certainly gone away. Also, I have heard students from other schools say how much they wish they could pray at school and talk about Jesus. Lastly, you know how I feel about the acceptance of disabled students. I completely agree with your proposal about the new building. I know for a fact some students who would come here if it was possible.

    4. Morgan,
      My favorite part of your post had to be about how we sort of have a lack of cliques in our class. We are sort of a big family. Our class knows a lot about each other, which can be annoying at times but everyone is pretty much friends with each other.

    5. Morgan,
      I enjoyed reading about how we are in cliques, like zach said. It is true in a way because we have groups that do different things and tend to be better friends, but since the class is small everyone is friends with everybody. This is what having small classes of the private school brings and I think it is nice even though things spread quickly.

  4. I have always wanted to, and still do, attend a public school for a day. It would be interesting to see what life would be like in such a different atmosphere. I wonder if I would appreciate Catholic school more and take advantage of more opportunities. The things I think I would miss the most are the comfort, education, and faith that the Catholic Schools provide.
    When I imagine walking into a public school, I see crowds of people going by quickly, nonchalantly. It is loud and people are being obnoxious. Of course, I do not know if that is accurate. I do know, however, that when I come into school in the morning, it is peaceful and organized. The atmosphere at a Catholic school tends to be much more comfortable than that of a public school. I do not worry about people smoking when I walk into the bathrooms. I know that for the most part the school will be clean when I come in during the morning. Since there is a smaller school population, everybody knows everybody. Every time I walk down the hall, I always see a bunch of people I know and can talk to. In public schools, students go four years without knowing most of their class, let alone the rest of the student body. The comfortable atmosphere of a Catholic School makes it easier to get up in the morning.
    Why do parents send their children to school? To learn and get an education. The better the education is the better that students future will most likely be. It is a proven fact that overall Catholic Schools provide a better education than a public school. A Fox News article said that "A 2009 comparison between public and Catholic school SAT scores show that public school students had an overall average of 496 points on the critical reading portion of the test while Catholic school students scored 533 points on the same portion. Catholic school students outscored their public school counterparts by an average of 23 points." The smaller class size allows for students to learn on a more personal level and for classes to move at a faster pace. At public schools, they teach students so that they can pass the state tests, not learn. Catholic school graduates tend to more prepared for these reasons. Tuition is an investment in a student's future.
    We begin and end everyday with a prayer. The chapel is open to us throughout the day, where the Eucharist is present. We can talk to priests or nuns about our faith on a personal level and ask any questions we may have. Through our faith, we can help discern our vocations. We learn why we are here on Earth: to get to heaven. We learn that it won't be easy, but also that it was not easy to die on the cross. We learn about love and the connection our religion has to other subjects. In cultures, we learn about Jesus coming to Earth and beginning Christianity. In biology, we learn how evolution and our faith fit together perfectly. We have the ability to talk about God in all of our classes and understand the connection he has with the world. We are able to talk to our friends about being Catholics and discuss it without being being looked at differently.

    1. Faith is obviously a huge part of Catholic schools, but sometimes the worst part of the day is theology class. Let's be honest, it's a blow off class that nobody needs to worry about. At least that's how we view it. The root of this problem is the curriculum. We learn about the sacraments and occasionally the rules of the church. We never really learn the "why" behind all of this. We don't truly understand our faith. Our curriculum should include more apologetics, and a better understand of the rules. We learned the sacraments in elementary school, now we need to learn why we need them, why they are structured this way, and the purpose they serve. We know the Ten Commandments, but we never learned how everyday we break the commandments without even know it. Anger, lying, and selfishness are all breaking the commandments, they are reasons to be sent to hell. Yet we do these things everyday without a second though because we do not learn. Our Catholic curriculum needs to go deeper into our faith so that we truly understand why we are here.

    2. Justin, this is awesome! I also want to go to a public school for a day! & your point about theo classes is so important!! We need to really dive deep into the love of God and not remember our 7 saracments every single year! Great work!

