Friday, December 18, 2015

The True Meaning of Christmas

A Doubtful Christmas is a story about the value of hard work.  Read this enjoyable, true story and answer the following question:  Have we lost the true meaning of Christmas?  Choose a side and argue it.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Talk Much?

Find a quote that embodies your tentative thesis. Then, tell us your plans for your paper. This weeks blog will be short, but sweet. You need only provide the quote and a 2-3 explanation of your plan. Work hard on your research! And be ready with that on Monday.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Walt Whitman, Mark Twain and Frogs.

In Slang in America, Whitman makes an interesting point when he describes the regionalism of slang. Throughout the second half of the essay, Whitman maintains that slang is part of America but begins to explore various nicknames and slang used in different regions.   Read "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" by Mark Twain which addresses the mannerisms of a gold-mining camp in California. Consider the argument being made by both authors and the way in which their pieces support or refute perceptions of slang and the common man.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Feast of Christ the King

This Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King. "What does that mean," you say? Use this link to discover what the feast celebrates and why and make an argument about why this feast is essential to Christians of our time. Why and how is it relevant to 2016? The feast is not just celebrated by Catholics, but by all christian faiths. Please underline your thesis and make a well formed argument. You may use quotes from the article as well as quotes from this Sunday's readings, response and or gospel. You will find a link to all of those on the right hand side of the article. And happy Feast of Christ the King to all of you!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Say What?

Read the essay Mother Tongue then watch the TedTalk "The Danger of a Single Story"

Examine how the construction of Adichie's argument mimics Tan's. Also, talk about the stories of these women. What strikes you as interesting? What do you think about what they have to say. You must blog anywhere from 300-500 words. You should have a lot to say. They are very interesting stories.

Friday, November 6, 2015

We Don't Need No Education!

Another Brick in the Wall

Quotes about Education

Watch the video from Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall", then choose a quote from the list. Once a quote has been chosen, it is no longer available, so first come, first serve.

 Relate the quote to the video and or song lyrics in some way. Consider that I am providing you with two resources, a quote and a song/video about the topic of education.

Talk about the topic of education. What do you think about it?  Talk about education as a philosophy, or a practice, or a responsibility or ????????

When you respond to a classmates blog, do not comment on whether or not you like it. Rather comment on how you might challenge it or validate it with another point.

I am looking for posts that are full of thought about the topic. Perhaps you chose a quote that contradicts the lyrics or the video. On the other hand, perhaps you found a quote that drives home an important point brought up in the lyrics or video.

Most of all, I want you to think, deeply about the topic. You may also pull in any thoughts from pieces we have read in this unit.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween Anyone?

Make an argument about whether or not Christians should celebrate Halloween?  Make sure you defend and support your argument. And put a star next to your thesis. You may use outside sources, including the homily given by Father Ross this morning.

PS. This blog does not direct you to write an introduction, it tells you to make an entire argument. No one got full credit on this blog. You need to spend more time on these, especially one that asks you to use sources.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Food Marvelous Food!

Cafeteria Woes

Read this article and choose one other on the topic. You will have to search for one. Include the link to the article that you choose, and construct a title and an  introductory paragraph for an essay whose topic is "Food in Schools".  It is purposely broad. Again, a title and introduction only. UNDERLINE THE AWESOME THESIS!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Play That Funky Music

Step by step directions for rhetorical analysis


Notice in the example that he concentrates on the lyrics of the song.

Your job is to complete a rhetorical analysis of a song of your choice. Nothing with raunchiness please. Keep it clean. Also, no repeats.

You may choose from any genre including pop, country, show tunes, hymns, old nigro spirituals...the list goes on and on. Do not pick a song that pops up when you type in rhetorical analysis of a song. Pick a song that you like and DO THE WORK. Have fun!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

From the Picket Lines!

Here are two articles. You should read them both, and choose one about which to write.

Both of these articles address RHETORIC. The authors argue that in order for an argument to be valid, all three appeals need to be considered. Do you agree with what these authors have to say about rhetoric? Consider how you approached the topic of the promotion of ECCSS. Did you use all of the angles? Did you contemplate the audience? How might reading and analyzing these pieces of writing help you with yours. Do these authors fulfill their "Writers Duty"?

Friday, October 2, 2015

When Homecoming Gets Weird

When Homecoming Gets Weird

Read these three reports titled "When Homecoming Gets Weird". Then, put on your creative hat and write a story. It must be titled, "When Homecoming Gets Weird" and it has to be set in St. Marys PA during Homecoming Weekend.  Your story should not relay any real shenanigans that occurred over the weekend. This should be entirely fictional. Have fun with it, but follow the rules of good writing! 325 word minimum

The piece voted "Best BLOG" will receive an exemption for next week. We will vote on Monday.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Viva el Papa!

Pope's speech to the joint session of Congress

Read and analyze the Pope's speech. You will find the full transcript as well as the video in the link provided. Talk about the effectiveness and or ineffectiveness of the speech. What did the Pope say that resonates with you? Is there anything he did NOT say that you wish he had? Talk about all of the major arguments made by Pope Francis. You may also point out any establishment of ethos or appeals to logos and pathos if you would like. You may also want to point out any rhetorical devices used by Pope Francis.
325 word minimum.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Art of Persuasion in Print Ads

Advertisers persuade us with ads. Find an ad, cut and paste it into the blog and explain how it established ethos and appeals to logos and pathos. What is the purpose of the ad? And how does the creator use the three appeals to successfully persuade the audience. 250 word minimum.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Logos, Pathos and Ethos

Select one of the following rhetorical situations, and in a well developed entry,  establish your ethos and appeal to logos and pathos as you construct your argument.  (250 word minimum)
When commenting on classmates blogs, address their level of success in establishing ethos and appealing to logos and pathos. 
     You are trying to persuade your skeptical parents that a "gap year"-taking a year off between high school graduation and college- will be beneficial. 
     You have been asked to make a presentation to your school's principal and food service staff to propose healthier food choices in the cafeteria at a time when the overall school budget is constrained. 
     You are making the case for the purchase of a specific model and make of car that will best fit your family's needs and resources. 
     You are the student representative chosen to go before a group of local business peopleto ask them to provide financial support for a proposed school trip. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Allegory of the Cave is EVERYWHERE!

So today we talked about allegory as a form and also discussed the meaning of "The Allegory of the Cave". Find something from popular culture that you can argue makes use of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". Provide convincing evidence that it mirrors Plato's argument about enlightenment. Please provide a link to the piece that you choose. Also, use quotes and or examples from The Allegory of the Cave to prove your point. When commenting on other's blogs, agree or disagree that the argument is valid.

PS. No repeats please. First come first serve!

PSS. If you cannot find any pre-made connections, you must think of your own. Read interpretations and analysis of "The Allegory of the Cave" and then think. There are an endless number of songs and tv shows and movies that embody the themes of Allegory of the Cave. Best of luck.

Friday, August 28, 2015

No "Self Respecting" AP student would miss their first blog!!!!!

Read the essay, On Self Respect  by Joan Didion. React/respond to this essay on a personal level. Do you agree/disagree – approve/disapprove of her interpretation of self-respect?  As an aside, also comment on the schools new honor's policy. Do you agree or disagree with the new policy. Explain.