Friday, February 12, 2016

What Mama Pajama Saw

Read What the Bagel Man Saw . It is also in your text book, but here is a link also. Additionally, listen to Me and Julio Down by the School Yard .  The gist of the song is that "Me and Julio" got caught doing something illegal and were sent to the clink. They got released after a radical priest argued for their innocence. Mama Pajama is the lady who turned them in. The video was filmed in Paul Simon's old neighborhood in Queens New York where he met his music partner Art Garfunkel.

So, make an argument for or against the use of an honor code at Elk County Catholic High School. You can reference the article and or the song. Put an * next to your thesis.


  1. The honor code is present in almost every community, job, school, and institution in the world, and is a necessity in achieving proper and ideal order. Many people may ask, what is an honor code? It is defined as, "a set of rules or ethical principles governing an academic community based on ideals that define what constitutes honorable behavior within that community." This code shapes the morals and thoughts of every student, pushing them to an honest academic career. *The honor code is needed at Elk County Catholic High School because it holds students responsible for every decision that they make, it prompts good behavior according to God's will, and it eases students into a life after high school.
    The honor code holds students responsible for every decision they make. In "What the Bagel Man Saw", Paul F. realizes that people are stealing from him, yet does nothing about it. People will ponder on their wrongdoings, and those wrongdoings will eventually effect their futures. Paul says, "Unfortunately, the number of bagels and doughnuts that disappear without being paid for has also gone up. Don't let that continue. I don't imagine that you would teach your children to cheat, so why do it yourselves?" If we cheat, the consequences will eventually come back to haunt us someday, wether it is at a new job, or the characteristic is found within your children. If a person is caught, they know what is waiting for them. Detention and failure are on the line, and the student can do nothing about it. Responsibility is needed when the honor code is present, and pupils should realize that.
    The honor code also prompts good behavior according to God's will. Proverbs 10:9 states, "people with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall." Cheating is a crooked path, and will eventually lead to your fall. This fall is not what God intended. His vision is a life for you without misery and pain and the only way to accomplish this is through honest work. We must follow the safe path because if we do, our relationship with God will grow closer and wrongdoings can be avoided.
    Life after high school can be a cruel thing, but the honor code can be a huge help to a successful career. Around the country, professors and bosses sit down to read what their students or employees have written. Sometimes, the language mat seem a bit too sophisticated or in other words, "off." Cheating is a very common act, but many bosses and professors may only encounter a couple of incidences. This is due to the writer coming from a strong rooted honor code background. In 1999, three scientists investigated this case. The reasoning behind it was that, "students at institutions with honor codes frame the issue of academic integrity in a fundamentally different way from students at non-code institutions. Although honor code students feel the same pressures from the larger society as their non-code colleagues, they are significantly less likely to use such pressures to rationalize or justify their own cheating. Rather, they refer to the honor code as an integral part of a culture of integrity that permeates their institutions". So the real question is; If almost three fourths of students cheat, why doesn't every single school across the nation accept this honor code?

    1. Charlie,
      I think you did a phenomenal job incorporating not only evidence from "What the Bagel Man Saw," but also Catholic Church teaching. These quotations that you used increased your argument significantly and helped to back your argument with solid evidence and teaching. After reading what you had written, I believe the honor code should also be implemented within each teaching institution as well. Your last rhetorical question really sealed the argument. Great blog.

    2. Charlie,
      You made great points about the honor system and how it benefits people, but I just don't think it would work well enough at ECC. I don't think an honor code would pressure students out of cheating, if anything I think students would take it as an easier opportunity to cheat. Paul F. mentions that the honest will remain honest and the dishonest stay dishonest, honor code or not. I think the same thing would happen, the students wouldn't change because of a new disciplinary code