    3. Justin, your blog is great! I too want to attend a public school for one day! I want to see what it is like. I loved your standpoint on the SAT statistics from Fox News. I never knew Catholic student kids were getting higher scores. Go us! I loved your comments on the theology class just like Reilly. We do learn about the sacraments, gifts, fruits, and more but where do they come from?

    4. I agree with your thought of our Catholic curriculum needing to go deeper into our faith, to some extent. You say that our curriculum should be more about aplolgetics and understanding the rules of the Catholic Church better, but isn't that why we attend mass every week? Theology class provides for a better understanding on the very important things about our faith, such as recieving the sacraments. I would say that we are well educated on topics such as these, and it is made evident when we attend confirmation classes.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Justin, I completely agree with your Theology class analysis. Honestly, coloring and finding inspirational quotes are not going to get the job completely done. Not only I do think its the curriculum that's failing, but somtimes it's also the teacher. You make a great point saying how we should deepen our knowledge, but it might be tough if the instructor is sidetracked. Regardless, your blog was great this week.

  5. Just like Mr. MacDonald says, always thank your parents for sending you to a Catholic school. The sacrifices that they make for you everyday are truly uncountable. But, why go through all the troubles of finances, work, transportation, etc. just for your kid to go to a Catholic school? The opportunities in education, sports, and music are incredible, expenses and sacrifices made by parents bring us closer to God, and we live in a small, organized community which unifies the system.
    One of the reasons why Catholic Schools, particularly ours, are so great is because of the extra curricular activities available to all students. Youth ministry camps are always promoted and accessible to anyone yearning for a greater relationship with God. Our sports programs are outstanding. We have won state titles, district championships almost every year, and personal awards are distributed among star athletes. Personal coaching is usually an option if a certain skill is lacking or needs further development. Besides sports, we also have a chorus, a musical, marching band, drum line, FBLA, personal music classes, a band, and other smaller activities such as environthon, outdoor club, ski club, varsity C, etc. The opportunities are endless and if you are struggling to find something you like, you will receive help.
    Another reason Catholic Schools are valued so much is because they help us forge unbelievable connections with God. We see this relationship flourish especially in our school. We have an advantage that many others wish they had; a small, beautiful chapel. Weekly mass gives people an opportunity to read or alter serve. We receive the Eucharist and Blood of Christ at every assembly, and we sing upbeat songs. Everyday, Theology class teachings us about the readings and ancient documents of our Church's fascinating history. Like I previously stated, many youth ministry camps are available to everyone. God will always play the biggest role in a Catholic School.
    The last reason why I believe that Catholic Schools are awesome is because of the tight knit community that is always present. Everyone knows each other. The teachers know all of their students by name, are are aware of their capabilities. They will tutor you if you ask. Not only the teachers, but almost every student knows their peers. We live in a pretty friendly area, and students have grown up with each other. In school and out, we are a family.
    One constructive suggestion that the school should look into is dropping the government lunch money, therefore suspending its regulations. Many students do not even follow the suggested guidelines from the start, ordering up to three or four servings. The portion sizes, quality, and taste of the lunches are pitiful. Everyday, we see less and less students ordering the lunches because of these poor characteristics. If one thing in the school needs to change, this is it. I would like to conclude by saying that Catholic Schools not only provide you with essential knowledge and understanding of the real world on Earth, but will continue to help you gain eternal life.