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's simple, cheating is easy. Everyone would love to have the opportunity to not do work, but get credited for it. Everyone would love to be the best, but not do anything to get there. Cheating is something that people do. Most people are desperate to be the best and if the cheating is the only thing that will get them there than so be it. With this being such a problem, and honor code is an idea what would make sense. Every single person can be tempted, but every single person has a natural good. *Elk County Catholic High School should have an honor code because it will make the students feel more responsible for their life and it helps them live how God does.
    In the story about the man and his bagels he talked about how and when people steal them. He talks about some days or Holliday's, that are more stressful, people steal the bagels. Paul F. Was a regular man who believed in people. He believed that even though some people stole that they always had good in their heart. He did not create his bagel business for his own self worth, but he wanted people to understand what they were doing and to make themselves better. ECC should have an honor code because it makes students live their life on their own conscience. It makes them think about their relationship between them and God. The honor code takes a toll on ones character and helps guide a student on the right path. At ECC we are meant to serve God, teachers, and ourselves. The only way we can do that is if we honor that. An honor code can can allow these students to not let each other down. 1 John 1:6 states, "If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth." This quote is made for us to realize that if we really love God we would not do anything that he does not want us to do. We are meant to serve and we can only do that if we follow his word, and if we know that what we do is bad or good. The honor code can direct our thoughts into being good and provide us with a good, clean conscience.

    1. Reilly,
      Your view on the honor code is genius. I love the you tied in the bagel guy like you did. Nice work!!

    2. Reilly,
      I think your quote from John 1:6 stated something I'm going to implement into my blog. The key word I took from that quotation was the word "lie." When individuals cheat you lie. They are dishonest, just as Paul F. stated. What this ultimately leads to is the wrong path. Once you get on the wrong path, it is very difficult to get off. You only cheat yourself. Eventually, it catches up with people the question is when will that be? Great blog!

    3. Reilly,
      You make good points but at ECC when there is a class of 8 students what's going to keep them from cheating? Nothing, they will all just work together to get the answers. Yes they may not just copy each other but they will somewhere exchange answers.

  4. The honor code at ECC is a successfully implemented system that punishes cheaters for what they have done. Cheaters do not get by easy in life, even if they are not caught doing so. *I believe that at Elk County Catholic the honor code is necessary to prevent plagiarism, prepare students for the outside world, and build trust as well as good morals.

    Cheating sets a person up for failure, especially spiritually. In the article, Paul F. states, "I had idly assumed that in places where security clearance was required for an individual to have a job, the employees would be more honest than elsewhere. That hasn't turned out to be true.'' This statement can apply directly to our honor code. We enter a place every morning that requires us to acknowledge the presence of God. As soon as we walk into school in the morning, we are greeted by a statue of Mary. As we progress down the hallway, we encounter the theology rooms and the chapel. The sad thing is, we still have people who neglect to do the right thing, despite all of these daily reminders of the honest thing to do. This is where the honor policy comes into play. Without it, people would cheat and plagiarize endlessly. Although there are many honest students, some just look for the easy way out. The honor code is a preventive policy that is there for those who find it easier to cheat themselves and others instead of doing the work.

    As students grow up and move away, they will be prepared for whatever is thrown at them because of the honor code. They will be able to own up to their achievements and failures. They will be able to take responsibility for their actions because of their high school experiences. A benefit of going Elk County Catholic is the small town atmosphere that puts the spotlight on a person who chooses to cheat. In "What The Bagel Man Saw" Paul F. states,"A rural community tends to exert greater social incentives against crime, the main one being shame." This says that by living in Elk County, students are able to feel guilt for their actions. This is a very important factor that needs to be carried out into life long-term. Towards the end of the article, Paul talks about how people who are higher up in a business tend to cheat more. Therefore, students who attend ECC will not be those people. They will be the people in the business who encourage goodness. They will be honest about their work because they know the consequences, just like there were consequences in high school. By having the honor code in place, students can be set up to achieve good things and change the world in a positive way.

    The honor code is an excellent way to teach good morals and responsibility. It holds the student accountable for their actions. Because of this code, students build responsibility. From responsibility comes trust. Trust is a major barrier to overcome with someone and shows character. If someone can trust you, that is a big achievement. I believe that this is the goal of Elk County Catholic, as they want to graduate honest, trustworthy adults who are ready to stand up for what is right, because they know what is wrong. The honor code promotes this mission and pushes students to be their best selves

    1. Kara,
      I like your take on this however I think that ECC's honor code is much to lenient on students and we should have more trust and rise to meet that responsibility. I liked you quote and great job!

    2. Kara your blog is good! I agree with Makenzie, our school is too lenient with the honor code. We need to change that! I loved your quote and the analogy used pertaining to our own school. Good work!

  5. Those who follow an honor code are held to exceptionally higher standards than those who do not. *It is only fitting that a school like Elk County Catholic be held to these standards and be pushed to meet these standards because those are the types of students that ECC alumni are, truthful and hardworking. I think that it would be a great challenge for the students to do their work faithfully and work to deserve the trust of their teachers.
    I think that the honor code would be really hard to enforce however the students that it would produce would be proof that this school is a good one. Having the ability for the teachers to walk out of the room and no one cheat would be an accomplishment everyone would be talking about. It would bring exposure to the school and the military is a great example of it working. It would help shape all of us into good and worthy students. People who are truthful will always bless under pressure. I think that those are the students that we want at ECC. We should have te reputation of a school that can enforce this code successfully and produce students who are ready to go out into the world and make a difference.
    There is a lot of doubt that this would work because people cheat all the time but if everyone else is going along with the honor code hopefully that would deter the people who are for cheating. The story that we read can be interpreted that good business will outdo businesses that cheat and lie. That is a message that we as students should be taught. That is why I think that the honor code would be a good idea for ECC.
    This idea is everywhere, earlier I mentioned it being in the military. It is in every job that someone might have and if we can not follow that code now how are we supposed to be able to when we have a job. Many of use have jobs already and most handle money. If you can not be trusted to put the money where it belongs without taking any then how are you supposed to be able to do that without an honor code. Every workplace has an honor code and I do not think that enforcing an honor code at our age would be a bad idea at all. We all must learn to follow the ideas that will be present no matter what we do with out lives. It is something that should be ingrained in us now while we are still learning and making mistakes.
    With an honor code the amount of student who cheat go down significantly. This is because it makes the students strive to be better people and to find it in themselves to become the person that they would like to be. Honor codes would help every school across the nation to produce better citizens and students. That is why I think that an honor code should be enforced across the nation.

    1. Makenzie, your blog is really good! I loved your ideas you wrote about! I love your interpretation of the rules in the military the whole surrounding world around us. Honor codes drive kids to become better students and people! The kids are what depict our future! Awesome blog!

    2. Mackenzie,
      I love how you incorporated the military! You made it personal when talking about jobs and handling money. I completely agree that we should follow the honor code!

    3. Mackenzie, I like how you talk about the strength of our school! I do feel as if our school does have the ability to not cheat!

  6. "What the Bagel Man Saw" has enlightened me on the fact that no matter what precautions or steps are implemented to prevent cheating, it is still going to occur. Cheating results from individuals taking the easy way out. People always say it's only cheating if you get caught, but what if no one catches you? The only person you cheated was yourself. You did not feel as though it was important to take the time to do your own work, or study, or create your own project. This is where individuals need to be held accountable. They need to know that there is not just a slap on the wrist if you are caught. I think that is why so many people are cheating today. School systems implement no cheating policies, but how many times have you heard of them being enforced. I believe the penalty for cheating at Elk County Catholic is a failure for an entire quarter, but have you heard of people actually failing for an entire quarter, or do they just tell them to not do it again? Paul F. stated that an honest man is always an honest man, and a dishonest man will always be dishonest. But, I think that by incorporating the right process into our school system will deter individuals from performing these actions. *At Elk County Catholic the honor system would be the most influential, effective, and imperative form of enforcement in all curriculum fields.

    Paul F. was an established man who had a great career going for him. One day he decided to give it all up because he was only known to people as "the guy who brings in the bagels." So what did he do? He became a man who sold bagels. The only difference was he did it on the honor system. And the results he found where staggering.(If you read the story you can see his results and data no need to explain) We can learn from what he has done in the work place.

    I want to take this a step further and say that with the honor system, not only is the cheater held accountable for his/her action but so is anyone who knows or hears about these actions being performed. People get put into a bind sometimes. Should I take the easy way out, or the honest, harder way? This happens as a result of not wanting to become a rat or a snitch. At the University of Virginia, they use the honor system. The teacher gives out a test and leaves the room. You take the test and place it on their desk once you are finished. You have all the means in the world to cheat yet no one does, why? This happens. Evacuee anyone found cheating is kicked out. Also, anyone who knows about if someone cheated or not and doesn't report it is help just as accountable as if he/she was the cheater themselves. So, I'll leave you with this. The honor policy should be an aspect that is implemented within Elk County Catholic, not to prevent cheating, but to prevent failure. Cheating only gets you so far, eventually it will catch up. And the sad part is once it happens out in the real world, they don't care. They have numerous people who are capable of filling your position. They won't lose any sleep over it, but you will.