    1. You did a nice job by starting off and stating how parents make sacrifices for their children and then list the reasons for those sacrifices. You managed to cover a variety of aspects of the school and not just focus on one area. As far as dropping the government guidelines, I would love to see that happen. However, Mr. McDonald told us at the beginning of the year that it would cost the school around $80,000 because we would lose government funding. The lose of this amount of money would raise tuition, which would cause a decrease in enrollment, which would then continue to cause a chain-reaction of problems. Unless our school could raise the money somehow, I don't see a change possible in this area in the future.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. There are so many things that make attending a Catholic school awesome! I have attended a Catholic school my whole life and love every minute of it. I cannot imagine myself in a public school because I have come to realize attending Catholic schools have impacted my life in so many positive ways. I am so thankful for my parents raising me in a Catholic school and atmosphere. We have such a positive image in our community. We have great sportsmanship, helping hands, and kind hearts. We are considered the people the just learn about God, but we are taught way more than that. We are taught every subject they are taught and learn lessons that will last a lifetime. From teachers, I have learned courage, perseverance, confidence, and understanding. Catholic schools have made me part of the person I am today. It's hard to narrow it down to only three things that make Catholic schools and our Catholic school so special. From the atmosphere all the way to the faculty is what makes our school and all Catholic schools pretty awesome. One thing that makes Catholic schools awesome is the opportunity to learn about God. Learning about God is the best thing you can have. Learning about Him daily in theology class throughout all of the sacraments, gifts, and fruits is so good for strengthening our faith, life, and soul. It teaches us the unity and connection of all people between God. Public schools do not have this amazing opportunity. A second thing that makes Catholic schools awesome is that we get to attend church weekly and on holy days. Fortunately, our school is lucky to enough to have our own chapel in the school. We can worship with the whole student body and we have opportunity to pray and think on our own time too in the chapel. A third reason why our school is awesome is because we are all very close. ECC is very small, so we know everyone. Teachers at ECC know each student and each student knows every teacher, in bigger schools you do not see this. We are truly very close. With our closeness and unity, considering small class sizes, can allow us as a whole to spread our faith and what we are taught throughout one another. One thing our school can change is school lunches. We should drop the government funding lunches and proceed with our own. As a result of the un-delightful lunches, I now bring my lunch daily. I was tired of eating pizza everyday because of the unpleasant entrees. Dropping government funded lunches and starting our own lunch system will provide a delightful and pleasant lunch enjoyed by all students. Another thing that they should take into consideration is to attend more field trips. For most kids, the annual grade retreat is the only field trip they go on. As a juniors this year, last week we got to attend the National College Fair. This trip was so much fun and laid back, but educational in so many ways. Education can definitely be taught in different atmospheres other than the classroom. They are a great way to change school in the classroom up a little bit. We come to realize our school can improve and advance on some things just like other schools in the country and world, but our school is unique and shares a vital image in many student lives.

    1. Allie,
      I can relate to your blog personally. I have always attended a Catholic school, and I do not think I could ever go to a different school. Growing up in these schools has taught me so much about myself and others as well. I also agree with the idea about field trips. I want to be excited to go to school and do something different, not just go through the motions every day.

  8. Last week at church, I received a presentation on the benefits of Catholic schools. Todd and Ann Breindel gave this talk, and offered up points that I did not even realize. They stated privileges that I take for granted every single day such as the closely-knit community our school offers, the ability to freely express our faith, and the privilege of wearing a uniform. Now that I have taken a step back, I realize how truly lucky I am to receive a Catholic education.
    The biggest reason that Catholic schools are worth attending is because of the ability to express our religion freely. In a public school, this is against the rules. Students at Catholic schools are encouraged to talk about their faith and ask questions. We are able to say prayers in the morning and afternoon as an entire student body. Athletes pray before their events publicly with no fear of persecution. I am able to openly converse with my friends and classmates about my faith and beliefs. As a part of the week, we attend mass while also having theology classes every day. At any time during the day, students are able to visit the chapel where the Eucharist is stored. Because of this privilege, we receive graces and can develop our prayer life. Public schools cannot be compared with the religious aspect of Catholic schools. As Catholics, the goal of life is to achieve entrance into heaven. With this being said, having a strong Catholic background along with a hearty education certainly helps establish the close relationship with a God that we need to enter.
    The small-school environment helps students to nurture their morals, values, and learn respect. In the junior class, there are 47 students. This small class size allows for every student to know one another, not to mention the rest of the school. Students at public schools go through high school only knowing their small group of friends. Teachers at our school have an individualized approach towards their teaching. If a student is struggling, the teachers come before and after school to offer help.This is a privilege that I take for granted. Public school teachers work their hours and then leave. When I go to school, I do not have to worry about seeing needles in the bathroom, cops walking around the halls, or people smoking. A Catholic school provides the right atmosphere for students to feel comfortable while learning.
    The last reason that I am proud to attend a Catholic school is that we are all seen as equal. No one can dress better or worse than someone else. The important thing about this is that God also sees us all as equal. There is no prejudice towards a certain group of people or person at school, and this carries into our final judgment. Uniforms allow students develop respect for others because you do not look at their clothes, you look at the person. You see the person for who they truly are, and not what for they are wearing. This is essential as small children need to be taught that everyone is the same because we are all sinners. This carries into their teenage years and overall shapes them into respectful young adults.
    I believe that Elk County Catholic is an excellent school, but I wish that we could more time into doing fun things with our faith. Students get to attend only one retreat day all year and few activities during Catholic Schools Week. This past week we got to watch a faith-based movie and had a talk about it with a priest. I wish that we could make our religion fun and exciting like this all the time

    1. I completely agree with you saying I wish that we could put more time into doing fun things with our faith. We all have been encouraged numerous times this year to attend the DME retreat. Why not just incorporate some of things DME does to increase our faith at school everyday. We need to jazz up some of the things we do with our faith. Maybe if we did this we wouldn't have those people that say attending mass is boring.

    2. I felt the same way last week during the presentation at mass, there are so many things about attending a Catholic school that we all take for granted. You make a great point about God seeing us all as equals and I think more people need to adopt this idea. I feel when other people talk about our uniforms they think we are trying to make ourselves seem better than others, but if they read what you wrote I think it maintain change some opinions. I also strongly agree with you on making our faith more fun to draw interest.

  9. By having the opportunity to attend a Catholic School, I am truly blessed. Everyday I am given the chance to learn in a warm and safe environment, and most importantly increase my faith each and every day. My parents make unbelievable sacrifices in order to send me to a private, Catholic high school and I could not be more thankful of them for that. There are so many different things that make my Catholic school awesome. The first thing is all of the different members of the school staff, from teaches to coaches. There's no other way to put it other than that our teachers are unbelievable. They are well trained, and very bright and intelligent people. At a public school, the teachers salaries are much higher, in some cases double the amount that Catholic school teachers receive. This goes to show that teachers at a Catholic school are not focused on money, but rather focused on giving students the best education possible, and teaching them how to be successful and respectful along the way. Class sizes are very small, with fifteen to twenty kids per class. Having small class sizes allows teachers to really get to know there students, and help them to learn at the highest level. Teachers at ECC are very dedicated to assisting their students and helping them to learn. They are willing to answer any questions a student may have, and stay before and after school to assist students. The commitment and loyalty of teachers at ECC is the major reason behind the outstanding academic programs Elk County Catholic has. Our coaches are the same way. Most coaches we have are volunteers who give up loads of their time so that we may have the successful sports teams we have every single season. Another awesome feature of our Catholic school is having a dress code. Many people, including a lot of students who attend ECC may not like this, or think that it is stupid to make everyone where the same thing. Personally, I think our uniforms are awesome. Uniforms cut down on some aspects of the drama that comes with attending high school because everyone dresses the same. Uniforms also show the bond and unity we have at ECC. We also have many dress down days, days in which students may where whatever they want to, like other public schools. Most of these dress down days are sponsored by student council and allow for students to help out the community. Students must donate money, which is then sent to a local program or family in need of money in our area, in order to participate in dress down days. These donations would never be possible, without uniforms. Lastly, ECC is awesome because of its Catholic based curriculum with Christ at its center. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "Students should be encouraged to listen to the Word of God, to attend the Sacrifice of the Mass, to persevere in prayer, to contribute to works of charity and to community efforts for justice, to bring up their children in the Christian faith, to cultivate the spirit and practice of penance and thus implore, day by day, God's grace"(Catechism of the Catholic Church). We have an amazing opportunity to attend weekly mass, and learn more about our faith in God in theology class everyday. As Catholic's it is our duty to learn about God, defend our faith, and go and spread the good news and messages God brings. By attending a Catholic school we are more and ready to do that. One area in which ECC can improve upon is getting to and making use of our chapel. We usually only are in the chapel one time a week, and that is for mass. We start and end everyday with a prayer, why not make those prayers in the chapel. It would be awesome for the whole school to gather together two times a day, in our chapel.