    1. Your blog was great from start to finish. I really enjoyed your last paragraph and the example you used about the university of Virginia, that's good stuff. I agree that the honor code not only prevents cheating, but prevents failure!!

      Btw for anyone who doesn't know, this guy had a sweet ass game winning put back to beat Ridgway, and win the AML title!! So, if you see Dan on Tuesday make sure to congratulate him!!

    2. Dan,
      I completely agree with what you had to say. The use of the real life scenario, Virginia University, really stood out because it provided a good example of what happens in the real world. Your thesis really paved the way for the rest of the blog. Great job with the blog, and the game!!

  7. The honor code is found in many schools but should not be brought into Elk County Catholic High School. *The school already has an honor system and that is in the name of christ and bringing in the honor code will only hurt the students more. The classes are to small in the school to enforce the rule. Some classes have as low as 11 students in them. Well how hard would it be to convince 11 students to all join together to take a test. Honestly, who wouldn't do that? But when there are 50+ in a classroom, one is likely to rebel and tell on the cheating students. When there are smaller classes the snitch is easily pointed out. Who wants to be that person that rats on their friends because they were working together on a test, no one. ECC is a small school where almost everyone are friends and wouldn't rat on their friends whether they cheat or not. So no, the honor code would not help or be beneficial to the school because the students are children of God and should follow his footprints by being an honest human being and relying on his or her own work.

    1. I liked how you were willing to take the hard route and say you are against an honor code system. It does, however, come as big suprise to me that you are against an honor code. You are big into the marines, a group in which everything is based on trust, and loyalty to your country. I can see where you are coming from, but our teachers trust us not to cheat and do to the right thing.

    2. Doug, you make good points, but we go to a catholic school shouldn't we not stray away from that temptation? Don't we want to be seen as children of God and do what he would want us to do becaus we are his children?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Douglas,
      I think that it was good to bring up the fact that the majority of students in our school are Catholic. Most people in our school are trying to be reflections of Jesus. Next time I hope that you capitalize the "C" in Christ. It would definitely be hard to convince a class of eleven students to follow the honor code. It was nice reading your blog this week

    5. Doug,
      The idea that small class size goes hand in hand with the amount of people cheating is very good. You're right, people would cheat if there is a small number of people, no one wants to be the rat.

  8. An academic honor code or honor system is a set of rules or ethical principles governing an academic community based on ideals that define what constitutes honorable behavior within that community. Cheating can be defined in numerous ways. Cheating can be as simple as looking off someone else's paper during a test or assignment. Using someone else's work and passing it as your own (a.k.a. plagiarizing) is another very common form of cheating. People cheat for all different reasons. Some people cheat because they are to lazy or too careless to do their own work. Others may cheat because they are to focused or worried about getting good grades that they cheat in order to make sure they do good. No matter what the reason people cheat, the point is it still happens. I think the best way to prevent cheating is not with punishments if caught such as detention, but with an honor system. *ECCHS should adapt and honor system into their everyday curriculum in order to prevent students from cheating, and hold them responsible for any poor decisions they make.*
    Implementing an honor code at ECC is the right thing to do. This puts all the pressure and responsibility on the students. Students may be able to get away with cheating on an assignment in high school, but in the end it will only hurt them. If students are able to cheat and get away with it, they are likely to cheat again. By consistently cheating over and over, you soon begin to eventually cheat yourself, and set yourself up to future failure. An honor code prevents all of that. Built on trust, an honor code is easily accepted by most people. In the story "What the Bagel Man Saw," a man named Paul F. finds out people are taking advantage of his kindness, and stealing from him. Paul F., however, does not do anything about the fact that people are stealing from him, which puzzles me. I think that if an honor code is implemented, and someone decides to break it, they should be punished and must accept the consequences to their wrongdoings. In most business if someone steals from the company they are working for they are usually fired, and faced with legal accusations. This is why it confuses me to think that Paul F. was willing to just let those who stole from him go. Personally, I know if someone stole from me I would be very upset. An honor code at a Catholic high school should he enforced. In the end everyone will face God, and it is up to him to decide whether or not you have been honest or dishonest.

    1. Frank,
      I had similar points in my blog that you have in yours. Your ending sentence is really good and ties the rest of the blog in with the whole Catholic theme that you bring up. Overall I agree with you. Good blog!