    1. Frank,
      One of your strongest points is that of our staff at the school. You made a great point in saying that our teachers are not here for money but for the students, because I think this is something very few students think about. Your suggestion of using the chapel more often is a very good idea, I walk by the chapel several times everyday, but rarely think about what it means. We should incorporate the use of our chapel more into our day because I feel that many students do not realize how much of a blessing it is to have a place like that in our school.

    2. Frank,
      I think that the teachers at Elk County Catholic make it a very good school to attend. Even though they are making far less than the teachers over at Dutch they are passionate about giving their students the best education possible. Nice job using a quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You tied it in well with the rest of your blog. Keep up the good work!

  10. Being exposed to Christ throughout the day, knowing and seeing everyone who attends our school, and having the ability to obtain a high level education are three major reasons why Catholic schools are the best option when deciding on an education path. At Elk County Catholic, the major foundation is rooted in Christ. Like all Catholic schools across the country, our school gives people the opportunity to attend weekly mass as well as learn about our faith through theology classes. Our school has a deep tradition of being very spiritual. In many classes, teachers, such as Mr. Fernan, has his kids pray before each class thanking God for all that he does. Similarly, sports team gather before playing each game or event and pray asking God to keep them safe as they go and compete using the talents that he gave them.

    Another benefit of attending not just a catholic school, but attending Elk County Catholic, is that you are exposed to a fewer amount of people. Each day you see the same faces and know everyone. Sometimes this can be overwhelming, but for the most part it makes the days easier to manage when you know you are attending class with your best friends who you do everything with. By seeing each other everyday this builds a bond that you do not know has developed until you hit summer and you do not see the same people everyday like you do in school.

    The last thing about Catholic Schools is that you are obtaining one of the highest levels of education possible. Individuals who teach at Catholic schools do not receive the same amount of pay as those who teach at public schools. It is a substantially less amount. Yet, day after day they continually work to develop all of their students to become the best people possible. They care fore their students, which means they don't cut corners or take the easy path. When this type of connection is made, students develop a desire to learn and not just go through the motions each day.

    Though Catholic schools seem like there are no flaws in them, nobody is perfect. I believe one aspect of the school system that could be corrected is the unneeded amount of interruptions their are during class. A system should be developed that allows announcements to be broadcasted to just the students it pertains to not the entire school. This mostly has to deal with middle school announcements. Each day I can see the frustration on the faces of teachers when they hear an announcement that pertains to a group of middle school individuals. Also, I feel as though the tone that rings to tell the middle school students to change class should somehow be programmed to ring just in the middle school half. There is no need for it to ring in the class rooms that are solely high school. Again, this type of thing frustrates the high school teachers because of unneeded noise and interruption.

    1. Dan,
      Your introduction really laid out the format of your entire blog, which probably made it easier to write. The three arguments that you establish are all very honest and I think that we can all agree with them. I really liked the concluding paragraph. The tones and announcements should be directed only to the middle school because they (especially the announcements) snap the students, as well as the teachers, out of attention. Great blog.

  11. Attending a Catholic school is vary special because it is a private school, which means the classes are smaller. Everybody knows everyone. That is just one thing that I like about a Catholic school. At public there can be a couple hundred in a class, it would be nice because there are more people to meet but the likeliness of knowing all is slim. I know a lot of people from the public school around elk county but not everyone. At ECC I know pretty much every person in most grades. You can develop better friendships in my experience.
    I believe you can receive a better education because the teachers are more one on one with the students because the classes are smaller. For example, at ECC my statistics class only has eleven students in it. Mr lallman can teach directly to students that need help because there are not 50 kids in his class.
    We have a very unique school. Throughout the years ECC has made so many accomplishments with few kids. State titles, district titles, and more all coming from our little school. Being smells brings us together like many wouldn't believe. We become such good friends that it transfers to the fields courts and tracks because we know each others and how to become great teammates.
    If there was one thing I could change it would be wearing the uniforms. I understand that we want to be all the same so no one is judged but seriously why. School is such a drag on those hot fall days wearing pants and a polo. We should be able to at least wear shorts in my mind. Like in middle school.

    1. Doug,
      I liked how you brought up our stats class, even though none of us know what is going on. It does help that their are only eleven of us, because when one person does not understand, he can help them individually. I really liked how you talked about excelling at sports, that is one thing I did not think to mention. Good job!

    2. Doug,
      I agree with your comment about smaller classes. That is one thing at sets us apart from St. Marys Area. It is nice to be able to talk to teachers one on one because it is easier to learn that way. I think that smaller classes make it easier to learn because everyone knows most of the people in the class. It is easier to collaborate with one another.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Elk County Catholic High School(ECCHS) has tons of great opportunities that can be taken advantage of on a daily basis. It also has a staff that is passionate and dedicated to the success of all of their students. The Catholic environment of the school allows for a great setting to learn skills that will last a lifetime. The school is great at preparing students for a post-secondary education if that is what they desire. ECCHS is known for developing students into people that are able to face many of the problems that may arise throughout college and the rest of their lives. Elk County Catholic offers an experience that has tons of activities, caring teachers, and a great environment to develop skills that will be required for the rest of their student's lives.

    Our high school has around twenty extracurricular activities that students can participate in not including sports. Along with them they have teachers that are dedicated to making the programs a once in a lifetime experience for all of their students. ECCHS combines their curriculum with academics to provide an experience that teaches kids in a way that is fun and hands on. There are also activities that many people in other places do not have the opportunity to experience such as Ski Club and the Skeet Team.

    Elk County Catholic boasts a staff that is dedicated to the overall success of all of the students that pass through the school. To them, it is not about the money, but rather the great experiences and satisfaction they get from teaching their students. The professors at Elk County Catholic are highly qualified for their positions, and they are happy to teach their students anything that they would like to know. Teachers are granted a lot of respect for their ability to teach in the school, and the students are given recognition for respecting their teachers.

    Everyone that attends ECCHS is one big happy family of people who have the common goal of taking something away from the experience.
    On top of all of that, ECCHS provides a great learning environment for students who are trying to pick up on life skills in their journey through high school. Elk County Catholic has a student body that is very disciplined which allows for a bully-free school. In ECCHS students can focus all of their attention on learning rather than the thought that they are going to get bullied.

    Although Elk County Catholic is striving for more students, the high school has class sizes that allow teachers to interact with each of their students one to one. This is very helpful for someone who does not understand the subject at hand, or is having trouble with what the teacher is saying.

    One aspect of the school that has a little bit of room for improvement is the amount of equipment that professors have to teach their class. In many instances teachers bring in materials and books from home because the school does not have the money to fund them. Teachers would definitely be able to teach more effectively if they had the proper resources. For example, the lack of funding for AP Language books and the shoddy wifi that the school has makes for an interesting class sometimes. Although they are faced with some barriers, the teachers are still able to conduct class in an effective way. The school should try to set more money aside for essential things instead of things that are not needed for proper learning.

    Elk County Catholic offers an experience that has tons of activities, caring teachers, and a great environment to develop skills that will be required for the rest of their student's lives. Activities keep students from getting into trouble and apply skills they have learned in the classroom to real life situations, teachers do a great job teaching students what they will know to pursue their careers, and Elk Catholic is an unbelievable facility to learn in. ECCHS is definitely a school that changes the lives of everyone involved with it.