    2. Frank,
      You have a very valid argument but I disagree. I think that the people who are willing to go against the trust of others are ready to face any disciplinary actions or a harder future. People would t respect the honor code very well to begin with as most students do not respect the rules we have in place already.

    3. Frank,
      I agree people cheat because they are too lazy. Do you not think that ECCHS already has a honor code? Your last sentence is perfect, good job!

  9. I do not think ECC should adopt an honor code, the concept is good but I do not feel as if it will fit in. *The honor code would not work because the honest will stay honest and the dishonest will stay dishonest, as mentioned in "What the Bagel Man." I do not think that we can handle the trust to not cheat or misbehave. It is hard enough to control certain students with the disciplinary code we have does not deter students to not cheat or misbehave. If we institute an honor code, it will happen exactly the way it happens in "What the Bagel Man Saw," some will do their work and behave, but many who can be sneaky will cheat and break other rules and get away with it. People will go against the honor code and will have no regret, and one might argue that they are hurting themselves but most students who break the code are quite capable of preforming well on tests or assignments, they just choose not to do it in their own.
    It would be beneficial for the few students who do their own work to not have the administration breathing down their necks making sure that they aren't cheating, and they are doing themselves a favor by actually working, but this pro does not outweigh the con of the abusers of the system. As I mentioned before, the abuses can get away under the system and at the worst they have to do more work later on in life, most of the time, the students do not even fell remorse for going against the trust held by others for small things like cheating on a ten question homework assignment. In the end, it is why I believe the honor system would fail, there would be too many people who whole go against it, they just don't care, or they are ready to accept the consequences, wether the get caught or it is a result later on in life.

    1. John,
      I agree with most of the things you had to say on your blog, but I do think that dishonest people can become honest. I thought your mention of administration breathing down people's necks interesting. I have never experienced that myself. I think that the staff at our school does a pretty nice job keeping the bad students in line without disrupting the good students. I enjoyed reading your blog.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. John,
      I think our school already has a good base for an honor code. It seems to be working in some cases, but obviously not all can be fair. We need the code BECAUSE of the students cheating and we shouldn't hold back from it. Although it would hurt many cheaters, the ending benefits would teach them various lessons. That's just my opinion. Otherwise, great job laying the blog out and constructing it.

    4. John,
      I agree with all of your post. I too, with my blog thought that the honor code should be removed. Your statement "the honest will stay honest and the dishonest will stay dishonest". Is what makes your argument so sound.

  10. Many high schools and universities have their students take exams on the honor system. The honor code allows students to take tests solely on trust rather than having proctors. This simplifies the test-taking process, but is it fair to allow students to operate on an honor system? How would the use of an honor code work in a small high school? *While the honor code is designed to take stress off of teachers who are suppose to be looking out for students that are cheating it is not the right thing to incorporate into Elk County Catholic because scholars will still be able to cheat on tests without any consequences.

    The honor code relies on other students to tell teachers whether students are cheating. The program is solidified by the fear that somebody will turn in the person that is cheating. In a perfect situation that would work perfectly, but not in a school where everyone is good friends nobody would have the heart to tell one of their teachers that their friend was cheating on his exam. Schools should not rely on people's honesty to make their jobs easier.

    In their essay What the Bagel Man Saw, Dubner and Levitt wrote about a man who started his own bagel business that operated on people's honesty. He could track how many of his customers did not pay for their bagels because he knew how many bagels were taken and how much money he had in the boxes he put out to collect money. He was getting most of the money from his bagel sales, but there were always a few people who would not pay for their bagel. There essay touches on a completely different situation than the honor system that is being used in schools across the country. The difference is the fact that he knew that they were not paying for their food. If someone was cheating on a test in a school he would go undetected as long as he was not turned in by his classmates. Elk County Catholic is a very tight knit group of people. It would be hard to instill the morals in a person to the extent that he would take actions resulting in a failing grade for one of his friends.

    It would be a step in the wrong direction to start using the honor system at Elk County Catholic High School. The school has the resources to create an environment for their students that does a better job at stopping the cheaters. A big barrier for the school to overcome is the capability of cheating on iPads that are given to all of the students. There are two solutions to the problem. Elk Catholic could incorporate the proper barriers on the iPad to ensure that student will not be able to cheat on them, or teachers could start to print tests on paper again. It would be cheaper to buy the software to fix the iPad issue rather than spending money printing out tests.

    While the honor code is designed to take stress off of teachers who are suppose to be looking out for students that are cheating it is not the right thing to incorporate into Elk County Catholic because scholars will still be able to cheat on tests without any consequences. Cheating cannot be fixed by putting trust in the people that were causing the problem in the first place. The class sizes at Elk County Catholic are small enough for one proctor to look over the room without any trouble, but in the end there will always be people cheating because with advancements to stop it come more innovations to do it.

  11. People cheat, in fact, lots of people cheat. At ECC you would be surprised by the sheer number of people cheating. If I had to give an estimate, I would say that greater than eighty percent of people cheat or have cheated at ECC. Students simply don't care if they get caught, it also doesn't help that when they do get caught they actually don't receive the punishment they are suppose to. This is mostly caused by teachers not following through with their threats. If someone gets caught cheating they are suppose to fail the class for the quarter. If someone is caught this rarely, if not never, happens. I can recall several times where people have been caught and almost every time all that happens is they fail the assignment. This lack of gumption from the school to follow through with their threats causes mass amounts of cheating. What use is an honor system if it is never enforced? If ECC were to remove the honor code nothing would change because the consequences would remain the same. There would still be no real punishment for cheating. There are people that do not cheat right now, but this is not because they are afraid of the school's punishment. These people that currently do not cheat simply don't because of their own moral standards. If the honor code was gone, they probably wouldn't cheat for those same reasons. *The honor system itself is irrelevant to the issue of cheating; with or without it people will still cheat.* In the essay about the Bagel Man, Paul F. mentions that the people he sells bagels to never change. They either pay or they don't pay. They never switch from one to the other, regardless of what outside forces act on them. This is the same with cheating at ECC. The cheaters will continue to cheat, regardless of whether or not there is an honor code.

    1. Zac,
      I am really glad you stressed on cheating, and i agree with everything you said about how many people actually cheat. I truly think that students do not receive the correct punishment because the teacher does not want to have one of their students to have a zero for the quarter, it will make them look bad. Good job!

  12. I think the honor code is a controversial topic. I picture the small bowl sitting on the porch at Halloween, which says, “Please take only one!” This note challenges many kids’ integrity, to take just one piece of candy like the note says, or not listen to the note and take more than one piece of candy. *The honor code changes for every person, depending on his or her integrity and morals.

    I do think Elk County Catholic has an honor code, for many things. First, cheating. Elk County Catholic has a no tolerance policy for cheating. So, a student knows what the result could be if the student chose to cheat. Secondly, the lunch line. Seniors have the “privilege” to skip the juniors in the lunch line. Now, the juniors can choose to skip the seniors, but they know what the result can be. For my last example, having your cell phone out in school. The punishment for having your phone out during school hours is five hours; the student would know what the punishment would be.

    The example of taking more than one piece of Halloween candy is very different than my examples from Elk County Catholic High School. Taking more than one piece of candy leaves your conscience thinking what you did after the fact, while the other three examples does the same, but with an extra physical punishment. Both of these scenarios, leaves the person to have to think about their actions after the fact.

  13. A honor code is a statement addressing issues such as cheating and misrepresentations made by a school. Elk County School System should be for the use of the honor system. Honor codes establishes so much for the community and society around us. Honor codes create a stronger sense of option and conscience. They help students determine choices so they can do this when they become older and are on their own. As we visualize the music video, we come to conclude honor codes should be strong in our schools. Honor codes separate those who try hard and those who slack off. Honor codes can make stronger students which makes a stronger alumni who are proud to say that that school is their alma mater. Although all schools have their ups and downs, each school needs to address the cheating policy more and more. We need to appreciate and honor those who work so hard. They put so much time, effort, and heart into their school work which needs to noticed. The kids who work hard and have dedication want to become noticed. The students that are noticed will get stronger in their future beliefs in college, jobs, etc. Working hard and true dedication is what makes a valuable school and a school worth it's touch, not the good grades by cheating and copying. Those who cheat and misinterpret school rules should be scolded. This is not what true knowledge is about. Honor codes that are obeyed by all students will present the school as strong minded and caring. These schools will care about their future. The way schools are today in society is awful. The treatment and behavior are at a point they have never been before. The treatment and behavior of students to other students needs to be addressed. We need to make safer, fair, and equal societies and communities. The children fill our societies and communities and determine our future, even if we don't know them personally. *The honor codes in schools make everyone's future stronger than it will ever be.