  14. One major positive to going to a Catholic school is the education. The classes are small and that allows for much one on one time with teachers. I feel that this is very rare and helps students to fully grasp the material. Most teachers have way too many students to take time to work with them personally but our school does what they can to do what is best for its students.

    It is amazing to see that because I go to a Catholic school everything is connected. I get to see how religion connects to everything, history, English, writing, science, and almost every course I take. The courses are structured in a way that allows students to find parallels in the material to our religion. This helps me to understand certain beliefs and really get a full view of the religion as a whole.

    At Elk County Catholic, we have been blessed to have two religious figures present daily in our school. Father Ross and Sister John Paul are constant reminders of our religion. They are reminder that God has a plan for each of us and is calling us all, either to a certain occupation or to Himself.

    I do not mean to be offensive in my criticism of the school, but I feel that our theology courses are lacking. A major aspect of attending a Catholic school is the Catholic education, as I spoke of before other courses do a good job of connecting the theological aspects to the material, but the theology courses are sort of weak in my opinion. I have attended the Elk County Catholic school system for my entire school career and I feel that I really have not learned that much about my religion. The same information is taught year after year, and sometimes I feel like I know almost nothing. Over the years some of the religion classes have seemed more like a joke than a serious class. I think maybe the theology courses should be looked at more closely and some changes possibly be made to make religion as important as it should be.

    1. Rachel,
      I like your views on the education of our school. I think it's wonderful that the teachers and students are so close knit. Also how the teachers care so much for our students. I also wrote about this in my blog post. I agree that our theology courses are sort of lacking in the department of theology. I think we should also learn about other religions more because it's a theology class not just a Catholic theology class.

    2. Rachel,
      I agree with your criticism completely. I think that throught middle school we are just taught to love God and study the bible when we should also be learning more about things that are going on in a daily basis. Theology classes are thought of as an easy "A" at our school and I think that that needs to be changed.

    3. Rachel,
      You make some great points on why you enjoy attending our school. I especially appreciate how you respectfully criticized our theology program. I think it is nice that we have the opportunity to practice our faith through these classes, but I definitely think there is room for improvement. I feel the same way how you explained that we learn the same thing every single year, but you feel you know nothing. Overall, your blog was great and informational.

  15. One of the benefits of going to a Catholic school is the small size of the class. When you are walking around school and taking another route to a class you do not end up meeting a ton of people you never met before. Everyone knows each other, and has known each other for most of there life if they have been in the system since elementary school. You never need to worry about being awkward around people that you don't know, you'll always know everyone due to the small class size.

    Another benefit that goes hand in hand with the small size of the class is how close the teachers are to their students. If a student is failing a class many time a teacher will take out some of their personal time to help the student out so the do not fail. There are even some teachers who will tutor students if they need to be tutored, Wee J for example. Also many f the teachers have taught at the school for quite some time, so they know their subjects really well. Some of the teachers, mostly in the science departments, have had experience in their field in the workforce, which can be beneficial for many high school students wanting to pursue a career in that field.

    Us having iPads at schools is a really nice benefit to have. It allows us to write essays for classes anywhere we please. We don't have to be at home to do it along with the benefit of working on an essay during free time in a class period. The iPad also gives us quick and easy access to the Internet whenever we need it. It can be useful in a class where you do not understand the topic and can research more about it online. The teachers also have the ability to email their students is also very nice. It's quick and easy communication between the student and teacher outside of the classroom.

    A huge complaint I have about our school is how much we care about petty little concerns. For example, do we really need to have an assembly about people wearing colored socks and drinking other drinks besides water? People drinking Gatorade in class really shouldn't be an issue we have to talk about, especially when the vending machine sells it during the school day. We should be caring more about academics and bettering the school as a whole than about what color socks people wear.

    1. Zach,
      I really liked how you brought up being awkward, because it is totally true, you really do not not know someone at our school. I like how you brought up the iPads, but not all Catholic schools have these. I do not know what i would do without my iPad. We waste too much time in this school about the tedious little things! Their are bigger issues than if I want to stay hydrated.

    2. Zach,
      I enjoyed the points you made, iPads never came across my mind when I did my blog. I agree with your other points and talked about them some in my blog. As for your complaint, I also agree, we tend to focus on little things. It doesn't have a huge effect but it gets distracting.

  16. I have attended Elk County Catholic since three-year-old pre-school, and ever since first grade I wore a uniform. As a young six year old, I hated the concept of wearing a uniform, I liked to be different from everyone else, so I tried to have some aspect of myself be different than others in my first grade class. But now as a senior, I realize that uniform shaped me to the person I am today. That uniform held a reputation of being God’s follower, displaying the actions taught by Him.

    Catholic Schools have the reputation of being a structured environment that focuses on the lives of the students. This is true in my school, Elk County Catholic, our teachers number one priority is their students. Colleges look for students who attended Catholic schools for a student who is well rounded.
    When I talk to other people who attend large, public schools, I am astounded with the amount of people in each grade level. My friend who attended Elk County Catholic until eighth grade, moved to a school of two thousand people per grade. Jumping from just around fifty people in our grade to over two thousand is a huge step. I would not be the person I am if it was not for the classmates I have had throughout the years. I truly believe others shape the person you are, and that is evident with my peers at my high school.
    All of the students at Catholic schools work toward to build their relationship with God closer each day. We pray twice a day and attend weekly mass, just to name a few things, that help us in being one of God’s followers.

    The one thing I wish that would change about my school is pushing for each student to be a better person, not only in the classroom, but also outside of school, on the weekends, over breaks, etc. This can simply start with one person, no matter a student or teacher. Our uniform should want us to become a better person for ourselves and for others.

    1. Elise,
      I really like your blog and like the perspective of the uniform but I think that your ideas were a little underdeveloped but all were solid points.

    2. Elise,
      I really liked to points on uniforms and I agree with all of your ideas. The structured base that we develop defiantly helps in college. I also mentioned the class size's effect. I also talked about religious aspects of our school but I do think your explanation could have been a bit deeper.

    3. Elise,
      I understand where you are coming from with the uniform shaping us but I also disagree. I think that being able to wear what we want brings out the character in people, it allows them to express who they truly are. But we wear them to show we are all equal and that is what the school is trying to teach us, as you said. Good blog!

  17. Catholic schools enrich and establish good roots in students faith. From preschool until 12th grade student who have the ability to go to a Catholic school are taught all about their faith and God. The teachers and students are able to grow together and learn about themselves and others in their journey to Christ and heaven. Learning our roots and our faith will ensure that after high school the students will be able to continue learning our faith and living the way that God wants us to live. Theology classes are taught from a young age so that we are aware of all the things that the Catholic Church believes in. The Theology class teaches us all the things that you would not know just by going to mass like the true meaning of the sacraments and how to analyze the Bible to get all the true meanings.
    The atmosphere at a Catholic school is very different from that of a public school. The teachers are often seen after school hours tutoring students and giving them all the resources available in order to succeed. There is a personal relationship between the teachers and students that are not found elsewhere. Many teachers go out of their way to make sure that the students are succeeding and are happy. Rarely there is a teacher that passes you in the hall without a smile and hello. The student to teacher ratio is significantly lower than that of a public school which gives students more one on one time to learn the topics. The atmosphere at a Catholic school is much like a family. We are all brought together based on our faith and friendships that will last a lifetime.
    A highlight of every week is the school gathering for mass. We are all brought together to celebrate the reason that Catholic schools were established. They were established in order to practice our faith freely without restrictions. Being able to practice your faith freely is not a right in our country and it is a huge advantage to be able to at school because while you are learning you should also be learning about God.
    The cost of getting a private education is pricy, however without the price you would not be able to practice your faith freely. Although by attending this school you are sacrificing many other things in your life God has sacrificed so much for us and what we sacrifice to go and show others that you will exercise your faith openly is a fraction of what He has done for us.
